How do other people envision martial maneuveres?
I'd like to see something like Battlemaster maneuvers and superiority dice available to all martial classes. A standardised system, like spell slots are for casters.
Different classes could have a list of maneuvers they could learn that fit the classes theme. Other class features could tie in to the system as well.
For example, remove Sneak Attack as a class feature from Rogue, and add the Sneak Attack maneuver (only available to rogues): "When you attack using a bow, crossbow or finesse weapon, expend a maneuver dice and add it to the damage. If you had advantage on the attack roll, roll the maneuver dice a second time and add it to the damage."
Give rogues an option as one of their combat ability choices that they can use the Sneak Attack maneuver without expending a maneuver dice, instead rolling a d6.
Barbarians could get big smash type maneuvers. Rangers get dual wielding and archery. Warlords get the ally buffs. Fighters get a bit of everything. Subclasses for each class could lean into the maneuver side more for extra options and dice.
There could be additional tiers of maneuvers - apprentice, journeyman, master. Better effects become available at each tier, an apprentice can push or trip, a journeyman can restrain, a master can incapacitate.
Feats could be used to unlock special maneuveres to represent training with a particular school of combat. You get an extra dice and a maneuver of each tier.
I'd like to see something like Battlemaster maneuvers and superiority dice available to all martial classes. A standardised system, like spell slots are for casters.
Different classes could have a list of maneuvers they could learn that fit the classes theme. Other class features could tie in to the system as well.
For example, remove Sneak Attack as a class feature from Rogue, and add the Sneak Attack maneuver (only available to rogues): "When you attack using a bow, crossbow or finesse weapon, expend a maneuver dice and add it to the damage. If you had advantage on the attack roll, roll the maneuver dice a second time and add it to the damage."
Give rogues an option as one of their combat ability choices that they can use the Sneak Attack maneuver without expending a maneuver dice, instead rolling a d6.
Barbarians could get big smash type maneuvers. Rangers get dual wielding and archery. Warlords get the ally buffs. Fighters get a bit of everything. Subclasses for each class could lean into the maneuver side more for extra options and dice.
There could be additional tiers of maneuvers - apprentice, journeyman, master. Better effects become available at each tier, an apprentice can push or trip, a journeyman can restrain, a master can incapacitate.
Feats could be used to unlock special maneuveres to represent training with a particular school of combat. You get an extra dice and a maneuver of each tier.