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Marilith Battlemaster


There was a discussion on another thread about the Marilith being to weak for an optimized party. that prompted me to take a look and give the Type V demon a little update. I tried to mix in some missing 1e and 3e traits and amp it up in general. Now I don't know if it will be a challenge for the other threads uber PCs, but let me know what you think. Also, the AC + parry may be two high for some groups, if so just take of a shield or two.


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As mentioned on the other thread, if I were going to run this I'd swap the "shortbow" for a poisoned longbow: 1d8+7 piercing + 1d8 poison. This has two effects: I like the aesthetics of a 150'/600' longbow better than a 150'/600' "shortbow", and it gives the players a potential treasure item to loot without raising any crazy questions about double-sized shortbow proficiency. Following the Medusa's precedent, I'll make the poison on the longbow intrinsic to the Marilith and not the longbow.

Are you interested in talking about evil tactics and ways to use this Marilith? The potential is great. The possibilities for Darkness alone are staggering.


As mentioned on the other thread, if I were going to run this I'd swap the "shortbow" for a poisoned longbow: 1d8+7 piercing + 1d8 poison. This has two effects: I like the aesthetics of a 150'/600' longbow better than a 150'/600' "shortbow", and it gives the players a potential treasure item to loot without raising any crazy questions about double-sized shortbow proficiency. Following the Medusa's precedent, I'll make the poison on the longbow intrinsic to the Marilith and not the longbow.

Yep, that's a good idea. I will get it updated when I get a chance. Right now I'm looking at the balor.

Are you interested in talking about evil tactics and ways to use this Marilith? The potential is great. The possibilities for Darkness alone are staggering.

Sure, but I'm a little out of practice with tactical D&D. I've been mostly DMing for my sons and their friends (they started when they where 6) the past 8 years and they have not been the most tactically inclined group and I've followed suit.

To be quite honest, my players are probably about on the same level as your son and his friends. (And it is an extremely fun way to play D&D!) For example, in one ultra-high-stakes encounter at the end of last session, two key players spent their actions that round insulting and then slapping each other, because it made zany sense in context. (One of the players, due to PC death, was playing the NPC hitherto-antagonist. The scene was supposed to be "former enemies unite when attacked by a third party" but it played out more as "former enemy dithers and then rabbits with Dimension Door, leaving PCs holding the bag, when attacked by a third party.")

Still, it's a fun exercise to look at what the Marilith is capable of, which you can then use to decide what she'll actually do. The most obvious combination is for her to drop Darkness on herself and commence strafing the PCs with poisoned arrows, or teleport on top of them with her bonus action. Thanks to Truesight she can see through her own darkness even if the PCs enter it, so she'll probably be at advantage to attack and disadvantage to her attackers, unless they have a Devil's Sight warlock or a druid with Earth Elemental Tremorsense or Giant Constrictor Snake blindsense or similar.

But. Let's assume this Marilith likes a challenge, or at least novelty. If I were a Marilith, confident in my ability to defeat my foes, and looking to eke as much enjoyment out of the conflict as possible, what would be my next move? Probably to exploit my swimming and climbing speeds. I think I want to get a PC into the water (either by waiting patiently until I can surge up and grab one, or by just grappling and teleporting with the PC--although the former method of patiently lurking sounds more fear-inducing to the PCs and therefore more fun). In the water, PCs without a swimming speed will have disadvantage on most attacks (I'm AFB but I think there's only a short list of weapons which don't have disadvantage) and he'll be struggling to get away before he drowns. In fact, I may just hold him underwater instead of killing him with my longswords. If I Hex him first, he's almost certainly not going to be escaping from my Athletics +10.

If I do things right with the sphere of Darkness, the PCs won't even know what it is that is inside the ball of Darkness. It's about as good as Invisibility from the information-hiding perspective. Perhaps all they'll see is a ball of Darkness that appears in their midst, grabs a PC, and falls off a ledge into the water, along with the PC... who never comes back.

In general, hit-and-run tactics are going to be very strong with this Marilith, especially in broken terrain. 160' of mobility (Teleport + movement) is impressive, enough to keep up with almost anything except a caster on a Phantom Steed... in which case you just kill the steed. With Cloudkill if necessary, in the rare case where the rider has Mounted Combatant to prevent me from just shooting the steed.

Polymorph definitely has potential too. Unfortunately I can't Polymorph into a human because it only allows beasts, but it might be funny to, for example, Polymorph myself into a cute little monkey and start cozying up to one PC while picking on another, throwing food and worse things at him, and then acting all innocent when I get caught. Try to bait the PC into actually physically attacking the helpless little monkey and actually "killing me", then... Marilith, suckers! Surprise! Another variation would be to Polymorph into a genuinely dangerous creature like a Giant Crocodile to see how they attempt to handle me, and then transforming back into a completely different threat after the crocodile form is dead.

Another thought: Blade Barrier combos in entertaining ways (for the Marilith) with Shield Bash/push 10' variant. For extra fun, you can teleport across the barrier and Shield Bash them right back through it again. Use this to both isolate creatures from their friends (Pushing all the friends through the barrier) and also to inflict damage.

Don't forget that you can always voluntarily lie prone to give enemies disadvantage on ranged attacks against you. Imagine the Marilith flopping down on the floor during her turn, 50' away from the party. Does anyone dare approach her to melee range? You'd have to Dash so you wouldn't even get an attack in (unless you've built for mobility), and she's just going to teleport away on her next turn anyway. If you do this right, you may not even need to use your concentration on Darkness--you can save it for Hex instead.

Unlike the vanilla MM Marilith, this Marilith is fun to be. Very well-suited to cat-and-mouse games. A winning PC strategy may involve baiting her into overconfidence and then hitting her suddenly with everything you've got. Specific examples that might take her down include a monk with Stunning Strike, or bunch of Warlocks all holding their actions to hit her on her own turn with their Eldritch Blast spells simultaneously. (She gets only one reaction per turn, so if they all attack her on the same turn via a readied action, she gets only one Parry. Might be a worthwhile tradeoff.) She's also liable to be overconfident about her ability to detect illusions due to truesight; maybe you can leverage that against her by presenting her with illusions from beyond her Truesight range.

Another vulnerability she has is that she only has two swords and one bow, so she's somewhat vulnerable to Disarm (variant rule from the 5E DMG; or the battlemaster maneuver), although her excellent Athletics mitigates that danger a little, as does her large size.
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Another thought: Blade Barrier combos in entertaining ways (for the Marilith) with Shield Bash/push 10' variant. For extra fun, you can teleport across the barrier and Shield Bash them right back through it again. Use this to both isolate creatures from their friends (Pushing all the friends through the barrier) and also to inflict damage.

I definitely think that is a tactic that would be employed. I didn't think of it when I wrote it up (I added blade barrier because they had the spell in 3.5 and I add the push as a compliment to the prone choice which I wanted to work with the bonus action longsword attack), but there is a lot of synergy there.

How about power word stun and then place the blade barrier on top of the stunned victim. Restrain another with the tail attack and then push the rest through the barrier. Easier said then done, but almost makes me queasy with the gruesomeness.

Cloudkill is good to use with summoned demon allies since most (if not all) demons have poison immunity.

Power Word Stun + Blade Barrier seems like a fairly poor use of action economy to me. It takes two full rounds in the middle of combat. By the time you get around to restraining things with your tail and pushing others around, you're long past the point where it would have been simpler just to blenderize them with your swords. A Marilith who does that is just toying with her prey, not seriously trying to kill it.

Agree on Cloudkill.


Power Word Stun + Blade Barrier seems like a fairly poor use of action economy to me. It takes two full rounds in the middle of combat. By the time you get around to restraining things with your tail and pushing others around, you're long past the point where it would have been simpler just to blenderize them with your swords. A Marilith who does that is just toying with her prey, not seriously trying to kill it.

OH yes I agree , it would be more the torturous horror of it, not intended for straight up killing.

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