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Midnight: A Lost Faith's Shadow. Book 1, The Awakening. Chapter 3, Baden's Bluff


Starhl swings at the orc attacking him, attempting to cleave another one of the orcs next to him.

Bjorn's Faith: +10, 2d6+7/19-20, Cleave
Apologies was away for a week for work.

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Thornir Alekeg

ooc: crap - what is the old rule about splitting the party? We may be about to become a bad example...

Lodric pauses We seek two who would have entered carrying another a short time ago.


First Post
OOC: I forgot Starhl's Cleave feat in my last post. My bad. Thanks for reminding me.

Starhl's sword swings wide, shearing through the attacking orc's scale mail, small pieces of armor flying across the alley. The orc gurgles on his own blood and topples to the cobblestones. Starhl carries the sword's momentum into another orc nearby, burying its blade deep in the orc attacking Valurel. A death shriek escapes the orc's fanged maw as it drops to its knees.

Valurel launches himself on the other orc attacking him. One of his bloody claws sink deep into orc flesh, rending the dark meat. The orc snarls and swings back with its vardatch, catching the Ghost across the stomach with the dull blade, forcing a grunt of pain from the elf.

Ensin's sword creates a steel net about him, protecting him more than attacking the two orcs. Ensin is unable to penetrate the orc armor, but neither do the vardatches cleave the brave fighter.

OOC: Starhl dropped the orc attacked by the Wolf and also dropped the wounded orc attacking Valurel with the Cleave feat. The other orc attacking Valurel had a good hurt inflicted on him by Valurel, but was able to hit Valurel for 6 points of damage. The other two orcs are flanking the badly wounded Ensin, who is fighting defensively.

The three orcs standing over Herger grow anxious, the smell of blood in their nostrils and screams of battle in their ears. Two of the orcs move out into the alleyway, one moving towards Ensin, Starhl, and Valurel, the second toward Bowen and Kaela. The orc captain stays standing over Starhl, unwilling to release his prize. Take the pigs down, now! Or by the Shadow, I'll break your backs and feast on your marrow tonight!

Kaela rushes forward and grasps Bowen in a fierce grip, the magic of Aryth coursing through her and into Bowen. Bowen smiles feebly at Kaela, her face a pasty white. No visible change has come over Bowen, but her confidence rises quickly. Striking back at the orc, her mace hits the orc, but does little damage against its armor. Snarling, the orc swings back with its vardatch aiming for Bowen's neck, only to be deflected at the last possible moment by some invisible barrier. The orc roars in frustration, spittle flying as its red eyes glare at Kaela and Bowen. Kaela... Bowen's voice is slurred. We must flee! We are no use to our Hope dead!

Quickly Kaela steps back, but not fast enough. The flaming sword swings down, smashing into Kaela's back, knocking the wind out of the small woman. The legate screams in triumph Ha! Young girl! Give up now and the Shadow will be merciful!

OOC: The orc attacking Bowen was wounded slightly by Bowen's attack and its attack missed Bowen when Mage Armor was cast (she is wearing no armor). The flaming sword hit Kaela for 4 points of damage.

Despite the din of battle, screams erupt throughout the city of Baden's Bluff. Several peasants come streaming through the alleyway, their faces full of terror. What could force the citizens to run through an orc battle? The question is quickly answered as something huge swoops low over the alleyway spreading a miasma of putresence and death. Herger's beast! The winged beast crashes into a nearby building, leveling the wooden structure. Its reptilian head snakes forward on a long, sinuous, rotting neck and shrieks a piercing challenge. The legate cries in triumph. The beast of Shadow has come! Your doom is upon you!

The cloaked figures stand unmoving as their voices issue forth. No one has entered our grove except what you have brought with you. No go! A scimitar springs into the cowled hand of one of the cloaked and hooded figures. A second readies a spectral looking bow, its length blazing with dancing blue lights. The third stands motionless, waiting for the reply from Murdoch and Lodric.


Starhl charges trying to decapitate one of the orcs attacking Ensin. He gestures to the wolf to attack the other orc.

"Die you servants of the Shadow!" he shouts.


"Starhl! We need to run. Continuing this fight is folly!"

Kaela calls out to her companion. Ignoring the threat of the flaming blade for a moment, she calls upon the misty fog that has served them well before.

ooc: Cast Obscuring Mist, casting defensively. Concentration is a +9.

She looks across the skirmish to where Herger stands, tears welling up in her eyes as the mist starts rising to conceal her slender form. "Herger! We will come for you! We will find you!"


First Post
Starhl's sword crashes against one of the orc's attacking Ensin, but slips down the orc's armor harmlessly, sparks flying. Turning, the orc snarls a challenge, its vardatch shrieking down the length of Bjorn's Faith to rip into Starhl's thigh. The Wolf follows Starhl's lead and grips the other orc's haunches with its powerful jaws, shaking and ripping, failing to take the orc off its feet. Valurel's claws slash at the orc attacking the Elf, one of the claws catching its throat and spilling its life blood on the cobblestones. The orc stumbles back a few steps before crashing into the alleyway dead. Ensin continues to fight defensively, persperation and intense pain lining his face. Northman! We must flee! The battle is lost and our forces separated! The Beast of Shadow will consume us all! Ensin screams above the din of battle. The single orc attacking Ensin is unable to break Ensin's defense. From Herger's side, a single charging orc arrives at the battle and swings wildly at Valurel, narrowly missing the Elf's head.

OOC: Starhl missed with his attack and the attacking orc inflicted six points of damage on Starhl. The other orc is attacking Ensin and is unhurt. The charging orc from the last post missed Valurel. There are a total of 3 orcs attacking Ensin, Starhl, and Valurel.

Kaela's despair manifests as a gray mist that obscures herself, Bowen, and the attacking orc in the alleyway. Bowen backs to Kaela's side, pulling on the young girl as she tries to convince Kaela to flee. Good work, young Kaela! We must flee! Nearby, a massive shape looms in the mist. The orc! Snarling, its vardatch scythes through the damp air, easily missing the two woman as it seeks to find them in the mist. Nearby, another charging orc sails past the two woman, the two women camoflouged in the concealing mist.

OOC: The charging orc has no idea where the two women are and is attacking wildly. The orc attacking Bowen is swinging wildly, but at least has an idea where the pair is. The Obscuring Mist has only a 20 foot radius, so it extends about 10 feet short of the attacking legate. Starhl, Valurel, and Ensin are sixty feet or so further south.

Above sounds of battle, the legate screams in frustration as his flaming sword, the manifestation of his god's power, scythes through the mist. Crush them, Horror of Shadow! Kill them! the legate shrieks. With a reptilian hiss, massive jaws snap at the legate, its anger rising with horrible hissing, unwilling to follow this legate's orders. The legate stumbles back, unwilling to face the massive creature as it advances from the ruined building, walking on massive, ruinous legs and claw tipped wings. The orc captain flees in terror as the legate scrambles against a wall. Standing above Herger, the massive reptile snakes its head in the direction of Starhl, Valurel, and Ensin and then northward towards the mist filled alleyway. Issuing a shrieking hiss, a challenge to the Heroes, the beast grips Herger in its mighty talons.

Lodric steps back uncertainly, Murdoch doing likewise. Fighting flesh and steel is one thing, but the undead? The cloaked figures do not move, but merely watch the two begin to move back. Unexpectedly, from behind, something crashes through the underbrush. Two figures run through the trees and brambles no more than sixty feet away, one an old man, the other a powerful, scarred warrior carrying an unconscious young girl.
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"Use the mist!" Kaela calls out to Starhl, Valurel, and Ensin. She concentrates again to pull power from the land, trying to extend the mist to give more cover. Once the fog rises, she nods to Bowen through her tears and turns to flee, holding the warrior's arm for guidance.

ooc: Cast Fog Cloud in a manner that will extend the coverage to best help Kaela's allies, then get outta there!


Herger is bashed into a blackness. A blackness that consumes him and he cannot wake from, much like the magics that held him in place while his friends were being assaulted. While his friends were fighting for their lives and that of Aislinns, Herger was enveloped by a darkness that tormented him. As the battle raged and as he was unconscious, Herger's subconcious began to run wild. Visons assaulted his mind and they seemed so real.

He saw her. Aislinn was helpless in a lake, calling out to him and yet he was on the shore, held by some unknown force. He was unable to move and swim to her to keep her from drowning. He looked down to see what was holding him and only saw a giant hand keeping him in place. No matter how hard he struggled, he could not free himself. As he looked back out at the helpless girl, he saw the old man. He heard the wheezing and then the cackeling. Then the stench of his old and rotten breath reached Hergers nostrils. If the laughter wasn't enough to betray who the man was, the putrid smell confirmed Herger's suspicions. Fallax sneered as he reached out to the girl and took her hand, all the while soothing her and calming her.

The old man pulled the girl to freedom and turned to Herger cursing the giant while filling the girls ears with lies and promises that all would be well. In that moment, Aislinns eyes cleared and her sight returned to fix a gaze upon Herger. A gaze that would haunt the giant northman. His last vision of their hope was one of her being carried away by Fallax and another person. A single solitary tear ran down her cheek. The scene began to morph into another distant, yet familiar time.

A man in dark clothing and some symbol was smiling wickedly as he held two girls. Herger then saw his father walking back to him with a donkey and wagon in tow. The northman watch in horror as his sisters were taken away. His fathers smile very reminiscient of Fallax's. The scene then quickly morphed again into one of his father being ripped to shreds by a host of orcs. He was still unable to move, held in place by a force stronger than he. All of these scenes then faded to a gray foggy mist.

Through it all, Herger had been unable to move. His emotion had not been enough to free him from the magical bonds that held him in place. His emotion had not saved his sisters, nor had it made any difference in his fathers death. He then released all of his emotion and broke down. The tears flowed down his face and carried all of the sorrow and guilt that he felt. Even a bit of the rage slipped away and as he struggled to catch one last glimpse of Aislinn being carried away, through his tears he saw it. A small light in the distance growing faint, yet still burning. He struggled at his unseen bonds again and felt something. He began to slip out of it's grasp. He shut his eyes momentarily and tried again, this time finally freeing himself. He then opened his eyes again, searching for the light. He located it again and began moving in that direction. 'I must save her. Get her back. Our hope, our Aislinn.'

Well, I figured since he's knocked out and going to be carried off by this beast, Herger had better be tormented by something. I mean, his friends are knocking on death's door..... I just figured that his dream would be ending as he is waking up, if the beast affords him that opportunity before haveing a snack.....


Starhl sees Herger fall, but is unwilling to just leave him behind. Raising his sword, he swings it at the reptile with all his might.

Bjorn's Faith: +11, 2d6+10/19-20, Cleave, going into Rage( +4 bonus to Strength, a +4 bonus to Constitution, and a +2 morale bonus on Will saves, but he takes a -2 penalty to Armor Class)

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