Marvels Multiverse RPG: Have You GM/Played It and Your Opinions

Is the Marvel Multiverse RPG Worth Playing In Your Opinion, and Why?


I bought the Marvel Multiverse RPG released this past August. I have yet to read it but would like to hear other people's impressions of the game if they've run a game or played in one. My group is currently wrapping up our first stint in what I hope will be an ongoing Modern AGE campaign. We're going to put that on hiatus for a while and start a ShadowDark campaign beginning this coming January. I've always wanted to play a Marvel RPG and with the d616 system I'm making an assumption that game play may be quite similar to Modern AGE, so I'm going to pitch this game to our group to play in the last quarter of 2024. I'm curious to hear other people's experiences with the game, was it fun or not, easy to prep for the GM and easy to teach players, and easy for them to pick up the rules or is it overly complicated or just a bad system? I've done a bit of digging around and watched bits and pieces of YouTube videos, and looked for online tools and message boards, fan sites but haven't gone too far yet, so any suggestions on those are welcome too. This is the first time I've posted a poll so I apologize in advanced if I screwed it up.

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I didn't care for the playtest's core mechanics; most of what they changed was supposedly the levels, not the core mechanics, a decision I think makes it even less palatable.
I found the fact that they charged for the play test a little tasteless but haven't read it so I have no preconceived expectations of the rule set. I recall reading somewhere that there were some significant changes from the play test to the actual core rulebook release but I don't remember where.

I found the fact that they charged for the play test a little tasteless but haven't read it so I have no preconceived expectations of the rule set. I recall reading somewhere that there were some significant changes from the play test to the actual core rulebook release but I don't remember where.
The biggest was reducing the number of levels

I didn't care for the playtest's core mechanics; most of what they changed was supposedly the levels, not the core mechanics, a decision I think makes it even less palatable.

I have read enough of both the playtest and the core book that I can say the final release is so much better than the playtest material.

As for disliking the playtest not being free, do you also hate all the other companies, such as Paizo, who also charged for their playtests?

As for disliking the playtest not being free, do you also hate all the other companies, such as Paizo, who also charged for their playtests?
Never said I hated them, just that to me it's in somewhat poor taste to charge to playtest the product they are developing. In this day and age, I don't see a need for them to print a book and charge for it when a free pdf on their website could've done the same thing.

Never said I hated them, just that to me it's in somewhat poor taste to charge to playtest the product they are developing. In this day and age, I don't see a need for them to print a book and charge for it when a free pdf on their website could've done the same thing.

Neither the playtest nor the core book are available legally as a pdf. If you had bought the playtest from Demiplane, they took $10 off the price of the core book, so it was like getting it free. And everyone with a Marvel Unlimited subscription had access to the playtest at no extra charge. So there were legit ways to get it without going to your comic shop and buying a physical copy.

If you had bought the playtest from Demiplane, they took $10 off the price of the core book, so it was like getting it free. And everyone with a Marvel Unlimited subscription had access to the playtest at no extra charge. So there were legit ways to get it without going to your comic shop and buying a physical copy.
I had no clue that Demiplane existed until a month or two ago, I dont subscribe to Marvel Unlimited, and I don't remember it even being available at my local comic shop, so I was unaware of any of this.

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