Middle Earth d20 Site


What? Me Worry?
Howdy -
Just wanted to let everyone know the MEd20 site is still active, but due to the inevitabilities of existence, real life has intruded for a while, making updating the site a bit sporadic. We have material to post, though, and the next update should be rather substantial. We'll let you know here when the update occurs. In the meantime, I'm glad this discussion is still active, and think the contribution people have made here and on the site are invaluable. Keep up the great work, guys - the more material the better!

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Middle Earth Netbook *.PDF

I've been following the Middle Earth threads with great interest since November, occasionally posting a few thoughts regarding character conversions, monsters, etc. (I was Quantanephilim on the old boards). What's been done so far is fantastic, IMHO.

I'm now beginning work on a series of adventure modules set in Middle Earth a century before the events of Lord of the Rings , tenatively titled Rise of the Necromancer . However, before I can begin work on this series, I need a stable foundation of rules from which to work. To that end, I'm going to create a Middle Earth Netbook, incorporating the best elements of the various conversions (IMHO, of course) and several new elements of my own creation. The document will only require the Player's Handbook to be fully usable (but will contain notes for incorporating spells, feats, prestige classes, and other rules from other WotC sourcebooks), and will contain races, classes, the new magic system, feats, spells, and possibly other information as well.

Five classes have been eliminated (Cleric, Druid, Monk, Sorcerer, Wizard), three classes have been modified (Bard, Paladin, Ranger), and five new classes have been added (Artisan, Enchanter, Magician, Noble, and Sorcerer (very different from the original))

Artisan - Various artisans and smiths have a very prominent place in Tolkien's writing, so I thought it appropriate to create such a class for the game. The artisan is predominantly a crafter of various items, but also posesses not-inconsiderable combat ability, bonus feats, and a high skill point total, creating a balanced class from the concept.

Enchanters, Magicians, and Sorcerers - Several months ago there was an excellent article in Wired magazine about Tolkien's literature and it's contributions to society, in which they briefly explored his thoughts on magic. In middle earth, there are two different kinds of magic: rather than the arcane and divine of D&D, Middle Earth has Enchantment and Sorcery. Enchantment is "good magic", representing the creation of "worlds within worlds", the arts, and the enchantment of reality. Enchantment enriches the world through creation. The flip side of the magical coin is Sorcery, or bending the laws of nature to one's will. This form of magical technology leads only to destruction- the Flame of Udun, contrasted with Enchantment's Flame of Anor.
Enchanters are Good-inclined spellcasters who, as they reach higher levels, gain the ability to traverse and craft paralell planes and become less bound to Arda. Sorcerers, on the other hand, are Evil-inclined spellcasters who essentially transform into creatures of darkness as they increase in power, increasingly bound to Arda and Melkor's taint. Magicians have no alignment restrictions and can call upon both kinds of magic (as well as gain a larger repertoire of spells), but can never reach the heights of power that the other two spellcasters can (no 8th or 9th level spells).
The spellcasting system in the document will work based off of Scott Holden-Jones' point-based system and the psionics model (with significant modifications). Bards, Paladins, and Rangers will also be modified to be in keeping with the new system.
Further deliniation of the powers of these classes will be included in another post.

Noble - Since I want this document to be usable with only the PH, and the Aristocrat is still a bit on the weak side, I'm going to create a new Noble class for Middle-Earth. Think Cavalier, Leader, and Diplomat.


I'll probably use most of the Colonel's conversions for the races, as I'm quite fond of them. I'll probably include more notes on the Dunedain, balancing the races for PC's, and on the cultures of Middle-Earth.


New feats, based off of modified versions of feats in the Psionics' Handbook will be included for Spellcasters. I might also see if I can borrow some of Mike Morris's feats from the Dusk PH that would be appropriate (as Dusk is quite Tolkienesque in flavor, and I'm a big fan of Morris' work).


All I can think of here is adding more notes for Item Creation and Knowledge skills.

Anyone interested in adding to the document or in contributing to Rise of the Necromancer can leave posts on this thread. I'll be posting the Enchanter and Sorcerer in a few weeks (once I have time to create them), and the preliminary RotN storyboard will be posted once the ME Netbook is done.
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Innate Magic IS Psi

Someone just said on the old thread that Psionics should be banned for Middle-earth.

I only know Psionics from old AD&D, and I would agree that they come across with the wrong feel. For starters, the word "Psionics" was only invented in the 60s and sounds horribly scientific and un-Tolkien.

But beyond that, practically everything in LotR except Gandalf and Crafted Items (mostly from earlier Ages) is only ever low-profile 'magic'. From a purist viewpoint there's a lot to be said for banning PC magic altogether, but I'm enough of a gamer to agree that this would be too much of a sacrifice.

But a lot of what Galadriel tells Sam "your folk might call 'magic'" is actually powers of focussing the Will that most folk have in their subconsciouses without ever becoming aware of. Those that do can have magical abilities not shared by comon folk, but without being disloyal to the texts either.

A system based on HarnMaster's "Psionics" forms "Innate Magic" -- the absolute backbone of my MERP/RM game, with only the rare exception of a PC having more extreme magical abilities. I thoroughly recommend reworking powers of the Will (with obvious exceptions like Levitate and Telekinesis) for anyone brave enough to drop full-blown 3e magic into the background.


Is anyone going to convert Sauron from the MERP stats once the Epic Level handbook comes out? I dont have the MERP stats in front of me but I would assume that his stats around Mid Third age are in Southern Mirkwood Lair of the Necromancer.

As an aside note, I've purchased Fangorn Forest off of Ebay and there is a good short adventure in there that would easily convert to 3e. It's called Caves of Pain or something set in the Southern Misty Mts.


ME conversion Lurker. Vote Col. Hardisson for ENines judge :)

Oh....Wolfspider is running too...Will they split the ME fan vote :)


What? Me Worry?
Hey, thanks for the ENnies support. I don't expect to be selected, but I figured I'd give it a whirl. I hope Wolfspider ends up as a judge, also.

I'm waiting on the Epic book so I can work up stats for a number of characters: Aragorn after openly declaring himself the heir to Isildur, Gandalf the White, Saruman, Elrond, Galadriel, and Glorfindel. Oh, and Sauron, too. Personally, I'm not going to try to convert the MERP stuff (just my own personal preference), but I'm sure someone will.


Heh...it would be cool to be a judge. :D

Anyway, as far as the Epic handbook goes, I'm also looking forward to it. I think then (with some modification of course) we might actually be able to run a first age game or represent in game terms someone like Sauron.

Cool. :D


First Post
I think that a faithful representation of many characters won't be possible until the Epic-Level Handbook and the new edition of Deities & Demigods hit the stands, especially for those of the First and Second Age.

Red Baron

First Post
Neqroteqh said:
The spellcasting system in the document will work based off of Scott Holden-Jones' point-based system and the psionics model (with significant modifications). Bards, Paladins, and Rangers will also be modified to be in keeping with the new system.
Further deliniation of the powers of these classes will be included in another post.

Anyone interested in adding to the document or in contributing to Rise of the Necromancer can leave posts on this thread. I'll be posting the Enchanter and Sorcerer in a few weeks (once I have time to create them), and the preliminary RotN storyboard will be posted once the ME Netbook is done.
Hey, cool. I look forward to seeing your work.

I'll be interested to see where you're making changes in the PP caster system; I'm still tweaking things all the time myself), so it'd be interesting to see if anything compares. It's nice to think somebody's getting some use out of all this stuff, 'cause I sure haven't been able to do much gaming lately... ;) <whine, whine> ;)

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