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Midnight - Crown of Shadow


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Elig sees no reason now to expose himself, seeing his companions exploring the man, the burning area behind the house, and the house itself. Instead, he focuses on keeping lookout for any trouble.

OOC: Staying very still, and very alert.
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Kal crouched low, keeping his head out of the smoke as much as possible. The place was going up fast; he didn't have much time. Already the roof was completely ablaze, and the walls were starting to go. The heat inside was near unbearable, and Kal's breaths burned in his nose and throat, which had gone dry almost instantly.

He started searching around, desperate because he knew the place didn't have long.


First Post
Tamari’s fleeting levity of only moments ago evaporated like snowflakes in a flame as she took in the tableau lay before her disbelieving eyes. Forcing back the rising bile in her gullet, she nodded woodenly to Elig’s advice, his voice sounded muffled as though coming from a distance.

Tamari had witnessed the brutality of the Shadow’s retribution before, in her travels as a child of a Sarcosan soldier, but never the horrific cruelty now set before her.

Suddenly coming to a decision on an internal conflict she hadn’t even been aware she was having, Tamari stepped lightly across the scrub to the impaled figure of Tad. Taking her spear she thrust it through his neck, hoping to end the poor man’s suffering, as the blade slide into the flesh of his neck a tear rolled down her cheek and a sob racked her frame.


First Post
Shadowfane said:
Suddenly coming to a decision on an internal conflict she hadn’t even been aware she was having, Tamari stepped lightly across the scrub to the impaled figure of Tad. Taking her spear she thrust it through his neck, hoping to end the poor man’s suffering, as the blade slide into the flesh of his neck a tear rolled down her cheek and a sob racked her frame.

Ilsha looks up to see Tamari doing what she could not, or would not, putting the poor lad out of his misery, despite the horror, she does not scream, growing numb, she slowly stands, swaying, lightly as if believing this is just a dream... a nightmare, but the senses are too real, the burning from the smoke, the smells, the sights, all too real, if she were any weaker she would break... but she has the blood of power in her, the fire the smoke is all to familiar, and yet altogether foreign.

Ilsha walks forward slowly, and as Tamari ends the poor lad's life, she closes his eyes as best as she can, she looks up and nods with tear stricken eyes, "The Shadow's embrace has him now, if he is dead, we must prevent the rise of a Fell, and any other fallen dead," she sniffles, "this is ghastly..." she finally mutters.

Ashrem Bayle

Tad gave a twitch as Tamari's spear tip pierced his throat. Blood rolled out in a crimson torrent, soaking his chest and the snow covered ground. Seconds later, he was dead. His breathing, ragged and panicked as it was, slowed to a stop. His eyes glazed over, the life leaving his body.

As Tamari lowered her eyes in mourning, she too noticed the spot where perhaps another spear stood.

Choric moved closer to the source of the smoke…. and the smell. What he discovered made him wish he had stayed back there with Tad. Near the edge of the forest, he found little Rob, Jon’s boy…….. or at least…. what remained.

The boy, a young lad of eight summers, lay in the snow in a position that should have been impossible. His left arm and shoulder was gone, and his head hang on with little more than slivers of flesh. Where the left side of his face should have been, was now a ruined mess. He had been burned, horribly, and his missing arm and shoulder appeared to have been blown off, as if by an explosion….. or lightning.

The ground around the child was blackened and scorched. Blood and pieces of flesh lay scattered about, burned and mangled. His forearm and hand looked to be a good ten feet away, half buried in the cold snow. The smell was overwhelming at this distance, and Choric could not resist the urge to bend double and vomit.

Aerenar, catching up to Choric, narrowly managed to avoid getting breakfast on his boot. When he saw the boy, he was suddenly glad his own stomach was empty.


Elig, ever wary, scanned the area for danger, or for sign of who might have committed the atrocity. He was scanning the forest edge when he noticed Choric, leaning against a tree, spilling his breakfast. He was about to go check on him, when he heard a loud crash come from inside the house.


Kal's lungs burned with the effort of breathing hot air. Crouched low, he made it into the last room, having already searched the others. It was Bailey's other son's room, Jon's and his wife, Tena's. The room was decorated as a woman would. Flowers on the window seal now shriveled from the heat. The beautiful curtains burned as well, and the fire that stemmed from them had recently set afire the quilt that Tena’s mother had knitted for them on their wedding day.

Suddenly, a section of the roof broke finally gave way. As it fell, it clipped Tal’s shoulder, burning him and almost knocking him to the ground. It took him a moment to force breath back into his lungs, and when he did, the heat of the air made it almost unbearable. As he turned, he noticed the rubble had fell across the doorway, blocking his exit.

OOC: 1 point of bludgeoning damage & 1 point of fire damage
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Guest 11456

Choric stumbles away from the mess that was the boy. He pushes out the mental images racing through his brain. He wonders who or what could have done such atrocities. He makes his way back toward the burning house. As he walks he scans the area again, feeling that what ever did this might still be near.


First Post
The room was burning around him. His breathing was almost about to sear his throat. All around him, he saw only soot and flame.

And the lone window in the room.

Kal did the only thing that he could - with every ounce of strength he could muster in the blistering heat, he dove headlong towards the window, leading with his mace, covering his face with his free hand.

If I don't make it through this, I'm done for.

OoC: Have I mentioned that falling, flaming beams pi$$ me off? ;)
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First Post
Tamari's head drooped in shame at her action, yet she knew there was little else she could have done for the man. As her tear-stained vision cleared she noticed a hole in the ground as though made by a shaft of some sort…another spear?

Crouching to get a better look she noticed the disturbed snow round about and a cold dread crept over her as her shock-numbed mind came to the only conclusion it could; someone else had been savagely skewered like Tad and set in the cold earth to die like some grisly scarecrow, but…but, they had managed to get themselves down and escape? Something didn’t fit here….Tamari checked the area again, surely there would be a trail if another victim of this appalling crime had managed to crawl away; the thought of the pain they would be in made Tamari feel sick.

As Tamari’s mind struggled with the ghastly conundrum before her, a terrific crash from the burning farmhouse shattered her train of thought. Looking up she realised the house had begun to collapse in upon itself. ‘Where was Kal?’ she wondered; Tamari had last seen him heading towards the house, but had not paid attention after that, occupied as she was with poor Tad. She rose and hefting her spear began to walk slowly toward the conflagration looking for Tal, perhaps he had headed over to the barn?

OoC: no probs Ash, I've edited the post accordingly ;)
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Ashrem Bayle

Shadowfane said:
Something didn’t fit here….Tamari checked the area again, where was the blood? If there was another victim of this appalling crime, surely there would be blood covering the snow about.

Sorry..... I should have been more clear. :( From all the blood around, there could have been blood coming from a second victem as well. There is definately a little blood around the hole.


Registered User
A crash, loud enough to stop him in his tracks. In a moment of horror, Elig realized Kal was in that building - and the roof was caving in !

Without thinking, Elig bolted for the building, and, finding a lone window, moved towards it, intent on smashing it and seeing what he might of Kel.

A quick look in the window, however, showed that Kel, despite the flames and rubble, was alright. At least, alright enough to be charging headlong right at the window! Elig ducked out of the way, and prepared to revise his plan depending on what happened next.

Good or bad, his cover was now blown. If he'd been hunting squirrels, they'd have been long gone. Too bad it wasn't just squirrels in the burning building.
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