Minis or Theatre of the Mind? (Survey)

For combat with more than 5 I will pull out minis. Exploration going into towns 99% theater of the mind

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As with many things in life, I tend to go both ways. :p

I typically use Tableau Vivant only for larger battles, or battles with complex terrain. TotM is generally perfect for small battles where the impact of terrain is not a massive factor. That said, even a perfectly flat terrain battle if cramped enough can call for Tableau Vivant just to track all the threatened spaces and OA potential.


Elder Thing
I run Theater of the Mind exclusively. If I want to play a boardgame I pull out HeroQuest.

Plus, there are many situations I see popping up on these boards that seem a direct result of using minis instead of describing scenes.


Retired game store owner
Minis for marching order and most combats. ToM for most exploration and social encounters. Though I often put a mini on the table that is a good representation in social encounters just for a focus.


Lowcountry Low Roller
From a certain perspective, I prefer TotM because it's most adaptable, requires less prep time (I don't have to draw anything out, in advance or ad hoc), and doesn't run into problems with (for example) the Wizard player counting off squares to see how big his fireball is so that he can drop the boundary right between the Fighter PC and the troll she's in melee with.

I find these situations a great opportunity for an ability check. 'So you think you can lob that fireball with precision? That's a hard Int check to place it just so... Fail and your Fighter will be hit too!" Nicely raises the stakes.

Another "both" vote here. Just depends on the nature of the combat, the environment, etc. I've had ToM battles lead directly into mini-and-map battles, and vice-versa.


Another vote for both.

If it's a somewhat balanced combat encounter, in a space that can be easily represented on a grid, then I'll use minis if I have them.

For just about everything else: TotM.


Sparkly Dude
The secret to success with TotM is a DM who uses minis or a sketched grid behind the screen.

Confusion is avoided if the DM has a concrete reference for describing the action and making calls.

Personally, I use standard graph paper that I markup with a pencil as the encounter unfolds.

Nothing arbitrary, clear determinations, empowered to be the senses of each character without forgetting anything important or juggling too much in my head.

Highly recommended!



First Post
I prefer miniatures in most situations, as others have stated I grow tired of having to constantly track and reiterate where people are. Additionally, if I'm using VTT (which is the norm these days) I can whip up some cool looking tokens, which is generally viewed as a plus from the group.

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