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[MM2e] Salton City Needs Heroes! - OOC [CLOSED]


First Post
Hee. Everyone's being all goody...perhaps I will play a cynical, perpetually bored villain type. Obviously not a Big Bad evil, but definitely not a "We must save the day!" sort.

Mental powers perhaps. I'm thinking a Phantasm illusion power. Always good for sowing chaos/amusing myself. :)

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He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
You know guys, even if Shay wasn't on the invite list, I have no objection of letting her in. I like her RP'ing style.
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Relique du Madde

I'll let you join in the chaos. :) It's especially good to have a villainous cynical type on the roster since they tend to be realists (especially when the producers throw in a lame plot twist as part of a scripted/improvised event). It also helps bring in ratings, and producers love ratings.

I'll allow your character to have metal based powers so long as it isn't POSSESSION and/or MIND CONTROL since those powers are strictly BBEG type of powers.

Also, where is your character from?

Reveille -
A tough psycho brawler who wears lipstick, has claws and a bad temper? < INSERT obviously sexist joke >.

Is "wolverinette" a reservation born native Canadian or does she live in a town/city off the reservation? Does her tribe own a Casino?

Ginnel -
Ironically, your powers are so similar to one of the NPCS I was planning on throwing into the game after the first quick 'episode'. I think your character might actually now have a Nemesis waiting in the wings...

Does your character only have the ability to change into tv fictional characters opposed to anyone who appears on tv? Can your character turn into characters from movies (if you watched the DVD/video or movie when it aired on the local movie channel?)?

Blackrat -
You're playing yourself?!?! Heh heh...

Anyways, you should know that Salton City is located next to a big salt lake IN A DESERT! So having *CREATE ICE* in you're power array would be a very good idea for when there isn't a freak winter storm.

Yeah, I realize that the producers are *BEEEP*s.

Tallarn -

A magical speedster faerie. Interesting.

How long has Sping-heeled Jack lived in our reality (assuming he's the original SHJ)? How exactly did he become an outlaw faerie? Is the court of faerie actively searching for him?


It looks like this show, like most big reality TV shows that appear State-side, may have originated in Europe. That or the producers are looking for an international cast (after having a bad casting call turnout in Hollywood).

Something to think About:
The producers and your characters generous benefactors will be supplying a Secret Hideout. I'd like for you each to think of 1-3 features that you're character might want to have placed in the Hideout. The features can be from any MM2e book or completely made up (like a Sauna, Private Movie Theater, or a Private Arcade).

Assume the HQ already has the following features: Concealed, Communications, Isolated, Living Space and Power System.
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He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Blackrat -
You're playing yourself?!?! Heh heh...
What? I don't have a swedish accent... :D But yeah, I was thinking of a general amalgam of the three northern stereotypes. So he is going to be partly me ;)

Anyways, you should know that Salton City is located next to a big salt lake IN A DESERT!
Yeah, I figured that from the earlier discussion. Guess who's going to complain about the heat all the time...

So having *CREATE ICE* in you're power array would be a very good idea for when there isn't a freak winter storm.

I haven't yet taken a look of any powers but something like that was on my mind...

Now to search for that M&M book of mine. I have no idea where I stashed it...


[imagel]http://www.enworld.org/forum/attachments/talking-talk/37968d1229567127-mm2e-hhpsh-salton-city-needs-heroes-ooc-currently-closed-tenfootpole.jpg[/imagel]I really should stay away. I really should.

But given the decidely European bent of the team, he fits so well. And while thinking about it, I realized I can have a horrible puns as powers.

Mikel "Michael" Styrzkwalski
The Ten-Foot Pole

He's tall. That's his power. The son of Poland's famous crime fighting duo; Rübezahl, the friendy giant; and Vulcana, the rubberized woman. Unfortunately he inherited his father's height . . . and his mother's build, with powers stranded somewhere inbetween. This leaves a stretched out gangly young man with a number of issues.

However, when the Polish Tourism Board needed a public face to sacrifice to the gods of consumerism, they figured he'd fit the bill just perfectly. Send him off to some American TV show, and get some publicity, but without losing any actualy useful hero. A few quick negotiations with the producers and Trzymierniki (3 Meters) was given 2-inch lifts on his shoes and redubbed the Ten-Foot Pole!

Tall (300 cm)
Power leap: The Pole Vault!
Extend-o Punch: The Pole Arm!

Catchphrase: "What do you mean, 'Go see if it's a trap.'?"

------- CHARACTER INFO -------
Real Name: Mikel "Michael" Styrzkwalski
Identity: The Ten-Foot Pole
Occupation: College Student
Marital Status: Single
Age: 20
Height: 9'10" (300 cm)
Weight: 490 lb (220 kg)
Hair: Short, brown.
Eyes: Green
Nationality: Polish
Ethnicity: Caucasian (Slavic)
Place of Birth: Warsaw, Poland

Group Affiliation(s): European Union of Heroes (EUoH), junior member
Allegiance(s): Poland

First Appearance: Sultan City Needs Heroes! - Episode 1

[Sblock=Audition Tape]The tape starts up, and a scene shakes into focus, blurs in and out for a moment before focusing on a belt buckle. An exasperated voice speaks from off screen.

"Pan up."

The camera crawls up slowly, eventually finding its focus again on a puzzled looking young man. He picks uncomfortably at his outfit, clearly unused to the spandex body suit. Behind him, the Polish flag waves impressively. He looks down, away from the camera.

"Dlaczego. . ."

The exasperated voice interrupts him.

"English, please, Michael. You will have to speak English for the show, best to get practicing, yes?"

The young man flushes slightly and glances at the camera again for a moment.

"Why am I doing this?"

"I told you, it's for the show. An audition tape, to show them how impressive you are. You want them to want you on their show, don't you, Michael?"

"Not really."

"What was that?"

"Nothing. What I mean is, I thought I was already on the show. Isn't the whole thing being done through some back room deal with the EU? Why do I have to audition?"

There is a brief spate of Polish cursing.

"Look, Michael, the whole point of back room deals is that they are secret, yes? So, we make the audition tape. You act like you want to be on the show, and they act like they select you. And everyone gets to be happy. Good? Good. So we start over. We'll erase all this from the tape before we send it out. Just start from the beginning like we rehearsed."

The young man scowls sullenly for a moment before sighing. He stands up a little straighter, then slouches back down into frame. He looks down to the ground, then starts and locks his eyes to the camera. He nods to himself once.

"Hello, my name is Michael. You may have heard of my parents, their both pretty famous in the heroing world. But that's not why I should be on your show. Sure, my family history has affected me. They brought me up right, to be a hero, and use my powers to protect the little guy. But I can't rely on my connections to make my place in the world. The time has come for me to stand up proud, and take my place in the world. Salton City has put out a call for heroes, and that's a pretty tall order. But I think I'm just the man you need."

The camera slowly zooms out, revealing that the young man towers over everything around him, and stands nearly of a height with the building next to him. He glances down again for a second, nods once more, and then takes a deliberate step forward, making eye contact with the camera again.

"Here in my homeland they call me Trzymierniki, Three meters. But, ha ha, no metric for you Americans. You can me the Ten-Foot Pole. And Salton City? I want to be YOUR hero!"

He points one finger at the camera, coming impressively close to touching it, and then strikes a suitably dramatic pose. He holds the pose for a couple of seconds, before glancing downwards again while trying to hold the pose. A slightly seedy looking man wanders into frame and pats Michael awkwardly on the leg.

"Good, Michael. Good. We'll get one of our editors to go over it, cut out all the junk from the beginning, and maybe clean it up a little. But it should work. Looks real, looks authentic. Young superhero steps out from the shadows and into the spotlight! It's gonna be great, kid. Just great. Soon enough you'll be off to America! Do us proud!"

Michael looks distinctly less than impressed, but nods slightly.

"Yeah, alright." [/Sblock][sblock=Q&A]1. What do you think is your best ability/talent? How would you to use that ability/talent to change the world?
Honestly, I think by best talent in my mind. I mean, having super powers is useful, and all. But it doesn't amount to anything if you don't know HOW to use them. I think it's the only way to truly change the world, too. People need to start thinking and working together, instead of against one another.

2. Who or what do you consider to be your worst fear? Why?
Intolerance, I guess. All the powers in the world won't help if people won't accept you.

3. If you had the chance to save the world or yourself then which would you save if you can not save them both? Why?
The world. What would be the point in saving just me? I'd have nowhere to live. But really, there's a lot of people and things I care about. If it would save the world, I'd lay down my life. Some things are worth any price.

4. What is the one thing you want to do, which you are unable to do? What would you do if you had the ability to do that?
. . . I kind of wish I could have a secret identity. You know, live a normal life, do normal things. I'd only be "super" when I needed to. My mom looks like anyone else when she's not using her powers. I'm always like this.

5. What was your childhood like? Did you grow up powered? Dream of being a hero? Or were you just a normal, every day kid?
It was sort of odd growing up, I won't lie. I've been tall since the day I was born. I was taller than my first grade teacher. They had to bring in special chairs for me to sit in. The other kids found it really amusing, I guess. Having powered parents was odd, too. But mostly I didn't see them much. They're always busy, fighting the good fight. I'd liked to have seen them more, but I guess I understand that they had a job to do.

6. Why do you want to appear on Television?
I don't know. Maybe I just want a chance to be me, to see if I can be a hero on my own. Do I have what it takes?

7. How do you see the future of the world when you are old. Is there hope for the world?
I think there's hope. There's a lot of bad things out there, and thing will probably get a lot worse before they get better. But there's always people out there trying to make things work. I have to believe there's hope, something to strive for, even in the face of all else.

8. What would you like to see in this Season of - Needs Heroes!? Anything you wouldn't want to happen?
I'd like to see teamwork. I think that's at the core of superheroing, and something the show should help us with. Live together, work together, suceed together. So I hope I like my teammates. I'd hate to end up working with a bunch of criminals, narcissists, nutjobs and headcases. Heh. But I think I'll be pretty safe on that account. You guys screen the applicants pretty well, right?

9. What would you say to those people that accuse you of being vigilantes, and say that the police and government should be the only ones that fight crime?
Once again, I can only stress teamwork. There's things that the police simply aren't equipped to handle, but heroes can't just go storming into situations without the proper understanding either. The governments and police need to work together to solve problems. Trust and teamwork will suceed where either one alone will fail.

10. If you had one wish what would it be for and why?
When I was young, I always wished for a normal life. No super powers. My parents would be at home, and I'd be just another kid, instead of a beanpole freak. But I suppose thats kind of selfish. The world needs heroes to stand against the villains. Now I don't know what I'd wish for.

11. Who is someone that inspires you? Who is your personal hero?
My dad. I mean, yeah, he's an actual hero, but he's also been a strong force in my life. He knows what it's like to grow up . . . with an emphasis on the up. His works keeps him away a lot, but he's there when he can be. And his wisdom has helped me a lot, even when he can't be there in person.[/sblock]


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First Post
Yay! Thanks!

The powers I was originally thinking were telepathy and phantasmal illusions, but it occurred to me that those have the problem of being very non-visual. Probably not of interest to a TV show, despite the promise of entertaining hijinks.

I will rethink that. Perhaps the character has a flashier power as well, with the telepathic ability being an ace in the hole...


Anyway, no direct mind control, got it. Is emotion control allowable?


As for nationality, I'm thinking something African, Indian or Middle Eastern, or even Chinese/Japanese or similar. Throw in an exotic touch.

I'll try to brainstorm up something appropriately entertaining. :)
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Relique du Madde


Mikel "Michael" Styrzkwalski
The Ten-Foot Pole


HA HA HA!! Oh gods Froggy, that's awesome.

Let's see...

Shayuri - Exotic, Mentalist character.
Reveille - Canadian, "Wolverinette"
Blackrat - Viking, Ice controller
Tallarn - Irishman, Spring Heeled JAck
Haffrogman - A 10 Foot Pole
Ginnel - Bri'ish, Telly (Mr. TV)

I Think that central casting has their team or at least a good one!!
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