March Fourth for GM's Day!!


fba827 said:
The day should be the date EN World first went live!

What better resource for GMs?
It is an honor to a site that has no doubt shaped all of our gaming in some small or large way

(as to what that actual date is, I don't have handy ...)

That would be January 1st. I think you'll find there's already a holiday most people celebrate then. :)

I vote March 4, and I kinda want to use it in Asgard issue 8, since it is Holiday-themed. This thread only has a few hundred views, but Asgard is read by thousands!!!!!

So decide what day you want quickly, so I can put it in the mag. ;)

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RangerWickett said:

That would be January 1st. I think you'll find there's already a holiday most people celebrate then. :)

ARRGG!! That settles it, News Year's Day for the Gregorian calander needs to be moved to a different date and January 1st can be GM's Day.



I like "March Fo(u)rth for GM's Day" as well. Heck, I feel so strongly about it that I am putting it on my calendar right now.

In fact, I think that I am going to start treating that day as if it is the official GM's Day.

Mark, you should start preparing cards, labels, icons, etc. in preparation for the holiday.

T-shirts, coffee mugs, key chains... the list goes on forever (no wonder Halmark likes to manufacture holidays...)


First Post
GM's Day

March is good for me. with the long streach between new years and menmorial day we need somthing there.:p I saw a post earlier that said "Personally, I like either March or August. There is really nothing cool going on in those months. "

while I have to cast my foth for march. I have to disagree that nothing cool happens in those 2 months (march has my birthday and august sees my wifes birthday)

So celebrating it in march is a buy one get one free for me!:cool:

FickleGM said:
I like "March Fo(u)rth for GM's Day" as well. Heck, I feel so strongly about it that I am putting it on my calendar right now.

In fact, I think that I am going to start treating that day as if it is the official GM's Day.

Mark, you should start preparing cards, labels, icons, etc. in preparation for the holiday.

T-shirts, coffee mugs, key chains... the list goes on forever (no wonder Halmark likes to manufacture holidays...)

Ultimately, I think it is up to spunkrat about the marketing of GM's Day but my feeling is that EN World could use the revenues from such sales to fuel what I believe most of us consider the best single site/resource for GMs that exists...EN World. With spunkrat's permission, I think Morrus should get some design ideas from some of the talent here in the community and get some t-shirts, mugs, etc. as well as some e-cards in production as soon as can be done. :)

(He really ought to get some ENnies' promotional materials together also, IMO.)

All in all I think GM's Day is one of the best ideas to be thought up in a long while and spunkrat should be congratulated for his inspiration. I hope some of the many publishers that utilize EN World as a conduit to the community would jump on board soon to help snowball this idea. :)
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My vote also goes towards March 4.

The date just has a ring to it. Good date Mark and good idea SpunkRat.

Of course if the debate can't be decided on voice votes, then Morrus could allow a poll for this single issue.

John Crichton

First Post
Re: GM's Day

Sanackranib said:
March is good for me. with the long streach between new years and menmorial day we need somthing there.:p I saw a post earlier that said "Personally, I like either March or August. There is really nothing cool going on in those months. "

while I have to cast my foth for march. I have to disagree that nothing cool happens in those 2 months (march has my birthday and august sees my wifes birthday)
I was speaking more along the lines of in general, of course. ;)

March has St. Patty's Day (not a real holiday, at least for my family) and while August may have GenCon (in past years) what better month to give honor to deserving GM's than at the biggest gaming Con? :)

But I do seem to be in the minority..... :p


Ok, I change my vote to March 4th for GM day, but there's no reason we can't have a DM's day also.

I vote for DM's day for 1-20. December 20th may have a nice ring to it, but December has enough holidays with Christmas, etc. and I want lots of presents (or at least 1 nice one) on DM's day. Yep, it's all about greed for me.

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