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Marooned!: On Hiatus until further notice


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Oops. I just read the spoiler for the first time and it's really not grabbing my interest for my first modern game, so I'm going to vacate my spot for somebody who'll be more interested.

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Ok, sorry to see you go. I think I'll be going ahead and bringing it down to four players, since that's all we really need.

So, the current list is...
1.) Insight
2.) Zaarin
3.) Nac Mac Feegle
4.)*My friend, who will probably go by Ooga-Booga on the forums

So, for those of you other than Insight, post those characters some time soon.

As for Newton, he looks about right, except of course for those things he would have with him on the plane, but have yet to determine.


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I just found out i'll be out for two days, so i'm going to have to bow out. Thanks for letting me get a chance to play though.


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At the rate things are going (in terms of getting characters posted), we probably won't be ready to start until the day after tomorrow, or thursday. If you still don't think you'd like to stay, then I'll open up the spot.


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Ahh, Galithorn, you know me well. It is ooga-buga BTW. Okay, I usually play a diplomat and have no problems with doing so this time. Guess I'll a Charismatic character!

Hum...my character: A bright young lass, my character (Aysha) lives in Death Valley. Dream of being president (or some other position of importance), but has issues of being in any of position of power due to gender. Till the world gets over the sexism thing, she is having to work as a consultant for a salt mining company named....Galithorn and Sons(?).

She has little as far as worldly possessions, which may contribute to her lack of politician (no real campaign). Aysha lives alone in a solar powered Winnebago and gets around on a dirt bike. She has little need for anything other than gas, food and water.

My character hates her job, but loves to help others. Everyone few years, she will go on a six-month contract for the JFK Peace Corps. In this case she was sent to South America to help educate the public on their AIDs epidemic.

LVL 3 Charismatic
Age: 23

Str - 8
Dex - 13
Con - 12
Int - 14
Wiz - 12
Cha - 16

Bluff - 7 (10)
Diplomacy - 7 (11, extra +1 for being White Collar)
Gather Info- 7 (10)
Research - 7 (9, Class skill, thanks to White Collar occupation)
Drive - 3.5 (7.5, Not a class skill and there is no 'New Class Skill' feat...ugh, Skill emphasis)
Perform (Wind Interment) - 7 (10)
Knowledge (Popular Culture) - 5 (7)
Knowledge (Current Events) - 5 (7)
Knowledge (Civics) - 6 (8)
Knowledge (Business) - 5 (7)

Feat: Skill Emphasis (Drive)



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Okay, left out some things like HP...which is 20. I guess it would make more sense that a politician would got for inspiration instead. So instead of Charm and Favor, I will have Coordinate and Inspiration.
Base Attack: 1
AC: 12
Wealth: 3
Rep: 2
Possessions are few, but include various luggage (basically clothing), a Chanter, and a French Horn! I also have paper, a few pens, and a Pin Striped suit, a red button-up shirt to go under it, a red tie with flowers on it (another shade of red) that look good with the shirt (It being a Jerry Garcia original). Dress shoes as well as some casual Merrells. A comb and one of those things you roll over your clothes in order to get hair off (you know...).


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White Yes yes...forgot saves I was just reminded...ugh. Okay...
Fort: 3
Ref: 3
Will: 2
Okay...Okay...Think I'm done this time...Okay...


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Yes, I noticed. I fit in the White Collar catigory which does not allow the skill I wanted. This is my first D20 Modern, but it should not be to different.

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