Memo to all 4th Edition Designers and Developers


Just force the 4E team to watch old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle cartoons during breaks. They'll pick up plenty of synonyms for cool. After a week or two of that, people will be begging them to just go back to cool.

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First Post
Sir Brennen said:
That post was so Hawt.

However, I must insist that The Rouse acknowledge the existence of the early 80's and include "tasty"...

"Could you please use that in a sentence?"

"All I need is a cool buzz and some tasty waves and I'm fine."

"Thank you Mr Spiccolli"

WayneLigon said:
I think we should just use 'rouse' in place of most of those words.
"That's a rouse idea."
"Weapons speeds in 4E are very rouse and should add a lot to your game."
Yeah, he sure roused that one up.

Craw Hammerfist

First Post
The Shadow said:
What? Aeon and furtive, but not "squamous"?!

Good grief, that guy had a thing about the word "squamous".

EDIT: Then there's Eddings' twist of taking phrases that were mildly funny the first time he used them, and beating them to death with a stick.

And Stephen R. Donaldson's books should come with dictionaries. The latest books in the Thomas Covenant series would be so much more rouse without the constant use of "innominate, illimitible, and percipience."


First Post
Single words are not that bad. Character habits are worse. I mean if Nynaeve tags her braid one more time, I'll cut it with a scissor.


Single words are not that bad. Character habits are worse. I mean if Nynaeve tags her braid one more time, I'll cut it with a scissor.

yeah, the obessive-compulsive overbearing female archetype is all but omnipresent in Jordan's work. You'd think the guy had issues with women or something. . . .

though I still liked his work, for the most part.

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