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[March] What are you reading?


First Post
I just finished The Two Towers and have started Annals of The Black Company. It is my second attempt at reading the series and so far I am enjoying it. The names for the characters are a little odd though.

Tonight I picked up Daughter of the Drow and Tangled Webs by Elaine Cunningham. I will probably start those after I finish The Balck Company books. I also plan to read Return of the King before the movie is released.


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First Post
I have actually spent most of the last couple of weeks reading both the Core rulebook and the Slayers Handbook for the Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG, but for some reason I never count RPG books in lists of books read...

Oh, I was talking about actual Buffy novels, but I do have the BtVS Core book too. I used to play Witchcraft and really loved it... so since I'm a Buffy fan I had to get the RPG. Looks really sweet, but I haven't gotten to play it yet. :(

Viking Bastard

After taking another break from Conan (I never seem to be able
to read more than a couple of stories in each go before loosing
interest, they are actually much better than I expected them to
be, but maybe a bit repetitive) I am reading the first book of the
Babylon 5 Psi Corps Trilogy: "Dark Genesis".

It's actually quite good. I didn't really expect it to be, I only
wanted the backstory to the Psi Corps (the book is canon). It's
quite appearant from the storytelling style that the outline of the
plot is JMS's.


First Post
Viking Bastard said:
I am reading the first book of the
Babylon 5 Psi Corps Trilogy: "Dark Genesis".

It's actually quite good. I didn't really expect it to be, I only
wanted the backstory to the Psi Corps (the book is canon). It's
quite appearant from the storytelling style that the outline of the
plot is JMS's.

Yeah. All three of the trilogies that are based on JMS outlines are quite excellent I feel. A few of the earlier B5 novels are good too..principally 'To Dream in the City of Sorrows' written by Mrs. JMS.


Iron Fist of Pelor
I just finished reading Perdido Street Station Friday night. Holy cow! It starts off creepy, and just gets creepier.

My fiancee is reading it now; she describes it as if China Mieville took some bad PCP and started channeling Charles Dickens. Me, I'm thinking he's set his book in Ankh-Morpork, except that there's nothing funny whatsoever about it. Terrifying, fascinating stuff. Anyone know if Mieville is a gamer?

A friend loaned me a book about necromancers, which I'll probably read next, unless my fiancee persuades me The Adventures of Cavalier and Clay is worth picking up. After that, I'm going to see if our library has any more Mieville: the man is a powerhouse, a terrifying powerhouse.

My fiancee also just picked up From Hell; I'll read that when she's done with it.

theburningman, I agree about Pullman's last two books in the series. Although the books' antireligious themes really come to the forefront in the last two books, they were present in the first book as well. Pullman isn't as much a polemicist as, say, CS Lewis or Heinlein, but he's definitely got strong political and religious opinions, and they come through in all his work. I think he manages to incorporate those themes very well into his vivid stories; other folks obviously disagree.



Currently half-way through Lymm Abbey's Sanctuary, and I'm liking it. I just wish it had an updated map of the city in it. I just ordered Turning Points from Amazon, so more Thieve's World goodness is on the way.

This page by Abbey's father has the first six original book covers, plus contents. Nice to see them listed all in one place.


Yes, China Mielville is most definitely a gamer. Haven't read any of his books but will do so after Deadhouse Gates.


Iron Fist of Pelor
Krug said:
Yes, China Mielville is most definitely a gamer. Haven't read any of his books but will do so after Deadhouse Gates.

Interesting...apparently he hasn't gamed sincehe was 14, but still buys books because he's fascinated at how the worlds of RPGs are built. And he says he'd love to see New Crobuzon turned into a gameworld.

Hmm...new D20 project?


Pielorinho said:

Interesting...apparently he hasn't gamed sincehe was 14, but still buys books because he's fascinated at how the worlds of RPGs are built. And he says he'd love to see New Crobuzon turned into a gameworld.

Hmm...new D20 project?

Since he's British I think Mongoose would run after him... ;)

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