D&D 5E Mearls' "Firing" tweet

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5ever, or until 2024
Mearls said:
Funny how many of the same “fans” who insist on gatekeeping via rules complexity and lore density also have a problem with women in tabletop gaming.

Hey guys! You’re all fired from D&D. Find another game.

I assume there was a good reason for him to merge these two sources of frustration. But the reaction has been fairly predictable. And not entirely unwarranted.

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Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
I understand his frustration, but I also think that was an inappropriate tweet from someone of his position with the company. Indeed, given he's engaged in plenty of rules complexity in his lifetime of designing role playing game rules, he should know better than to equate that preference with the other preference.


I kept my cool and pointed out to him that WotC made her gender in issue when they added affirmative action to their physical requirements and I pointed out that his type of behavior what disastrous for Marvel Comics.

Look I get their point that no other hire underwent this kind of discussion, but most of those hires happened before twitter was as influential as it has become, did not have as much of a big deal made by the company itself, aside maybe for Cook, and it's occurring against the backdrop of certain political interests trying convert beloved geekdom IPs into propaganda for their idealogy, and their way of thinking, at the expense of good story telling and respect for the IP.

So people are more leery of hires connected to an political agenda and had reasonable concern, of course when you get dumped on for having reasonable concerns, reasons concerns over process turn into rage, which leads to more rage on the other side, and then you have a new front in the complex culture war that makes the edition wars look like cuddly discussions between close friends.

And if it's like what happened at Marvel then SJW creators lash out in rage at fans, leading to a hostile relationship between fans and creators, that ultimately damaged not just Marvel, but the industry as a whole, just when it's on the rise.

So yes, Mearls should apologize, or I hate to say this because I like Mearls, he should be let go for the good of the RPG industry. Any culture war front needs to be nipped in the bud now.

Indeed, given he's engaged in plenty of rules complexity in his lifetime of designing role playing game rules, he should know better than to equate that preference with the other preference.
It's possible to support rules complexity without intending to use it as a gatekeeping mechanism. It just means players should help new players to learn the rules, instead of denigrating them for not having already done so.


I crit!

It’s not about the complexity, he means the gatekeepers that use the Lore and complexity as a bludgeon.
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Is this about WotC hiring a women game designer?

Personally I don't care but she doesn't seem to have that much in the way of design credentials, that might be an issue for some. Most of the experiences/good game designers are men at least on the D&D/WoTC side of things not sure if Paizo has some high profile ones who have worked on their APs.

I do look at names on the credits now, Bauer, Cook, Gygax, Mona, that new Blackman person on the DMGuild (male?). Only high profile D&D women I can think of are Weiss, Lorraine Wiliams (boo), and Lisa Stevens. I'm about a decade out of date though since Dungeon died.


The practice of bombarding women with geek tests before accepting them is what he is referring to.

It happens all the time including in the now closed thread about their new designer, Kate Welch.

It is refreshing to see this attitude from WotC and it has been there from the start of 5e. They don't want toxic people in their game/community.


5ever, or until 2024
The practice of bombarding women with geek tests before accepting them is what he is referring to.

It happens all the time including in the now closed thread about their new designer, Kate Welch.

It is refreshing to see this attitude from WotC and it has been there from the start of 5e. They don't want toxic people in their game/community.

So that was probably the trigger.

Still, could have been worded differently

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