Mellubb's "Vecna's Revenge" ICC


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Leigh, that is only because you do not follow the Path. The Path has many different forks in the road, often circling and retracing steps. I've come to understand that it is only Sol that does not diverge from its strict path.
Remember, I too followed Pelor as we grew up, and that Pholtus is also the god of the Sun, and he leads me with you and mother.
Kais Rayg

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Leigh Phelan - Cleric 1, Hp: 10/10

"But, dear brother-cousin, isn't it always best to be direct, like Sol is? Only those of somewhat bendable moral backgrounds tend deal with circuituitous routes, of which, Sol, does not adhere. Those rocks fell from the sky when Pelor was below the horizon, which means that they could not withstand his vision and judgement, now, in the light of his glory, these rocks are devoid of all their brilliance and power, just dead matter" Leigh says with a grin.

"Unfortunately, the teachings of mother have fallen upon deaf ears in your case," Leigh says with a chiding tone. This argument of Pelor and Pholtus is not a new one, as the differences in philosophy between Megan/Leigh and Kasis have been a constant fixture in the Phelan household for more than the past decade, much to Alan's chagrine.

Nowadays, it has devolved into good natured humor and ribbing, instead of a serious argument, as Leigh knows deep down that Kasis is loony.


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Vanta watches his cousins with a smile. He wasn't one to worship Deities, although he did respect Boccob. Vanta worshipped the pursuit of knowledge as others worshipped Pelor. He said, "Yes, let's return home, there is much to be learned from what we have found out so far. Even if the knowlede his hidden, I am confident all shall be revealed in due time."


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The group of adventurers returns home. They are a bit underjoyed with the amount of adventure their quest didn't have. They arrive back in town at mid afternoon (around 3:30). Their eyes wide and legs tired from from the journey.

[Sblock=OOC] How do you all want to handle what you found? Are you going to call a meeting, tell only one of you "parents", or what?[/Sblock]


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Leigh Phelan - Cleric 1, Hp: 10/10

Once back into town, Leigh suggest to her cousins that they head directly back to the church to see if the Elders are still there and report back what they found:

1) A rock that stopped smoking
2) A dead goblin
3) 3 other smoke columns inside elven territory.


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"Yes we should go to the elders, they will know what to do next. They probably won't be happy knowing there are goblins so close to town."


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As the group arrives at the Temple, they are again met by Samuel. He his delighted that you have returned and when he notices the sack asks ” You found something, great the other will be most anxious to see what you have. Please follow me, I will take you to the other Elders.”
He takes you back to a room far into the west wing of the temple. As you enter you the room is very bright. It has a domed ceiling with a chandelier in the shape of Pelor’s Holy Symbol hanging from it’s center. Directly below is a large circular table where surrounded by seven chairs. The Elder’s are sitting around the table and when they see you enter Gerbo jumps to his feet “You made it back, Samuel please find their parents and let them know of their return. Please tell me what you have found. Are any of you hurt?”

As you enter the room you feel better about things. You feel calm and relaxed. Your minds seem less chaotic and more focused. The sounds you hear and light you see seem to be clearer, crisper.
[Sblock] while in the room you all receive +2 to wisdom [/SBlock]

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