Midway Mining Expedition (PbP)


Gamer Extraordinaire
Seeing their loss of morale, Coldtree does not give up the attack. He intends to manipulate waylines to cause a burst of Sound against his opponent, using a piece of Slate to increase his attack. "No one walks away from ruining breakfast," he says.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Taka is equally unwilling to let it drop. He will siphon his opponent once more, and then attempt to punch him in the temple and knock him out.

Siphon = 99 (+100!) +67 = 266
Punch = 43


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Coldtree: full wellness
Harnin arrows: 17
Tunic: 60 - 2 - 2 - 3 = 53
Taka: full wellness
Boots: 20 - 7 = 14
Tehn: full wellness
Standard Earnings: 360 shillings / 10 days
Shillings: 237

Animal Parts:
Ant Pinchers: 5, (Cohesion +1)
Ant Stingers: 5, {Toxin x2}
Beetle Elytra: 5 pair (deflect 4, soak 2)
Duck Feathers: 1 set, (Cohesion +1)
Goat Jawbone: 1, (Will +1)
Harvester Feather Talisman: 1, (Health +1)
Peccary Tusks: 1 pair, (Confluence +1)
Porcupine Quill: 1, ??
Viper Skull: 1, ?
Snakeskin: 20% coverage, max value 50
Standard Leather: 24% coverage, max value 48

Tin: 1, (Persona +1), {- Mind x 2}
Zinc: 7, (Health +1), {+ Body x 2}

Berserker Flowers: 1 measure, {+ Strength x2 / - Mind x3}
Mend Leaves: 1 measure, {+ Body x 2}
Soothe Leaves: 5 measures, {+ Mind x 2}

Bloodstone: 1, (Health +1)
Flint: 1, {Shock x2}
Heartstone: 1 (Confluence +1)
Slate: 3, {Sound x2}

nothing here
Chi no Taka: 472 + 200(bend) = 672
Coldtree: 487 + 200(bend) = 687
Lunnaya: 474 + 200(bend) = 674
Hostiles: 500 + 300(move) = 800
Launch + Accuracy + Clarity + d100 +/- range
Hostiles: 38 + 24 + 13 + 53 = 128 + 100(PB) = 228
Avoidance + Analysis + d100
Chi no Taka: 22 + 22 + 43 = 87
damage: 228 - 87 = 141% * 7 = 10 - 4(hauberk) = 6
Hauberk: 57 - 1 - 1 = 55 - 2 - 2 = 51 - 2 - 2 = 47 - 2 = 45 - 2 = 43
Body: 10 - 6 = 4 - 2 = 2 + 4 = 6 - 3 = 3 + 8 = ~10 - 6 = 4 + 8 = ~10

Coldtree: 18 + 27 + 83 = 128
damage: 228 - 128 = 100% * 7 = 7 - 6(tunic) = 1
Tunic: 60 - 1 - 1 = 58 - 3 - 3 = 52 - 3 - 3 = 46 - 3 = 43 - 3 = 40
Body: 10 - 2 = 8 - 4 = 4 - 1 = 3, hurt

Lunnaya: 26 + 23 + 63 = 112
damage: 228 - 112 = 116%% * 7 = 8 - 6(tunic) = 2
Tunic: 60 - 1 - 1 = 58 - 3 - 3 = 52 - 3 - 3 = 46 - 3 = 43 - 3 = 40
Body: 10 - 2 = 8 - 2 = 6, hurt
Coldtree: 27 + 18 + 35 +
Chi no Taka: 33 + 22 + 23 + 43 = 121
Lunnaya: 32 + 26 + 24 + 63 = 145
Hostiles: 38 + 15 + 13 + 53 = 123
damage: 145 - 123 = 22% * 11 = 2
H1: Mind: 10 - 1 = 9 - 1 = 8, dazed
H3: Mind: 10 - 1 = 9, irritated
Chi no Taka: 26 + 23(siphon) + 266 = 315 x 2
Coldtree: 21 + 35(sonic blast) x 2(slate) + 83 = 174 x 5
Lunnaya: 30 + 24(heat) x 2(weed) + 63 = 141 x 5
Hostiles: 38 + 13 + 53 = 114 + 13(resilience) = 127
damage: 315 - 127 = 188% * 4 = 8
damage: 174 - 114 = 60% * 4 = 2
damage: 141 - 114 = 27% * 4 = 1
H1: Body: 10 - 4 = 6 - 8 = -2, incapacitated
H3: Body: 9, irritated, Mind: 10 - 10 = 0, unconscious
H5: Mind: 10 - 1 = 9 - 1 = 8, dazed, Body: 8 - 1 = 7 - 2 = 5 - 1 - 1 = 3, impeded
... Coldtree... waylines... Sound... Slate...
Taka... siphon... punch...
Morale requires a person to have some concept of a future and a desire upon it. These psychotics, later learned to be Kaalatalae, the most primitive people of the land, have no such cognition. Having launched and retrieved javelins more than once, they simply lost interest in a prolonged fight that was lasting more than a few seconds. They do not even demonstrate a concern of being tracked.

Three of the hostiles retrieve a single javelin and walk away. The three others who cannot so easily extricate themselves, engage once more. Coldtree and Lunnaya are able to each harm one slightly more than they have received. With an incredible stroke of luck, Taka is not only able to incapacitate one, he is able to fully mend his wounds in the process.

Being on about equal footing with life force, Coldtree and Lunnaya are not suited to give pursuit but are able to dog long enough to continue manipulation until the target of Coldtree falls unconscious and the target of Tehn becomes incapacitated. Three enemies have been overcome. Three have departed.
OOC: All characters receive 5 DP.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Taka doesn't bother with the javelins, but he does check for trinkets alongside Coldtree. He will also lend whatever aid is needed for the accelerated healing of anyone's wounds.



Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Coldtree: hurt
Harnin arrows: 17
Tunic: 60 - 1 - 1 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 = 40
Body: 10 - 2 - 4 - 1 = 3
Taka: full wellness
Boots: 20 - 7 = 14
Tehn: hurt
Tunic: 60 - 1 - 1 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 = 40
Body: 10 - 2 - 2 = 6
Standard Earnings: 360 shillings / 10 days
Shillings: 237

Animal Parts:
Ant Pinchers: 5, (Cohesion +1)
Ant Stingers: 5, {Toxin x2}
Beetle Elytra: 5 pair (deflect 4, soak 2)
Canine Tooth Necklace: ??
Duck Feathers: 1 set, (Cohesion +1)
Goat Beard Talisman: ??
Goat Jawbone: 1, (Will +1)
Greenjay Feather Talisman: ??
Harvester Feather Talisman: 1, (Health +1)
Peccary Tusks: 1 pair, (Confluence +1)
Porcupine Quill: 1, ??
Roadrunner Feather Talisman: 2: ??
Viper Skull: 1, ?
Snakeskin: 20% coverage, max value 50
Standard Leather: 24% coverage, max value 48

Tin: 1, (Persona +1), {- Mind x 2}
Zinc: 7, (Health +1), {+ Body x 2}

Berserker Flowers: 1 measure, {+ Strength x2 / - Mind x3}
Dried Herbs: 2: ??
Mend Leaves: 1 measure, {+ Body x 2}
Soothe Leaves: 5 measures, {+ Mind x 2}

Bloodstone: 1, (Health +1)
Flint: 1, {Shock x2}
Heartstone: 1 (Confluence +1)
Slate: 3, {Sound x2}
White Stone: ??

nothing here
Collect javelins... search... bodies... area... Mend wounds... Move camp.
Taka... check for trinkets... healing...
Tehn looks at his tunic, pulling it away from his skin. "They sure did a number on my tunic. I am going to need this repaired or replaced when we get back to Midway."
Bending + Recover + d100
Coldtree: 21 + 36 + 61 = 118
Chi no Taka: 26 + 23 + 48 = 97
Lunnaya: 35 + 24 + 54 = 113
Time: 70 / (118 + 97 + 113) = 5 hours, 8 minutes
Time: 40 / (118 + 97 + 113) = 2 hours, 56 minutes
Full recovery will delay functional travel until after midday, and the camp is moved about an hour's very easy climb higher into the mountains. Gleaning the field and searching the bodies yields 9 total rudimentary javelins. The reed shafts are about the same as any other but the heads are fashioned from crude stone that is not even any special mineral, like slate or flint.

The Kaalatala that Coldtree fought was carrying a white stone that feels wet when rubbed, a goat beard talisman, and a roadrunner feather talisman. The Kaalatala that Taka fought was carrying a roadrunner feather talisman, a pouch of dried herbs, and a pouch of dried meat. The meat is edible, smells like hyrax. The Kaalatala that Lunnaya fought was carrying a greenjay feather talisman, a canine tooth necklace, and a pouch of dried herbs.

After recovery the party travels another two days upward into the mountains, without incident, until reaching the Kozzog Keep. After brief words exchanged in Orngaddin, the most common language between the two parties, the DWAC is emitted, politely and with formal courtesy. Speaking with these people, they explain that a clan of Deviard has discovered their mine and the Kozzog are not really a people to engage in conflict.

"Of the violent peoples in the land, the Deviard are the most technologically advanced and they have benders, but they are generally lazy. They prefer to collect the ore that others have mined rather than mining it themselves; afterward, they usually move on. We have seen them carrying ore from the mine, northward. They must actually be mining some on their own. They could have collected what we left in a few days. We have discussed a direct conflict but we think they would prove the stronger. We have sniffers currently out looking for more veins."

"If you wish to get involved, we would send some fighters with you, but statistically I would not recommend a frontal assault while all are present. I would recommend hitting either the transport or the mine when the groups are separated. I suspect that the mining group will be the weaker of the two. It has the more laborious task."

OOC: Each character receives 5 DP.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
During the journey Coldtree will test the javelins for their usefulness as a ranged weapon. If he finds they are inferior, he will discard them. If the design is effective but the materials poor, he will keep one to copy the design with better craftsmanship. He will meditate with the white stone to determine its wayline proclivity. He will continue to determine proclivity for unknown items, going down the list in inventory over the two days.
About the Deviard mission Coldtree says, "We will not need extra fighters. Keep them for defense. Since this group is so much stronger, stealth and guile will be our first weapons. Let us go now."


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Coldtree: full wellness
Harnin arrows: 17
Tunic: 60 - 1 - 1 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 = 40
Taka: full wellness
Boots: 20 - 7 = 14
Tehn: full wellness
Tunic: 60 - 1 - 1 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 = 40
Standard Earnings: 360 shillings / 10 days
Shillings: 237

Animal Parts:
Ant Pinchers: 5, (Cohesion +1)
Ant Stingers: 5, {Toxin x2}
Beetle Elytra: 5 pair (deflect 4, soak 2)
Canine Tooth Necklace: ??
Duck Feathers: 1 set, (Cohesion +1)
Goat Beard Talisman: ??
Goat Jawbone: 1, (Will +1)
Greenjay Feather Talisman: ??
Harvester Feather Talisman: 1, (Health +1)
Peccary Tusks: 1 pair, (Confluence +1)
Porcupine Quill: 1, ??
Roadrunner Feather Talisman: 2: ??
Viper Skull: 1, ?
Snakeskin: 20% coverage, max value 50
Standard Leather: 24% coverage, max value 48

Tin: 1, (Persona +1), {- Mind x 2}
Zinc: 7, (Health +1), {+ Body x 2}

Berserker Flowers: 1 measure, {+ Strength x2 / - Mind x3}
Dried Herbs: 2: ??
Mend Leaves: 1 measure, {+ Body x 2}
Soothe Leaves: 5 measures, {+ Mind x 2}

Bloodstone: 1, (Health +1)
Flint: 1, {Shock x2}
Heartstone: 1 (Confluence +1)
Slate: 3, {Sound x2}
White Stone: ??

nothing here
Taka nods...
During the journey...
... Coldtree says, "We will not need extra fighters..."
Lunnaya agrees with Coldtree. "Keep your fighters. We were hired by Midway to investigate the cause of the loss of trade, not to eliminate it. Since this intrusion directly affects your community, would you put a monetary value on its elimination?"

The Kozzog pauses for a few seconds before responding. Tehn think at first that he may have offended the fellow; but after all, the Dragon Way Adventuring Company is not a charity organization. "If you simply retrieve any remaining titanium, it may make you seem as thieves or opportunistic mercenaries. I can pay you in silver, 20 ingots each, upon evidence of success. Please do not bring parts of the Deviard as evidence."

During the previous 2 days:
ecology + analysis + d100 => 100
Coldtree: 18 + 28 + 66 = 112, success
Lunnaya: 32 + 24 + 66 = 122, success
Time: 20 days / 112 = 4 hours, 18 minutes, fail
Time: 20 days / 122 = 3 hours, 23 minutes, fail
Coldtree and Lunnaya recover. Though both Coldtree and Tehn can sense that all items in question contain some proclivity for waylines, neither is able to analyze the nature of it. The rudimentary javelins have a shaft pretty much like any other javelin would, but the crudely fashioned stone heads are not cut for balance, making the weapon, as it is, undesireable.

Leaving Immediately:
It takes less than an hour to reach the mine in question. The interesting manner in which sound travels through stone indicates activity within the mine. Waiting patiently to discern more information about the enemy brings a cessation in the sound. Soon after four Deviard are seen exiting the mine. They seat themselves and appear to be preparing to have some lunch of dried rations, probably wanting the fresh air and light to go with it.
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP and acquires Kozzog of 1%
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Gamer Extraordinaire
After recovery the party travels another two days upward into the mountains
OOC: Coldtree and Tehn should not be hurt under status.

Before departing for the mines, Coldtree gives one of the saved javelins to the Kozzog to copy as a possible ranged weapon. He wants all new parts with a steel tip on the new javelins. He requests two javelins.
At the mines:
With a devious smile, Coldtree uses handmotions to convey his intention to manipulate waylines, using an Ant Stinger, to Toxin one of the Deviard, and that someone else should use another one on a different target. He sneaks as close as he dares within range of manipulating waylines for Toxin and uses the Ant Stinger to increase his affect.
86, 64
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