Midway Mining Expedition (PbP)


Gamer Extraordinaire
Some, who are female, offering considerably more
Coldtree accepts.
see this effort to its completion in assuring that the Deviards leave this area for good... one way or another?
He replies, "This rest was well needed, but yes we are ready to complete this task. We will convince the Deviard to leave this area."
Later, when the group is alone, Coldtree says to Bjorn, "I did think the ledger might be valuable, but it is also within my philosophy to deny information to others. My first loyalty is to this group."

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Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Coldtree... says to Bjorn...
Bjorn smiles in anticipation at the opportunities that have ben procured through the efforts of the DWAC. He fully desires to continue with Coldtree and Tehn, feeling more connection to them, through the special talent of Bending, than his own kin.

At the discussion point, Bjorn flattens his lips making his beard touch his mustache, an expression of concentration. "Thank you for the clarification. I agree with your caution. With the ledger, I am thinking that we will be provided with any information gleaned from it and be able to better use it to further our reputation and bolster our stature than any risk of others taking such advantage. Even though this is my village and Midway is yours, I think this gesture will create a sense of indebtedness with either or even both."


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Having enjoyed the short respite and coital benefits, even Lunnaya Tehn even though he is Faethrin, offered in the Kozzog Monastery, the three members of the Dragon Way Adventuring Company agree to the completion of interaction with the Deviard crew and make the, now, very familiar trek back to the location of their encampment, without incident.

Once arrived at the usual observation point, it appears that all remaining Deviards are within the confines and nothing productive is being pursued. Even at such distance the overt picture is that of indecision and irritation. It appears little push would be necessary to completely break their insurgence but somewhere between 9 and 12 Deviards remain, and those should be of equal or greater stature than the three men observing them.
Coldtree: full wellness
Harnin arrows: 17
Tunic: 52
Tehn: full wellness
Saber: 20 - 3 = 17
Tunic: 52
Bjorn: full wellness
Standard Earnings: 360 shillings / 10 days
Shillings: 437
Harnin Bucklers: 2
Harnin Hammers: 12
Silver Ingots: 100

Animal Parts:
Ant Pinchers: 5, (Cohesion +1)
Beetle Elytra: 5 pair (deflect 4, soak 2)
Coot Feathers: 1 set, (Cohesion +1)
Goat Beard Talisman: {Will +2}
Greenjay Feather Talisman: ??
Harvester Feather Talisman: 1, (Health +1)
Roadrunner Feather Talisman: 2: ??

Aluminum: 4, {shock x3}
Cobalt: 1, ??
Copper: 7, {shock or compulsion x5}
Gold: 7, ??
Magnesium: 14, {recover x3}
Molybdenum: 10, {shock or compulsion x4}
Nickel: 5, {shock x4}
Platinum: 10, ??
Silver: 8, {shock or compulsion x5}
Tin: 1, {- Mind x 2}
Titanium: 8, ??
Vanadium: 7, ??
Zinc: 14, {Mend x 2}

Berserker Flowers: 1 measure, {+ Strength x2 / - Mind x3}
Dried Flowers: 2: ??
Mend Leaves: 3 measures, {Restore x 2}

Bloodstone: 1, {Health +1}
Coal: 1, (heat x3)
Emberstone: 1, {Confluence +2}
Flint: 1, (Shock x2)
Heartstone: 1, {Confluence +1}
Lodestone: 9, (shock x 3)
Milkstone: 1, {Will +2}
Slate: 3, {Sound x2}
Slickstone: 4, {Frostbite x3}

leather scroll containing Deviard writing
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 1 random roll.


Gamer Extraordinaire
Coldtree consults with his companions, "What if we destroy their main gate? That would leave their village vulnerable. Perhaps they would leave instead of building another."


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Coldtree consults...
Bjorn shrugs...
Lunnaya, though not engaged in the conversation, agrees and immediately begins to look for kindling, as well. It takes longer than expected to be able to gather some suitable material and the three men become a bit irritated as they seem to be plagued with some minor Misfortune. No one from the Deviard encampment looks directly down at the main gate and no one notices the action of the three men.

Once the material is set, it takes more effort to ignite it than any of the three thinks should have been required. Again, this is dismissed as a bit of bad luck. The kindling begins to smolder and then ignites. The DWAC members move away then climb around to their usual observation point to see what happens. The pattern of the smoke changes, indicating that the fire is growing and getting hotter.

Two Deviards, who become aware that their front gate is being assaulted, run toward the structure and climb up to the lookout posts on each side. Both of them make some nonsensical gestures with their arms, then, more than irritating, downright annoyingly, the flame extinguishes. This feat is not a matter of misfortune. The Deviards, being Benders, have, obviously, caused the flame to go out.
Coldtree: full wellness
Harnin arrows: 17
Tunic: 52
Tehn: full wellness
Saber: 20 - 3 = 17
Tunic: 52
Bjorn: full wellness
Standard Earnings: 360 shillings / 10 days
Shillings: 437
Harnin Bucklers: 2
Harnin Hammers: 12
Silver Ingots: 100

Animal Parts:
Ant Pinchers: 5, (Cohesion +1)
Beetle Elytra: 5 pair (deflect 4, soak 2)
Coot Feathers: 1 set, (Cohesion +1)
Goat Beard Talisman: {Will +2}
Greenjay Feather Talisman: ??
Harvester Feather Talisman: 1, (Health +1)
Roadrunner Feather Talisman: 2: ??

Aluminum: 4, {shock x3}
Cobalt: 1, ??
Copper: 7, {shock or compulsion x5}
Gold: 7, ??
Magnesium: 14, {recover x3}
Molybdenum: 10, {shock or compulsion x4}
Nickel: 5, {shock x4}
Platinum: 10, ??
Silver: 8, {shock or compulsion x5}
Tin: 1, {- Mind x 2}
Titanium: 8, ??
Vanadium: 7, ??
Zinc: 14, {Mend x 2}

Berserker Flowers: 1 measure, {+ Strength x2 / - Mind x3}
Dried Flowers: 2: ??
Mend Leaves: 3 measures, {Restore x 2}

Bloodstone: 1, {Health +1}
Coal: 1, (heat x3)
Emberstone: 1, {Confluence +2}
Flint: 1, (Shock x2)
Heartstone: 1, {Confluence +1}
Lodestone: 9, (shock x 3)
Milkstone: 1, {Will +2}
Slate: 3, {Sound x2}
Slickstone: 4, {Frostbite x3}

leather scroll containing Deviard writing
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 1 random roll.


Gamer Extraordinaire
Coldtree curses in Hebrian. "I guess we should have seen that coming. They're sure to come looking for us. Let's get out of here and reorganize. We'll come back in a few days and see what's changed." He intends to manipulate waylines to cover their trail.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Coldtree curses in Hebrian...
Berating themselves for the simple oversight, the three men relocate to gather their thoughts and discuss possible options based on projected scenarios. The three days spent along the familiar trail present no danger. The options for the Deviard that seem most logical and, though hostile, they seem to be a rather intelligent tribe, are that the remaining number fortify their position then send runners for reinforcements or they pack up their belongings to try in another location.

Since it is known that the Deviards originally came from farther south, it stand to reason that any runner on the east face of the Dragon's Spine would have to pass by the party. This does not happen. When the three men return to observe the encampment, again, it is noted that the Deviard seem to have made some attempt to fortify their position.

Though their numbers are now significantly less, there is a sentry at the main gate in the east and the hunting gate in he west. Based on some good observation, it is noted that a new lookout post has been established, by them, just to the north and at a higher elevation. From this position, the lookout has a much better view of the area and could even spot the DWAC members, if they become careless. His post is even higher than theirs.
Coldtree: full wellness
Harnin arrows: 17
Tunic: 52
Tehn: full wellness
Saber: 20 - 3 = 17
Tunic: 52
Bjorn: full wellness
Standard Earnings: 360 shillings / 10 days
Shillings: 437
Harnin Bucklers: 2
Harnin Hammers: 12
Silver Ingots: 100

Animal Parts:
Ant Pinchers: 5, (Cohesion +1)
Beetle Elytra: 5 pair (deflect 4, soak 2)
Coot Feathers: 1 set, (Cohesion +1)
Goat Beard Talisman: {Will +2}
Greenjay Feather Talisman: ??
Harvester Feather Talisman: 1, (Health +1)
Roadrunner Feather Talisman: 2: ??

Aluminum: 4, {shock x3}
Cobalt: 1, ??
Copper: 7, {shock or compulsion x5}
Gold: 7, ??
Magnesium: 14, {recover x3}
Molybdenum: 10, {shock or compulsion x4}
Nickel: 5, {shock x4}
Platinum: 10, ??
Silver: 8, {shock or compulsion x5}
Tin: 1, {- Mind x 2}
Titanium: 8, ??
Vanadium: 7, ??
Zinc: 14, {Mend x 2}

Berserker Flowers: 1 measure, {+ Strength x2 / - Mind x3}
Dried Flowers: 2: ??
Mend Leaves: 3 measures, {Restore x 2}

Bloodstone: 1, {Health +1}
Coal: 1, (heat x3)
Emberstone: 1, {Confluence +2}
Flint: 1, (Shock x2)
Heartstone: 1, {Confluence +1}
Lodestone: 9, (shock x 3)
Milkstone: 1, {Will +2}
Slate: 3, {Sound x2}
Slickstone: 4, {Frostbite x3}

leather scroll containing Deviard writing
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP and improves in Hebrian by 2%. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 1 random roll.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
could even spot the DWAC members, if they become careless.

Coldtree points to the lookout. "That should be our next target. I wonder if we can make it appear like an accident." He studies the terrain, trying to find something they can use to help destroy the lookout post.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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