• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Midnight: A Lost Faith's Shadow. Book 1, The Awakening. Chapter 3, Baden's Bluff


First Post
OOC: The surprise round and the first combat round are below. I will grant Valurel, Starhl, and Ensin surprise on the three orc thugs. Valurel can attack and Starhl draws his sword. During the beginning of combat after the surprise round, both Valurel, Starhl, and Ensin had first initiative. The Wolf is no more than a few feet from Starhl.

A ghostly flash in the long shadows, Valurel springs onto the nearest orc, raking at the exposed flesh near the neck. The talons on one hand find purchase in the orc's flesh, splattering blood and forcing the orc to emit a howl of pain, its beady red eyes glaring with anger and revenge. Valurel strikes once again and the orc's rage fades from its eyes as the dead orc drops to its knees and then backward.

To either side of Valurel, Starhl and Ensin throw back their capes and blades leap into their hands as they rush the orcs. The other two orcs momentarily hesitate with the fury of the attack, before seeking to draw their massive vardatches. Ensin's blade skitters down the scale mail of an orc harmlessly, but the swinging vardatch catches Ensin squarely in the side, tearing flesh and cracking bone. With a cry, Ensin drops to one knee in pain, the attacking orc looming large to strike the killing blow.

Bjorn's Faith swings in a wide arc, catching an orc in the shoulder and drawing blood. With a scream, the orc swings back its vardatch its momentum crashing into Starhl's thigh, blood running freely down the big Northman's leg. Nearby, a fury of fangs and claws, the Wolf jumps onto the orc's back and tears at the orc's throat. The orc's hands try to stem the flow of blood from its neck to no avail as it collapses on the blood-soaked, cobblestone street.

Down the alleyway, two of the three orcs charge back toward Valurel and Starhl. One orc continues to secure Herger.

OOC: Starhl and Valurel have dispatched their orcs. Two more are approaching. Ensin is still fighting his. Starhl takes 7 points of damage.

Herger's heart pounds in his chest, fear rushing through him. Behind, he can hear the hobnailed boots of the approaching orcs screech to a halt as battle breaks out behind him. Valurel and Starhl are battling the orcs! The group of three orcs behind Herger break, with only a lone pair of boots sounding on the stone alleyway behind him. Herger strains at the arcane bonds that hold him, his massive form seeking to rise. Failing, Herger sweats in frustration, but gathers his strength for another attempt to burst his bonds...

Behind, an orc sneers, its language thick with accent. Git up ya' cur! A heavy boot slams into Herger's side. Git up! Grabbing at Herger, the orc throws back Herger's cloak and hood revealing his massive size and massive battle axe. Hsst! The orc draws in breath through clenched teeth in realization of what lies in front of him before sounding a horn that resonates through the city. To arms! We have found the insurgents!

From down the alleyway that Fallax disappeared comes an answering horn, shouts, and the running tramp of hobnailed boots.

OOC: Herger failed at his Will saving throw. Roll again, maddmic.

Kaela's small form trembles with fury at the Heroes' betrayal. Her angry voice rises as it weaves Aryth's arcance forces, not into a comfortable net of sleep, but a blanket of smothering. Her anger manifests as an arcane bolt that slams into Fallax, staggering the old man as he tries to stay awake. Shaking his head to clear his eyes, he turns once at Kaela, smiles wickedly, and disappears down the side alleyway. Beside Kaela, Bowen screams a curse as Fallax disappears.

OOC: Technically, I would rule Fallax made it around the corner of the alleyway before the spell was cast, but I though I would make it fair to everyone to at least give Kaela a chance with a spell. My roll is here, without modifiers so you cannot guess anything about Fallax. Unfortunately, for the Heroes, he saved. Thanks for pointing out the Invisible Castle maddmic! And I hope everyone's anger with Fallax carries this game for a long, long time. :D

Murdoch curses in frustration as he turns to Lodric. His mind already has come to a decision.If we leave, we leave our companions to their wits and the mercy of the orcs. But, Aislinn is most important now. Let us make haste! Murdoch and Lodric run further down the alleyway before turning west into another side alley and disappearing from the view of the other Heroes. I do not know where they are headed, but we can do our best to intercept them! Ibor could not hide from me - I know more secret hiding places in this city than does he! He must seek a place where the Shadow's minions may fear to tread. Dulach's Grove!
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Herger's rage begins to boil over. His mind screams at his muslces to move. Fallax is getting away, his companions attack the orcs and he is unable to move by the betrayers wicked magics. Having been kicked by the orc does nothing to help the mental torment that the giant is putting himself through. Had he been bound by any normal means, he surely would've broken them by now, or broken his bones by trying. This was nothing normal though. His own oversight had caused him this punishment. He concentrated with all his might and tried to will himself to move against the magic that held him stead fast.

Yet one more roll and another failure. :( I fear Herger may not be around to exact his vengance.....
http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=644373 2 + 1 = 3


Starhl squints at the pain, but the barbarian shrugs it off. He readies his weapon for the charging orcs, trying to cut them down as quickly as possible.

Bjorn's Faith: +10, 2d6+7/19-20, Cleaving.

Valurel turns his attention to the orc savaging Ensin. With a feral cry, he springs towards the orc and slashes with his blood-soaked claws again, hoping to finish off his foe quickly.

OOC: Claw attack +6/+6 to hit, 1d4+5 damage each, unless he only gets one because he had to move too far.


Kaela stands in a stupor for a long moment, tears running freely down her face. With Lodric and Murdoch running off and her other friends incapacitated or in battle, she is torn between running after the departed betrayers and her little sister or helping her friends in what seems to be a losing battle.

Unbidden, her hand moves as if of its own accord into her pocket to wrap around the mysterious glowing stone and remove it. Clenched tightly in her hand, she makes a decision.

We fight, she thinks, her eyes growing hard. I will not let Valurel fall. I will not let Starhl breath his last breath today. And I will not let Herger die with the sight of Ibor and Fallax leaving with Aislinn on his mind!

Channeling her determination and love for her companions into her enchantment, she attempts to envelop the orc attempting to secure the giant.

ooc: Sleep again! Man, I need to grab some offensive spells now that Kaela is becoming a more active warrior. Edit: Oh, and sorry about the confusion, the writing was perfectly clear when I re-read it.


First Post
Git up I said, ya' Northern' dog! The heavy boot of the orc standing above Herger slams his hobnailed boot deep into Herger's ribs, obviously not understanding Herger's predicament. Herger's rage rises as he envisions breaking the vile orc in his strong hands. Above him, steel screeches as the orc draws and raises a vardatch above Herger's head. Again Herger strains against the arcane bonds that contain him, only to fail once again.

OOC: Sorry, maddmic. Roll again.

Seeing the orc's intentions, Kaela draws forth the green stone, its weight in her hand a comfort she cannot explain. Her perception of the natural world around her grows, her naivity washing away like water leaving her hard inside, callous. She could make her body hard, too, if she wanted. The stone would do that for her. Recovering quickly, her anger once again weaves Aryth's magic into a smothering blanket that envelopes the orc. Clutching at the air, the orc collapses next to Herger, twitching in nightmares of Shadow. Yes! Bowen smiles fiercely at Kaela. Good work, Young Kaela!

OOC: The stone provides the following. At 2nd level, all animal attitudes toward wielder improve by one step. At 3rd level, the wielder can cast barkskin 1/day. Please record this on Kaela's character sheet.

Valurel launches himself on the orc attacking Ensin. Two quick slashes with Valurel's sharp talons and the orc strives to hold his life blood from spraying from his neck futilely. The massive orc drops in the street, a widening pool of blood spreading in the street. The two charging orcs slam into Valurel and Starhl. The vardatch of one orc slams into Valurel's shoulder, spraying the ghost's blood along the side wall. Ha! The ghost can bleed! Ensin nearby stands up and thrusts with his blade into the orc's gut. The orc cries out in pain before knocking Ensin's blade aside to assail Valurel again.

Stahrl swings his sword hard, bringing it down on the other charging orc's head. The orc is staggered and careens into Starhl, its vardatch punching into Starhl's stomach. Starhl grunts with the extreme pain, but smiles in satisfaction as the Wolf rips into the orc's hamstrings, dropping him prone on the ground.

OOC: Valurel takes 8 points of damage, Starhl takes 9 points of damage. Two orcs are still attacking Valurel, Starhl, and Ensin: one is fighting Valurel and Ensin and one is prone fighting Starhl and the Wolf.

From down the alleyway that Fallax disappeared comes the sound of running hobnailed boots tramping on the cobblestones. Shouting also emerges from the alleyway. With an evil cry, a raven alights on the wooden building at the corner of the alleyway Fallax disappeared into. Fixing its gaze on Kaela, its caws ring out harshly above the sounds of battle.

Lodric follows Murdoch as he sets a merciless pace through the streets and alleyways of Baden's Bluff. Ignoring possible detection, cloaks blowing behind them in the warm air, Murdoch races for Dulach's Grove. Between harsh gasps of air and hiding spots waiting for orcs to pass, Murdoch tells Lodric the history of Dulach's Grove. A dark place...supposedly where a dark priest of Shadow fell to the resistance many, many years ago...the grove was a green, living park...now it is a blasted piece of earth, filled with rank weeds and the skeletons of mighty oaks...evil dwells there and even the Shadow's minions fear to tread there...they say the dead priest walks there at night...where else could Ibor flee and feel safe from the pursuing Shadow...come...we must be swift...for Aislinn!


Herger would bow his head if it were not held steadfast. The sound of the orc's blade being drawn and his inability to move was enough to tell the large northman that it was over. He attempted to break the enchantment upon him, yet it was only a half-hearted attempt as he knew he was doomed.

http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=656540 = 4+1 = 5

It would appear that invisible castle does not like Herger......

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