Michael's Art Requests (Oyasini and Scene Art)

Michael Morris

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Scene Illustration Request

This is a page from a book I'm working on. I figured it might be fun for some of you artists looking for ideas to sketch on to use for inspiration.

It had been a long day, and the night promised no relief. Anatole sighed heavily, wiped a tear from her eye and watched the growing shadows spread over the harbor below. Her soft green eyes were swollen ever so slightly for lack of sleep. Tonight would be the third night without any rest. She was coming to the end of her endurance. She needed rest. But not now. Not while she was still needed. Not while there was yet time.

She glanced back into the chamber behind her where her father lay dying. His breathing was slow, labored – fading. For a week now he had been like this, but only in the last couple of days had his condition worsened. Time was growing short. She bit her lip slightly and tried not to think about it. She looked back out onto the harbor as the last rays of sunlight behind her played with the whitecapped waves far below. On an island nearly a mile off she could barely make out the figures of night watchmen lighting a signal fire to warn ships of the shoals around the island. Stones stood scattered about them. Her father had ordered the construction of a lighthouse upon the site, but the structure had barely begun.

A cold bitter wind rushed from behind her carrying three crying gulls out to sea. She grasped her shawl tightly about her arms for warmth. Her black hair matched the black standard clapping above her in time to the moaning of the reeds at the base of the castle wall below. Eight hundred feet down the chalk cliff the city of Dalze was slowing down for the night. The sounds of shopkeeps closing shutters and children playing in the last failing rays of day echoed up to Anatole. The last straggling fishing ships were coming home, and the gulls circled about looking for the chance to steal what they could of the catch.

She ran her hand along the worn granite parapet polished by generations of her family leaning against these stones and watching these sights even as she did now. “Life will go on,” she whispered to herself. “Somehow it always does.” She glanced back into the chamber behind her and closed her eyes in prayer, “Matacha, comest thou tonight for my father, my king? Please, I beg of thee – If thou’st must take him then do so and not make him to suffer so.” She clapsed her hands together and stood still in thought. The wind became calm as if to answer her.

Inside the chamber her brothers sat to either side of their father, watching her. Weary as well, the two of them had at least gotten some sleep while Anatole had none. One looked to the other, “I don’t know what is more painful Otal,” he said, “watching father die, or Anatole suffer so.”

Otal nodded, “Perhaps you should see to her Alblasker.”

Albasker replied, “Not yet. She prays, and I dare not disturb her.” So they watched her as the wind billowed her ebon gown even as the sky approached its shade beyond her and the first stars of night began to be revealed in the growing shadow from the east.

After awhile, when she had not moved noticably, Alblasker got up from his seat and stepped out onto the balcony. He shivered and pulled his tunic tighter about him – winter had not quite given up for the year though the snows had already melted away. He tried to look into her eyes, but they were closed. He moved his ear close to her face. Her breathing seemed too steady for prayer. “Sister?”

There was no answer – she was asleep. He smiled slightly to himself and shook his head. She had to be truly tired to fall asleep on her feet. Quietly he bent over to brace her and begin to pick her up. Though a grown woman of eighteen summers, she was scarcely larger than an adolescent child and a full foot shorter than he. But as he shifted her weight away from the parapet she awoke with a start and gasped.

Note: Think classical greek period, not generic medieval, when considering costume details beyond what is outlined in the paragraphs above.

Have fun.
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Michael Morris

First Post
"You have Wings? I don't have Wings..." "Of course not silly, you're a boy."

Rather than have halflings, I have -- ahem -- copyright violation avoidance here... My setting has the oyasini. Unfortunately, I have no drawings of them. Anyone care to help?

Older 2nd edition description, with some no longer accurate bits snipped.

The Oyasini (oo - yuh - see - nee) are a rare group of people who are similar to elves and pixies in many ways, leading some sages to believe that oyasini are the ancestors of sprites and pixies and the descendants of elves. Whatever the case they are an old and proud race readily able to trace their lineage far back before the time of men.

Oyasini stand between 2 1/2 and 3 feet tall, rarely exceeding those extremes by more than an inch or so. Their skin ranges from chalk white to a light reddish tan. Their hair runs the shades between sand blonde and solid white, though on occasion an individual will be born with light blue hair, a sign of good luck among the small people. Oyasinin eyes are usually one of the various shades of blue, though green and on rare occasion pink eyes have been known. Their ears come to a definite point in all individuals, slanting out and away from the head so that they are visible in even long haired individuals. Oyasini live to be around 100 years old, with matriarchs reaching 120 on occasion.

The most distinct feature of the oyasini is that the females are winged, though the males are not. At puberty an oyasi (female oyasini, pronounced oo - yah - see) will begin to grow her wings, and by her 16th birthday they will have reached full size. Oyasi cannot fly outright, but they can glide long distances, especially in windy areas.

The wings of the oyasi have patterns that are unique to every individual, and even between otherwise identical twins the pattern is slightly different as with fingerprints. Aside from flight, the wings also serve as a sexual advertisement if you will, in a manner similar to the tail of a peacock or a human woman's breasts. The wings are usually a transparent white to a slight pink, but they blush colorfully as an involuntary reaction to several different emotions. Oyasini and oyasoia (oyasinin males, pronounced oo - yuh - so - ee - uh) in particular are very aware of the subtle body language of the wings, although it is totally lost on all but the most astute observers of other races.

Oyasoia (males) do not possess anything nearly as spectacular as wings, though they are more agile than their female counterparts. They grow no facial hair whatsoever, at any age. They also outnumber the oyasi, for only one in two children born will be a girl. As a result, oyasini tend to be polyandric, that is, one wife will have several husbands, usually two or three. Whatever children she has will be cared for and loved equally by all his or her 'fathers'. Oyasi dominate nearly all aspects of the culture as well, with the notable exception of arcane magic use, which oyasoia use more frequently. The culture exploits the various applications of conjuration in a manner similar to the gnomic bend for illusions, such to an extent that they are only allowed to become conjurers, not mages.
An oyasi will have three names. Her first name will be her own, and the second her mother's. The last name is that of the first matriarch in the history of the clan, from who all in the family descend. Oyasoia have a fourth name, though rarely used, which is the name of the family he was born in, in effect his maiden name.
Oyasini homes are usually built as high off the ground as the trees will allow, members of the species have a strong "nesting" instinct, such that they hate sleeping on the ground as much as halflings hate sleeping outside of a burrow or a gnome without his flame. Part of this is to gain protection since the small size of oyasini leaves them vulnerable to orcs, goblins, kobolds and the like. They have no love lost for humankind either and tend not to allow them near their homes. The fact that some unscrupulous human mages believe that the females' wings can be used in various fly related spells and devices has not helped relations.

Oyasini have some limited telepathic powers, in particular an ability called the secial (see - kee - uhl), which translates as "joining". This ability allows two oyasini who are somehow in physical contact with each other to become aware of all of each other's thoughts and feelings as if they were their own. The two are somewhat oblivious to the outside world, but can communicate with each other at a rapid pace and they can ponder events as if under a withdraw spell (1st level priest). The "joining" is considered a fairly intimate act, and therefore it is only done in privacy and with someone who the oyasi has a great deal of confidence, trust and love for. It has no direct sexual connotations, and it is not unusual for parents and children to "join," especially to ease the emotional turmoil of the latter.

Dusk 3e description, which is shorter but has some details the above doesn't.

The halflings of Carthasana call themselves the "oyasini." They lie between the world of elves and pixies, similar to each race but directly tied to neither. Oyasini skin ranges from chalk white to a light reddish hue - their silk fine hair runs the gamut of red and blond shades, although on rare occasion light cyan and white are seen among their number. Oyasini eyes are blue, pink, violet or steel grey.

Oyasini differ from the halflings of other worlds because the females have wings that, while too small to allow true flight, can allow them to fall safely from any height. Oyasini tend to build treehouses as high off the ground as the trees allow.

Costume: Oyasini prefer flowing gowns above all other types of dress, and both the males and females are unlikely to be found in any other type of garment while among their own kind. Their dress is not colorful - usually it is a single white or with a hint of color. When traveling among humans or elves they favor the use of cloaks and other garments that break up their outline.

Marriage & Family: Oyasini practice polyandry - which is to say that one wife will have multiple husbands. Three is the usual number, though rich matriarchs with as many as twenty husbands are not unknown. Part of the reason for this practice is that females only account for one-sixth the population of race. Males are expendable - females are not. While matriarchy may tinge some of the other cultures so far explored in this book, it is firmly entrenched in Oyasini society and the status quo. Females wield great political power within the numbers of oyasini. They hold all the priestly and administrative positions of the clan hold government and their rule is largely unquestioned.

Religion: Oyasini religion is purely monotheistic. They believe that the goddess Ooyas-shandra created the world for them and then created spirits to administer her world. Oyasini tend to classify the gods of other religions as mere spirits that have gone renegade and forgot their true place in the world.

Oyasini males are called Oyasoi. They are much more frequently encountered as adventurers than the females, possibly because within their own society they are second-class citizens. Or perhaps it is because they are better suited than the females to spy on the doings of human kind.
Oyasoi Halflings are unchanged from the Core Rules.

The females of the Oyasini world are referred to as the oyasi. Their distinguishing characteristic is their wings, which can reach a span of up to 4 to 5 feet across. The wings are wisp thin, highly fragile and believed to be semi-magical, and they can be collapsed and hidden under flowing robes and cloaks.

Oyasi bone structure is more delicate than that of the males. They have a -2 adjustment to their constitution score.

So long as her wings are not bound in some way, an oyasi who is prepared for a fall can fall any distance without harm, covering the same distance each round as if feather fall where cast upon her. If she is caught off guard by a drop she will fall 30' before her wings can snap into place, and it will take another 20 feet before her wings slow her fall to a safe speed. While falling in this manner the Oyasi can carry up to her own weight before the fall accelerates to a speed greater than her wings can compensate for. While she falls, she can move horizontally as if running (4x base move), and if she gets a run before she jumps she can increase her horizontal distance to 6x her base move each round she falls. An oyasi who comes under the effects of a levitate spell can fly outright as if fly had been used upon her. If fly is cast upon her, she will have perfect maneuverability.
In all other respects Oyasi are identical to the halflings in the PHB.

Have fun, if intersted.
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Michael Morris

First Post
44 reads (and 87 on the other thread) and no replies? Oh well.

Attached is a map of the city of Dalze - but 400 years later. Might be useful for topographical reference. The scene occurs in the Steadfast Redoubt. Castle Dulsand and the Lighthouse of Dalze haven't been built yet, and neither have the outer walls - but this might be a help.


  • Dalze.gif
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I like the idea and find it very interesting but I'm afraid no pictures. Which 2ed book/resource did these come from? I don't recall them but it has been a while since I looked over the 2ed stuff.


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