Midway Mining Expedition (PbP)


Creator of The Untamed Wilds

Head Foreman Gebbrik called for a community meeting. The displeasure of such an announcement could be seen on the faces of the younger members of the community. One could image the sarcastic thoughts crossing their faces. "Oh great. Shaft 4 is playing out. We need to prevent the Chilling Season's snows from flooding shaft 6, blah blah blah..."

But it wasn't that.

Gebbrik began in his gravelly, Orngaddrin voice, "I called this special meeting early in the season because, as some of you know, we have some emergent issues that need immediate attention."

"Tamus has reported that Dreg has fallen to his death near shaft 9, saying that he was following the sound of some mystic song."

"Migdon witnessed some blight-born beast of a spider taking up residence in shaft 2. Laugh if you want about our religious beliefs but Kliv and Gart can confirm the size of the thing."

"Last, as of last night, for the second time, some critter has gotten into the smoke house and made off with some curing meat. I'm figuring some industrious fowler is the culprit."

"Obviously, these fall out of the purview of us mundane miners, and I am not afraid to admit when skill beyond a strong arm is required, so I am asking for volunteers. I am aware and appreciative of the fact that one or two of you who work with the cook and the medic may exhibit a latent mystic skill that separates you from the rest of us. I think its time to put that rare talent to some benevolent use for the community. What say you?"

GM: Anyone interested in playing or has questions or wants information on the gaming system, feel free to PM me.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Having been sent by the head Medic when they heard about the fall, Coldtree hears the speech of Gebbrik and nods in agreement. He barely remembers East Port, and calls Midway his true home. This is the moment in his life where he gets to decide if he will remain as a small tender of minor wounds and abrasions, or if he would do great things. He looks down at his hands, calloused from hours of personal training and makes his decision.

Coldtree says, "I shall volunteer, Gebbrik. Since you have not put any order of importance on theses tasks, and poor Dreg cannot be rescued, I would say we first handle the problem with the varmint stealing meat. Such a thing cannot be tolerated for a growing community. I'll examine the meat storage to see if it can be secured against any more incursions."

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth

Taka says, "I shall volunteer. Perhaps the critter which is stealing the meat will prove to be, by itself, fat and edible. Once we kill it, we can cut it up and smoke it, to make up for the missing meat."
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
...Coldtree says, "I shall volunteer... I would say we first handle the problem with the varmint stealing meat..."
Taka says, "I shall volunteer..."

Tehn laughs at the big man and speaks in Orngaddrin. "If the culprit is indeed a fowler, you will be the only one trying to eat it. I would like to help. I know I am an oddity in Midway and much smaller than you two, but I think I may be suited to this venture. I am with Coldtree. Let's take a look at the smoke house."

Gebbrik nods. "The matter is settled. If any others decide to join the effort, you know where they are starting."

It is just passed midday when the meeting breaks. It is a quick matter to see where the varmint has dug its way under the rear wall of the smoke house. The dirt is quickly pushed back into place and tamped down. Scanning the area and moving around to gain more than one perspective, it appears that a small game trail leads from the back of the smoke house around the brewery. Beyond the brewery, the path is more definitive and leads off into the trees. It is not possible to determine the number of varmints involved but a clear fowler track confirms suspicions.

Lunnaya Tehn (which means Moon Shadow in Amiradtha) touches the print and measures it with his fingers. He speaks in broken Hebrian. "Probably a raccoon or a marten. I want it is a marten. Raccoon run away. Marten mean. Better to kill."

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: Technical Information:

Fowler is the general term for varmints that primarily subsist by killing birds or robbing their nests. These are, technically, members of the weasel family, including minks, ferrets, ermines, and sables. In game terminology these creatures include others like raccoons, skunks, foxes, martens, fishers, badgers, and wolverines. All are opportunistic and will rob food stores of people when convenient. Though not considered to be edible, these creatures are valued for their hides, which have the resilience of that of a bear.

Of the entire group, only skunks, martens, fishers, badgers, and wolverines are considered dangerous. Being a fantasy game, there are some, as yet, unknown paranormal members of the group.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Coldtree pauses by the smokehouse to see how they could use stones or some other material to keep anything else from digging in again.
He catches up with the group and says with a wry smile, "I'm sure this foul varmint will push us to our limits. I'm more concerned about the song that lured the miner to his death. Could he have been hearing things, or was it some kind of spirit?"

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Taka says, "I take it that you're being sarcastic?" laughing in a good-natured way, "One fowler is hardly a match for the group of us. Nevertheless, we've already given our word that we'd kill it, so let's do that first. As for this report of singing? Spirits do not sing, they wail. I suspect that the singing is some sort of animal, whose utterance SOUNDS like singing. Much the way mountain lions sometimes make soft sounds that are almost like a person whistling, or a bird chirping."


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Coldtree pauses by the smokehouse to see how they could use stones or some other material to keep anything else from digging in again.
With the simplicity and effectiveness of such an idea, other miners join in when they see what the three young men are doing. Pebbles and stones are readily available in the mountainous area, and everyone makes short work on improving the foundation of the smokehouse.

Kwargrow said:
(Coldtree) ..., "I'm sure...?"
Taka says, "I take it that you're being sarcastic?" laughing in a good-natured way, "One fowler..."
Tehn makes a face of concentration. He speaks in Orngaddrin to be more fluid. "I do not think he is being sarcastic. We are looking at following a clever animal to its lair. I have been thinking about this trail, too. We are definitely looking at more than one varmint; but more then being any real danger to us, I think the difficulty will be in making sure we kill the things before they can hide."

"On the issue with Dreg, he was not the brightest of individuals, but the whole idea of him falling to his death bothers me. We should speak with Tamus when we get back."

The game trail is difficult to walk at some points, especially for Taka, due to his size, but in a count of 1000 or so, the three suspect that they have located a possible den for the nuisance varmint. Walking around the treefall and debris pile from some long ago tiny avalanche, animal sounds can be heard from within. The lack of familiarity prevents any of the three from specifically identifying the sound, but generally it is indicative of those made by any fowler.

Tehn looks at the others. "Any ideas? Do we want to back up and wait for sunset or try to drive whatever it is out?"


Gamer Extraordinaire
Coldtree shrugs and gives Tehn a friendly clap on the shoulder. He replies in Orngaddrin, "I was being sarcastic, actually. I don't consider these creatures a threat to our safety, just our food supply. An animal will come back to anyplace that it knows it can find food, which is why we must kill these varmints. My idea is we should search around for any back door to clog up, and then build a small fire to smoke these creatures out. The smoke should blind them and choke them, making them easier to deal with when they rush out."

Coldtree pauses as a new idea comes over him. Perhaps he can locate where the creatures are in their den by sensing their body heat or life energy. He closes his eyes, summons the power within his mind, and attempts to reach out and find the critters with Way.

Roll: 73, 37
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