D&D 5E Mearls' "Firing" tweet

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Mod Squad
Staff member
I've lived in the South my entire life and I've never really seen this fabeled "singular y'all" out in the wild. If the conversations where it's attributed are taken in context, there is most likely an address of unseen others.

As one example, I am specifically thinking about a friend of mine, born and raised in Georgia, came north only after college. He will walk into a room in which there's only one person, and ask, "How y'all doin'?"

So, whatever. If you feel you can speak for the language use of tens of millions of people without having done a solid survey of that use, and reject ear-witness testimony on basis of... I don't know what... y'all do you.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
I'll give you three of those states.

....Well, all five are more Southern than Texas, but that's not saying much. That's like, "I'm a real New Englander! I'm from Pennsylvania!"

Or "I'm from Arizona, that's basically the West Coast!"


Guest 6801328

Grammar does matter, despite some of the responses here. Submit a job application with "I can't wait to work for you're company. I've only heard really good things their." Or write a book like that.

And see what happens. Just because lots of people keep messing up grammar doesn't mean it's suddenly acceptable to do.

Is anybody arguing that grammar does not matter? (Maybe they are; if so I missed it.)

But there's a difference between being sloppy/ignorant of grammar, and intentionally trying to nudge its evolution. It's like broken meter or rhyme in poetry: if accidental it's probably bad writing; if intentional it's artistry. (Or at least it's an attempt at artistry. Results are not guaranteed....)

In fact, I would say that if grammar did not matter, then the he/she/they thing would have no meaning. It is precisely because grammar does matter that the willingness of some of us to bend the rules carries significance.


Like ... the actual South, or the made-up South (aka Texas)?

Because in the actual South, the singular "y'all" occurs.

Maybe to the south of the caves of ice, along the banks of the River Alph. There, the people dine on honeydew and call each other, singularly, "y'all." This is due to being drunk on the milk of paradise.


Lowcountry Low Roller
No, those words are spelled correctly. "Their' is a correct spelling. The usage is wrong, therefore, grammar issue.

I dunno. Spelling “there” as “their” certainly looks like a spelling mistake to me. I was not confused by their meaning (which is typical for grammar issues), just their spelling. But that’s enough on that.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
I dunno. Spelling “there” as “their” certainly looks like a spelling mistake to me. I was not confused by their meaning (which is typical for grammar issues), just their spelling. But that’s enough on that.

I would generally agree. The whole their/there/they're issue is a question of sloppily writing the wrong homophone. My freakin' auto-correct does that on me.

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