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MiPS Lost Mine Part II


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Being a paladin is more then blindly stumbling into danger, Castagyr. What do you think will happen if you enter, scan, decide there are too many and retreat? Similarly, how long do you think they will need to get reinforcements once the fight starts? There may be more around town and even if there are none, some might escape and villains will come in force out of the hideout and we will be wounded.

At least let me enter instead of doing your bad guard routine."

OOC: Leonan is not happy, but goes along, trying to prevent paladins suicide or at least bring the risk to normal level

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"We're short on leads fer findin' Gundren," Vottr agrees. "But sure'n him dissapearin' smells o' lies and mischief. If it ain't goblins, then orcs are as likely as any to be in the thick of it. But orcs ain't too bright. Maybe that these local thugs are in on it too, then. At any rate, they don't seem like upstandin' folk, so I'm up fer crackin' heads and bustin' kneecaps until somebody coughs up a lead - orc, human, whoever."


First Post
Brlo listened, incredulously, as the crazy Paladin basically said he was about to kick the door down. Time to speak up before he gets us all killed...

"Don'be gettin' this t'wrong way now, I dun'mind a good bit'o'rescuin meself. Weigh twice, brew once m'old pa says. An' e' be right. Y'be about'a accuse folk o' kidnappin' on nought more' some folks say so! Then I reckon y'be killin' 'em. There's a word f'r tha'. Murder."

Clearing his throat, Brlo added. "I dun'see much sympathy for m'uncle, kidnapped though 'e be. If y'be spoilin' f'r a fight I dun'mind kickin' a few Orc 'eads t'see if they knows anything."


Castagyr, Dragonborn Paladin

~ At the Stonehill Inn ~

Init +1, Speed 20
AC 18; HP 18; Current: 18
Conditions in effect: Fire resistance
Dragon Breath: 1/1 avail
Divine Sense: 3/3 avail
Healing Hands: 10/10 points avail
Spells: 2/2 points avail (Bless, Command, Wrathful Smite)
Weapon in Hand: Lance
[/section]Castagyr looked askance at Leonan and chuckled, “So you think you know more about being a paladin than a paladin? That is not arrogant in the least.”

“We shall know more about what to do once we see. I have no fear about entering the tavern since I am not their enemy yet. If they block my way to enter, then we will know more what is going.”

“However, I am not going to hide behind a minstrel’s skirts like a coward.”

The dragonborn warrior smiled encouragingly at Vottr and Eddicus, “Aye, glad you are with me on this.”

With Brlo's hesitation he shook his head, “Who mentioned murder and killing people, Brlo? You and Leonan both should listen more to what I say instead of accusing my of doing things that I have not said I will do.”

“I am not unsympathetic, Brlo. After we clear up this situation about the kidnapping and bringing some justice to the murdering thugs, then we should probably start with the orcs after lunch if you all think that might be our best lead to find your uncle. ”


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"You already decided they are guilty and you go there with judgment and accusations. I didn't say I know more about being a paladin then the paladins. I said it seems you think there is only one way for paladin to behave. If you barge in there you will cause the fight. Maybe not in the tavern, depending on how cautious they are. But they will have their guard up, will fortify their hideout and they will attack us at some point.

Letting scouts go and scout is not cowardice, it is common sense. Greatest generals use sentries, scouts and various other tactical troups, not just infantry and cavalry. No one will think any less of your courage if you let others do some work. Work with your strengths and let other cover your weaker points.

I would have no qualms about letting you charge toward an ogre and trade blows with him. I couldn't do it and wouldn't feel cowardly for that.

I am of noble birth, I know about paladins and history tells us many stories about them too. I don't have to be one to know something. Just like everyone knows bards sing...but they don't know all there is to it."


First Post
Brlo sighed. The argument wasn't going to be resolved quickly. "Bring t'kidnapped child's kin 'n' ask t'settle t'dispute. Mebbe there bein' more t'story than y'knowing now. If yon Redbands payin' their rents 'n' taxes 'n' all, then there bein' not much wrong wit' takin' a fee f'protectin' folks. Bring a few o' t'townsfolk if y'hear otherwise."


Castagyr, Dragonborn Paladin

~ Outside the Stonehill Inn ~

Init +1, Speed 20
AC 18; HP 18; Current: 18
Conditions in effect: Fire resistance
Dragon Breath: 1/1 avail
Divine Sense: 3/3 avail
Healing Hands: 10/10 points avail
Spells: 2/2 points avail (Bless, Command, Wrathful Smite)
Weapon in Hand: Lance
[/section]Castagyr was tired of being lectured to by someone unproven as a warrior and his good humor disappeared. The bard still was not paying attention to what he said he was going to do and kept trying to tell him what not to do based on erroneous assumptions. His reply was curt, “Thanks, I will keep your opinions under advisement.”

Walking out of the tavern he shook his head as Brlo appeared to ignore the previous discussion about what they learned that morning. He replied, “We cannot talk to the kin of the children since the mother is missing as well. The Redbrands murdered the father in front of witnesses. Sorry, I am not going to be swayed from looking into this matter.”

“Besides, rumor has it they have a goblin working for them. That might be the best lead we have on your uncle, Brlo.”


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Leonan sighs at the paladins purposeful stride and forceful comments.
"As you wish."

He looks over the building as they approach, noting extra entrances / exits such as windows, but paying special attention to kitchen door. If paladin causes commotion, Leonan plans to be ready to prevent the rest of the group from being alerted.

Thinking to himself
"He obviously already decided whats what. I believe they are guilty too. But the way he goes about it will cause more trouble."

Leonan tries another tack.
"Castagyr, if you cause the fight here and some escape the girl might be killed before we can get to her. If you alert them to the fact that we know about it, she might get killed. If you alert them that we seek to destroy them, she might get used against us. Consider the life of a girl if you're not willing to consider my alternate view. At lease let me and Brlo or Ediccus cover the back exit, if you get into trouble we can come quickly from the other side."

OOC: [MENTION=88649]perrinmiller[/MENTION], I don't mind IC discussion and behaviour, I had several with various people (right, Axel? :) ), just note that if you start pushing party like this, you will not always have full support. I think we all agree that saving the girl is a priority...but imagine similar situation near hobgoblin cave. You wouldn't just charge in on the front entrance, would you? (by you, obviously I mean Castagyr)
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Eddicus continues discussing things as the party leaves the Stonehill Inn: "Being new in town, I have never seen this Sleeping Giant tap house. I would offer to approach the building from behind, but the problem with that plan is that I would not know which building to approach from behind."

"Should I hang back some distance as we walk? If we arrive en masse, it might seem more threatening to onlookers -- or I could walk ahead of the rest of you and keep going toward the manor, if it is located that way, to double back quickly as needed."

"If I did that though," he continues cheerfully, "I wouldn't be able to hear what the Redbrands outside the tap house have to say. All in all, I think it's good for us to discuss these things among ourselves, in order to coordinate our plans.".

As an aside to Vottr, he adds, "The dead can only cough up leads if we have access to the Speak With The Dead spell, which I am so far unable to learn. I'm thinking some verbal inquiries might be a good first step for now."


Castagyr, Dragonborn Paladin

~ Near Sleeping Giant Tavern ~

Init +1, Speed 20
AC 18; HP 18; Current: 18
Conditions in effect: Fire resistance
Dragon Breath: 1/1 avail
Divine Sense: 3/3 avail
Healing Hands: 10/10 points avail
Spells: 2/2 points avail (Bless, Command, Wrathful Smite)
Weapon in Hand: Lance
[/section]Castagyr was becoming increasingly annoyed by the continual badgering and nitpicking. He pointedly ignored the arrogant minstrel since they were nearly at the Sleeping Giant already.

“Eddicus, before planning any further, I want to see the tavern and whether there are even any Redbrands loitering outside. I suggest sticking together for now.”

He continued down the street, heading on the road leading to Tresendar Manor. The tavern was a short distance from the Stonehill Inn, only the fourth building on the left after leaving the inn. The tavern was already in sight.

Voidrunner's Codex

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