March Fourth for GM's Day!!


It's clear from another thread I was reading that many GM's out there don't feel appreciated, and clearer still that many players don't appreciate the amount of work their GM's are putting into their games*. So what I propose is GM'S DAY
GM's day is the day the gaming community would celebrate all the hard work our GM's do for us. It would be like Mother's day or Father's day, and give us all the chance to pamper our GM.
Maybe we could run a game for them as well!**
Of course, it would get all commercialised, and gaming stores would put ads up like "What are YOU getting your GM this GM's day?" and we would all end up spending lots of money, but that all comes later. What we need now is to pick a date!
All the good ones are taken of course (December 25, April 1, Feb 14th, October 31st) so we all we have left is the also ran dates...
Any suggestions? Which date would be the perfect GM's Day, and why?

Okay, we have a date -March 4th. Now all we have to do is make it happen.

*This is not true of all players and GM's of course. Some Players are very appreciative, and some GM's seem to be venerated, but you get my drift...

** Oh for all those players out there saying "What about Player's day?" - to paraphase my parents - Every day is Player's Day

Edit: to confirm the date.
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March 4th is my son's birthday, so it would be easy to remember for me. :) And I would get presents too, not just my son.

Or would that be too selfish? uhh... yeah... wife would kill... bad mojo... End of March is better.

astralpwka said:
March 4th is my son's birthday, so it would be easy to remember for me. :) And I would get presents too, not just my son.

Or would that be too selfish? uhh... yeah... wife would kill... bad mojo... End of March is better.

It's always going to be someone's son's B-Day no matter when it is. ;)

I think it is too good a slogan to pass up. It also falls at a time when business for retailers can be otherwise slow, which is good for them, and aren't manufactured holidays all about the buying and the spending and the giving and some such like that? :D
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GM's Day

I propose we do a GM's day every time the 13th of the month falls on a friday. As this is only 2-3 times per year It will allow the GM some much needed time off (to plan his game) at a time when he normally would have to work.:D

WAAAAAA hahahahaha

March 4th is good

And I like July 13th too, although my favourite would be July 7 (the seventh of the seventh) as it not only sounds cool, but it's also my birthday. On the other hand, they are both pretty close to July 4th which I hear is a pretty important date for a lot of our American friends out there.

March 4 is good - easter is still a good month away and Valentines day long gone...

January 20th. (1/20)

the best and worst of days for a DM (as per the d20 dice)

You know that you are in for a treat because it is DM's day, but you are dreading what your players will do to you/ for you on that day...

Balgus said:
January 20th. (1/20)

the best and worst of days for a DM (as per the d20 dice)

You know that you are in for a treat because it is DM's day, but you are dreading what your players will do to you/ for you on that day...

I like this better because it's coming up sooner than March. :)

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