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Midnight - Crown of Shadow


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Ilsha will continue to drag the corpse to the flames, as fast as she can, not aware of the troubles in the barn, unless that is where the fire is.

OOC:I am confused, does Ilsha see this?

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Ashrem Bayle

Tokiwong said:
Ilsha will continue to drag the corpse to the flames, as fast as she can, not aware of the troubles in the barn, unless that is where the fire is.

OOC:I am confused, does Ilsha see this?

No, Ilsha isn't aware of exactly what is going on, but she hears Bailey's screams.


First Post
Kal didn't know whether to be sick from the sight, cower and run in fear at the cold chill running the length of his spine, or run forward and splatter the thing with his mace. The gruesome scene was like something straight out of a nightmare. There could be no doubt that the Shadow was responsible for all of this.

His resolve started to win through. He fought down the urge to be sick. He steadily was mastering his fear, for he knew that to run away now might leave some of his comrades vulnerable to the abomination before them, and worse, allow another hideous monstrosity to plague the surrounding lands in the days to come.

He chose to advance and put an end to the foul thing.


OoC: Watching out not to trip on Jon's corpse, Kal will attack, trying to coordinate his strikes with anyone else who might be attacking. If he is the only one, he will swing his mace straight for the Fell's head.
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Guest 11456

Seeing Kal move to attack the thing that was Old Man Bailey, Choric moves to positon himself opposite Kal's. Once lined up for the attack, he swings his mace low toward its legs.


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The shock of seeing the thing that had been Old Man Bailey froze Tamari for a second; even her fevered imaginings hadn’t envisioned such a horrifying sight.

(OoC: trying to role-play my cr&*!y initiative roll; are you using that orange dice again Ash?! ;) )

Seeing the two guardsmen, her friends, move to attack the Fell, Tamari positions herself between them and lunges at the risen corpse with her spear, aiming for the chest.

OoC: Unless I misunderstood, Choric is attacking from the left and Kal from the right; so Tamari is attacking from head on (or in between the two at any rate as I’m not sure which way the Fell is facing with respect to their attacks).


Registered User
Seeing the others charge in, Elig slowly continued to circle until he had a line of site. The chill of seeing one of the Fell ran straight down his spine, and the hairs on the back of his neck stood up as his adrenaline surged. Between that and the horror of the scene, with the burning house and the half-eaten son - a son Elig knew, if only impersonally - was nearly maddening.

Fighting that feeling, Elig took a stone and whipped it out at the creature with his sling, being more cautious than he might had not his companions been so close to it.
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Ashrem Bayle


An ice cold breeze seemed to slice through Ilsha's clothes like they were nothing. As she approached the burning home, she would have been thankful for the heat if not for the gruesome task at hand. She pulled Tad's lifeless body behind her, leaving a bloody trail in the snow.

She had just managed to get him onto the porch when another crash sounded from inside. The house wouldn't last long at this rate.

The roar of the flames where not enough keep her from hearing the sounds of battle that suddenly erupted from the barn.



Aeren stepped aside as the others moved cautiously forward. A chill ran down his spine, and he suddenly wished he had the dagger that was still hidden under his mattress. In fact, he wished he himself was hidden under his mattress right now. He searched around quickly, and saw an old rusted pitchfork propped against the wall.

He couldn't see what was happening behind the hay, but when the others suddenly surged forward, accompanied by a horrific scream echoing through the barn, he hurried to grab the pitchfork and held it at the ready.

OOC: Readied action to attack the Fell if it comes near.



A combination of the terrible events he had recently witnessed, and the shock of death and rebirth as one of the dreaded Fell, had robbed the old man of his sanity. There was a mad, feral, look in his eyes as he suddenly lurched forward, the spear dragging the floor, causing him to fall as much as lunge toward Choric.

OOC: Attack of Opportunity

His face a snarl of rage, he reached out in an attempt to grab the young guardsman. Unfortunately for him, Choric's fear fueled reflexes where quick to take advantage of the opening. As he leapt to get out of the creature's grasp, he swung his weapon to defend himself, cracking the creature's skull with the force of his blow.

The blow knocked the Fell's head to the side, causing it to stumble away, but it wasn't enough to stop the creature.



Kal, his own mace in hand, staggered back in surprise as the Fell lunged at his friend. It was with grim satisfaction that he saw Choric's mace collide with the old man's head.

Off balance, due partly to the blow, and partly to the large spear still running the length of his body, Old Man Bailey stumbled away from Choric in Kal's direction.

As the fell neared, Kal tightened the grip on his mace, and after only a moment of uncertainty, he swung the mace for the first time in his life with the intent to kill.

OOC: Attack

The mace whistled as it cut through the air. The fell turned, as the mace crashed against his shoulder. Old Man Bailey snarled, blood and drool spilling from his mouth, and he let out another maddened shriek.



Choric's initial blow landed across the side of the old man's head, sending him stumbling away toward his friend who responded with his own attack. Choric didn't let up, knowing that to do so might mean their deaths. He lunged at the creature's back, swinging his mace in a panicked frenzy.

OOC: Flanking Attack

Once again Choric's mace found its mark. The Fell's head jerked hard to the side, the skull cracking from the force of the blow. A stream of blood flew through the air and splattered across Tamari's face.

The creature staggered, its head a ruined mess. Yet it did not die......



As his friends advanced, Elig had set a stone spinning in his sling. So much was happening at once, and it was hard to get a good shot at the monster that stood before him, threatening his friends.

Finally, seeing a clear opportunity, he let the stone fly.

OOC: Ranged Attack

If the god's still listened, Elig would have thanked them.

The stone whizzed through the air and the hit the creature with an audible *THUNK*. The stone had buried itself in the Fell's already horribly damaged head.

The thing jerked with a spasm, and fell forward lifelessly at Tamari's feet.



Tamari almost vomited when the old man's blood splashed across her face. The fear and revulsion where terrible and it took all she had to regain her senses.

Suddenly angry at her own fear, and angry at the creature before her for inspiring that fear, she lunged at it with her spear, intent on ending its miserable mockery of a life. She was almost upon it when a stone whistled past her ear and struck the creature in its head. It jerked and convulsed only once before it collapsed at her feet, almost tripping her.

The heat of battle subsided as, with an audibly crunch; she buried her spear in the creature's chest, insuring its return to death.


For a time, the barn was silent as everyone stared in shock at the creature that lay before them.

OOC: Wow. Those where some really good rolls. :)
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Aerenar Tell

As he watched the fell fal to the ground dead, Aeren let the pitchfork drop from his hands. Aeren didn't notice though, he just stood there moulth gapping in shock.


First Post
A grim satisfaction washed over Kal as the creature collapsed, but he was inwardly shamed. He had hesitated at first to attack the creature, and he resolved then and there to never hesitate again against one of the Fell. The creature that was Old Man Bailey was not a natural thing, and it was perversion of the highest order to his spirit in returning to life as one of the Fell. His resolution extended to find the perpetrators of this atrocity, and to make them pay - however in the world that might be accomplished. He doubted very seriously that any of the people gathered with him would join him in his quest, but that did not matter.

He looked to Choric for a moment, seeing some warring emotions on the face of his lieutenant as well. Finally, he spoke.

"We'd best burn the body. Don't want it coming back ... again."

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