MCDM Patreon Playtest Packet 1 is out.

I assume that posting this is okay, as I got it from when it was shared in a video, but if not, let me know and I'll remove it. I'm assuming that those who have the playtest have generally agreed not to share it. For the record, I'm not one of those.

For those that missed it, here is one of the character sheets (a bit blown-up blurry):


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I assume that posting this is okay, as I got it from when it was shared in a video, but if not, let me know and I'll remove it. I'm assuming that those who have the playtest have generally agreed not to share it. For the record, I'm not one of those.

For those that missed it, here is one of the character sheets (a bit blown-up blurry):

View attachment 342878
So in this case, the heroic resource is focus points which you gain by using signature abilities. When the combat ends, they reset to zero but you gain a victory point so there’s incentive to not keep combat going forever.

The rules provide guidance to the director to just end the combat when it becomes clear the heroes will win, so even if your players wanted to try to exploit the heroic resource system at the expense of victory points, there’s guidance for the director to not allow it.

The player I had running the Shadow noted the heroic resource felt like combo points for a World of Warcraft rogue. It worked pretty well IMO, not a bad concept to borrow at all.

One thing which has my interest is the Tactician. I’ve been entertaining the thought that the Core Four from D&D no longer really have a point outside of more Old School play, as the other classes have more flavorful and specialized versions of them. What is a fighter in a world of barbarians, monks, paladins, rangers, and warlords? Seems to me he’d just be a town guard or some such, while the adventurers/heroes are something more than just a fighter.

Well, there’s the above, but there’s also the fact that playing cunning/intelligent/inspiring warriors really appeals to me.

OK, I wasnt interested at all by this project, but seeing the character sheet shows that it somewhat close to a modernized/streamlined 4e, which I'm all for.
In some of the videos the designers (and interviewers) have called out their love for 4e, while also pointing out one of its fundamental flaws: Combat took too long to run, particularly at higher levels. They called that out as one of the differences between this and 4e, which I think is a good take!

One thing which has my interest is the Tactician. I’ve been entertaining the thought that the Core Four from D&D no longer really have a point outside of more Old School play, as the other classes have more flavorful and specialized versions of them. What is a fighter in a world of barbarians, monks, paladins, rangers, and warlords? Seems to me he’d just be a town guard or some such, while the adventurers/heroes are something more than just a fighter.

On the flip-side, they've pointed out that the Wizard in D&D is generally FAR too much of a "I can do anything" class, and they're splitting it up into things like the Talent & Elementalist. And will probably split a spell-casting Druid with a Shapeshifter. That sort of thing. So some D&D-style classes can be combined, while others split, giving us a "better" (we'll see) balance of character concepts. And hopefully no need for multiclassing.

In some of the videos the designers (and interviewers) have called out their love for 4e, while also pointing out one of its fundamental flaws: Combat took too long to run, particularly at higher levels. They called that out as one of the differences between this and 4e, which I think is a good take!

On the flip-side, they've pointed out that the Wizard in D&D is generally FAR too much of a "I can do anything" class, and they're splitting it up into things like the Talent & Elementalist. And will probably split a spell-casting Druid with a Shapeshifter. That sort of thing. So some D&D-style classes can be combined, while others split, giving us a "better" (we'll see) balance of character concepts. And hopefully no need for multiclassing.
Yeah, I didn’t mention the wizard, which I also think should be removed, due to more favorable, specialized options being available, due to expected outrage :)

That said, very pleased to hear this! Interest is definitely growing!

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