Monster Book?


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Hey all, Ben kindly hired me to work on this book, I'm glad the artwork is getting a nice response :)
I believe I only have a handful of images left to do and then it's all up to Badaxe to wrestle with this monster of a monster book.. I don't envy them the task!
I've posted a new thread on ENWorld that will showcase a few pieces of art for this book (as I go) and some work for Paizo and personal stuff.. take a look if you're interested :)

Gorgeous stuff. Never pictured Cthulhu, though, with Arnold Schwarzenegger-arms, though. :heh:

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The art looks great, and maybe I missed it, but is there an estimated release date for this book? I really like the Trailblazer book, some great stuff in there, but I'm always looking for something new... ;)


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Wulf just posted an update on the Kickstarter page.

Patrons of the Monstrous Arts by Benjamin Durbin Patronage Monsters (x2) and Progress Update — Kickstarter

Continues to have stellar art. *drools*

Hehe, they will be reissuing the main book in larger format with better formatting? I guess the $10 sale on Loot! was a way to clear out some old stock. I am now the proud owner of the old, hard to read gen it seems. :p

The good news is the new book will be even better!

Voidrunner's Codex

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