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MiPS Lost Mine Part II


[sblock=Castagyr] as you approach the town hall, you see a poster offering a reward for dispatching some Orcs near Wyvern Tor and hear loud voices. Entering you see two men, one older and leaner, the other, richly dressed and decidedly portly.
'..Not that bad, really.'
'"Not that bad"?! That I know of, those ruffians are extorting every business in town!'
“Hello? I am looking for Townmaster Harbin Wester.”
The larger man looks at you' 'Yes, what?'[/sblock]
[sblock=Leonan] You enter Barthans
24380 said:
"Hello, good man. Could you provide me with good dagger, new boots and some directions?"
"This decorated one will do nicely, I have to return this one. My boots are in perfectly working order, I'm just a bit tired of them and would like new ones. You can keep these if you are willing to give a discount.
He quickly pulls the indicated dagger and hones it for you, then shows you a pair of serviceable boots (Not quite as fine as what you're wearing, but good quality) and offers them to you at a good price (2sp, 4cp total) but says you can keep your boots.
24380 said:
You heard me last night, right? Well, it is all true! No more goblin bandits on the road. But there is bigger threat somewhere in the wilderness. Would you happen to know of any ruins, old castles and similar? Hows work and life here, you get many visitors?"
'sadly, I was not able to make it last night, my youngest was feeling a bit under the weather. Nothing serious, just a little sniffle. But, Grat stopped by on his way out of town and gave me the gist. Sounds to me like you were lucky to get out alive.
'Well, there's Conyberry but it's more a town than a castle and not enough left to do anything with.'
'Visitors? Not really. A few trappers and such.'
24380 said:
"Ah, directions, yes, well, I would like to change the clothes too, they're still a bit damp from yesterday wash, but whole, not a hole in them all..." He smiles at all the "alls" in the sentence "...so if you can point me in seamstress' direction, I'd be grateful. By the way, do you buy things off adventurers? Would you buy, for example, a sword or shovel or fancy hat from me if that happens? Ah, talking about buying things from others, do you get approached by thieves, that is, you know, people trying to sell you things you know they don't own...maybe strangers trying to get some money before legging out of town? What do you, call local guard?"
'Guess I don;t understand. If your clothing is in good shape, what would you need a mender for? Anyways, not really a dedicated one in town but you could ask Ms. Alderleaf. She's good.
'Buy? I guess it'd depend on what it was. If it was general stuff, sure; But weapons or armor, you'd be better off at the lionshield.
Upon the mention of stolen goods, his face turns dark and he mutters 'you should go. Now.'
[sblock=eddicus] You find the shrine and, after asking one of the locals, find her house nearby.

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
'sadly, I was not able to make it last night, my youngest was feeling a bit under the weather. Nothing serious, just a little sniffle. But, Grat stopped by on his way out of town and gave me the gist. Sounds to me like you were lucky to get out alive.
'Well, there's Conyberry but it's more a town than a castle and not enough left to do anything with.'

"Yes. Yes, I was. Anyhow, if your youngest feels better, I'll have another performance tonight and maybe again some time in the future once we finish our task. How do we find Conyberry?"

If your clothing is in good shape, what would you need a mender for?

"I don't need a mender, I need full set of clothes. I need a seamstress.to make them for me. I will visit Ms. Alderleafand ask her. And check Lionshields too. Have a nice day, thank you for your help and remember that we are all responsible for our actions, good or bad. Each needs to decide for himself how much integrity and dignity he can sacrifice before rebelling."

At the door, he turns once more.
"We have a paladin in our group...just in case you need some help."
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Castagyr, Dragonborn Paladin

~ Inside Townmaster's Hall ~

Init +1, Speed 20
AC 18; HP 18; Current: 18
Conditions in effect: Fire resistance
Dragon Breath: 1/1 avail
Divine Sense: 3/3 avail
Healing Hands: 10/10 points avail
Spells: 2/2 points avail (Bless, Command, Wrathful Smite)
Weapon in Hand: Lance
[/section]Castagyr found the Townmaster and introduced himself. “Good moring. If you will pardon the interruption, I am Castagyr, a paladin of Torm.”

“A number of townsfolk have mentioned some local thugs by the name of the Redbrands causing trouble. There was even mention of a murder and a kidnapping. Since there is not Constable, it was suggested that I ask you about it.”

“Would it be those are the ruffians I could not help overhearing you mention?”
he asked the older one.

Castagyr continued looking at both of them, “What more can you tell me about them?”

After hearing enough about the Redbrand problem, Castagyr broached the subject of the orcs. He asked for further information, “Master Wester, what else is known about these orcs mentioned in the posted notice?”

“What exactly have the traveler’s reported? Did they have numbers or a name of their leader? What about the tactics they used?”


Eddicus saunters around Phandalin at the same slow speed everyone else uses. (Seriously: 10 minutes to walk 1 block? Okay. . . .)

Eddicus' travels for contacts and information within Phandalin of a morn:

10 min: travel time to Barthens
5 min: purchase a new dagger from Elmar Barthen
10 min: travel time back to town center
5 min: pray for luck at the Shrine to Tymora
5 min: travel time to visit Sister Garaele
10 min: (professional courtesy) Introductions, mutual respects about the gods
10 min: learn of quest to take a gift to Agatha the Banshee near Conybery
in exchange for information about "the spellbook of Bowgentle"
5 min: ask about other people who might be able to give him further leads,
including any locals who have borne arms, and would be trained to be alert
to what is going on around town; be given directions to Edermath
. . . and that's one hour right there.

5 min: travel time back to town center
15 min: travel time to Edermath orchard
30 min: getting to know each other; general advice from an experienced
adventurer to a younger, two-days experienced adventurer; learning that
Daran Edermath would like to see the Redbrands shut down
10 min: learning that prospectors have been chased from Old Owl Well by undead
. . . and that's a second hour right there.

5 min: ask about other people who might be able to give him further leads,
including any locals who might be similarly disposed against the Redbrands;
be given directions to the Miner's Exchange.
15 min: travel time back to town center
10 min: travel time to the Miner's Exchange
10 min: introductions; and learning that the Redbrands have a goblin minion
20 min: learning three things: (1) the Redbrands loiter around the Sleeping
Giant tap house; (2) they may have a base beneath Tresendar Manor; and (3)
Halia Thornton, guildmaster, would pay 100 GP to eliminate their leader.
. . . and that's a third hour right there.

10 min: travel time back to town center, and back into the Stonehill Inn
30 min: formulating his thoughts for remembrance, as he has no ink to write.

Eddicus sits at the same large table the party used last night. He decides he
doesn't need a mnemonic about the quest to Agatha, because Castagyr will
remember that one. He thinks to himself:
"The Old Owl is not Well, because Undead"
"A Sleeping Giant harbors fleas"
"Redbrands have a goblin-johnny"
"Manors are both High and Deep"
"Decapitate the Redbrands and get 100 GP from Halia"


First Post
OOC: Bad news. Due to some real life issues, I'll not be able to continue on Garrett's adventures. Sorry to be pulling out so suddenly.


First Post
Brlo quickly despaired of getting any information from the rocky high ground he started at. On the far side of the hill, he spied what looked to be an orchard. There were definitely people moving around, so at least there would be somebody to talk to.

Approaching the front gate, Brlo was hailed by a man who called himself Daran. After the standard gripes about Redbands, fruit fly and the unseasonable he's trying to crop, Daran drops something useful.

It seems as though prospectors in the area - terrible class of people, always trespassing while looking for the old mine that probably doesn't exist anyway - have been chased out by undead. And that is most definitely not typical of the area. Some of these prospectors also had a fanciful idea that some folks were digging around Old Owl Well too - though the gods alone know why as the place has nothing of value. Not even quality soil!

Brlo kept his end of the conversation, over a cup of tea in the farmhouse. He told Daran the story of an elves bard captured by goblins and rescued by his cousin Vottr - though why Vottr would risk his neck for an elf he couldn't say. And, what was more, the elf was putting on a show every night in town for a few nights.

The country news exchange concluded, Brlo took his leave and continued across the countryside, leaving the road well alone. Outside a farm gate he met a lady loading milk bottles onto a cart named Qelline. She didn't seem to mind Brlo's slightly wild appearance, as he reminded her of her friend Reidoth the Druid. Qelline was sure they would be friends, if only Reidoth hadn't just the other day set off for Thundertree, to the west of Neverwinter Wood -such a reputation that place she can't understand why a wise man like Reidoth would go there.

Near the end of their chat a boy, Carp, came racing up - excited that Brlo was a real live adventurer. Some chuckles later, and an explanation that he was a cave guide more than a high falutin' adventurer, Carp offered to show Brlo a real secret tunnel near Tresendar Manor. Brlo glanced at the sun and decided he would be missed soon enough - doubly so if he played a child's game... With a smile and thanks he declined and followed the road back into town.

At least he had some news to offer the others...
[MENTION=82463]PierceSG[/MENTION] Sorry to hear about your bad news. Things always get better in time. Hang in there!


Vottr decides to visit the Alderleaf farm, inadvertently catching up with his cousin in doing so as young Carp is leading him to the tunnel.

"A tunnel, ye say? Moradin bless ye lad, now that's a problem a dwarf is made for."

After viewing the tunnel entrance he suggests that he and Brlo stop by the shrine on their way back and see if Eddicus and Castagyr have checked in on the priestess.


How do we find Conyberry?"
'Conyberry? What's left of it is about 3 days up the Triboar Trail. I'd be careful up there, though. I've heard tales of a Banshee making her lair up there.'
A number of townsfolk have mentioned some local thugs by the name of the Redbrands causing trouble. There was even mention of a murder and a kidnapping. Since there is not Constable, it was suggested that I ask you about it.”
“Would it be those are the ruffians I could not help overhearing you mention?”
At this, Harbin throws up his hands, 'Redbrands! That's all I hear, now!'
The other, older man looks at Harbin hard 'A killing AND a kidnapping? That changes things. These people must be brought to heel, surely even you can see that.'
'The killing was a misunderstanding followed by a accident. As for the family, no one knows what happened. It's entirely possible they just walked away.'
'Why do you apologize for these bandits?' With a growl the older man gets right up into Harbins' face and snarls 'are you a bought man, Harbin? Is that it?'
'Absolutely not! I am still Townmaster,'
'Well maybe you shouldn't be. I'll be sending word of this to the Lords Alliance and we'll see what they have to say.' With that, the older man stalks out of the room.
Master Wester, what else is known about these orcs mentioned in the posted notice?”
“What exactly have the traveler’s reported? Did they have numbers or a name of their leader? What about the tactics they used?”
With undisguised relief, Harbin replies 'Ah, now there's a real menace. There's been reports of seeing as many as six orcs and one sighting of an Ogre up around Wyverns' Tor. We think they're a group out of the Many Arrows clan but I can't be sure. No one's gotten close enough to hear a leaders name. Tactics? I'm not sure an Orc knows what that word means. They've been seen in and around the farmsteads up there, raiding and just making a nuisance of themselves. I'm offering a reward of a hundred gold if you can clear them out.


Castagyr, Dragonborn Paladin

~ Inside Townmaster's Hall -> Street ~

Init +1, Speed 20
AC 18; HP 18; Current: 18
Conditions in effect: Fire resistance
Dragon Breath: 1/1 avail
Divine Sense: 3/3 avail
Healing Hands: 10/10 points avail
Spells: 2/2 points avail (Bless, Command, Wrathful Smite)
Weapon in Hand: Lance
[/section]Castagy followed along the argument between the old man and the Town Master, his suspicion growing. There were only two reasons he could think of regarding Wester’s reactions, either the man was an idiot, or he was somehow in league with the Redbrands. The paladin suspected the latter. Before the old man left, Castagyr asked, “Sir, would you mind waiting for me outside. I would speak with you.”

Since he wanted to talk with the old man outside, Castagyr quickly finished his conversation with Wester about the orcs. “I see. Thank you for your time, then.” He had some answers and another lead on evil forces at work in the region.

Back outside Castagyr looked for the older man ask more about the Redbrands.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Leonan goes to Lionshields coster, implying he's trying to sell his new dagger initiating conversation about relative values of weapons, ore and normal, everyday items. Leading to every day problems, leading almost naturally to business with Redbrands, orcs and other local troubles.

Voidrunner's Codex

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