At a guess, it would be something like the following:Out of curiosity, say you take a bird's eye view of the two systems. What would you say are the signs TB is system-driven in approach, and what are the signs PF is style-driven in approach?
Trailblazer was designed to address systemic issues. Extra attack rolls, with varying modifiers, consuming too much game time; the "10 minute adventuring day"; providing casters with "full adventuring day" options without giving them unlimited "haha I win" options. And so on. Heck, they even deleted Natural Spell (which was practically a level 6 Druid class feature, it was so good).
Pathfinder went for over-the-top style. Every class got new abilities, even the most powerful core classes (Sorcerrer, Cleric, Druid). Why? Because it was cool and fun. The art, the mechanics, all of it is there to reinforce a high-adventure style that ignores picayune details such as number of rations or exact travel times (those options are there, but they aren't part of the target style).