D&D 5E Mearls' "Firing" tweet

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The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
Once again, basically all of the major academic and journalistic style guides at this point give the singular "they" the a-ok.

Did you know you can also start a sentence with a preposition?

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We’re are making good time, neither tarrying nor running. I bet our faces are expressionless. One or more may be dressed as a cleric of some sort, and another might be dressed as a traveling drummer. The others could be peasants or serfs going from one location to another for the harvest season.

And while we're carrying some sort of weapons, it's plain we're not soldiers as we have a haphazard way of walking. Nor do we seem to be joking loudly or singing as we advance.


And while we're carrying some sort of weapons, it's plain we're not soldiers as we have a haphazard way of walking. Nor do we seem to be joking loudly or singing as we advance.

And soon we did happen upon a tainted lake, where we were greeted by a Nymph. She was distraught, her perfect skin glistened with the tears of her sorrow, for her lover was asleep having consumed the enchanted water. In her fragile state she had not thought to even try to wake him herself, such was her pain.

"Wakey wakey Evan!" we chimed, and thus did the Ranger open his eyes.

"You are so clever!" gushed Chloe, "Why did I not think of that?". And with that she handed us the potion capable of ridding the lake of its enchantment.


Once again, basically all of the major academic and journalistic style guides at this point give the singular "they" the a-ok.

Did you know you can also start a sentence with a preposition?

You've always been able to start a sentence with a preposition. It's ending sentences with prepositions that people refer to. :D

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