Monster Book?


First Post
Interesting. It's not something I can say we are addressing specifically (and it's not something I hear as a common "complaint") but it shouldn't be that difficult to do. We will be providing charts that will let you modify a creature's "spine" quickly: BAB, saves, Hit Dice.

That said, is it really that difficult to do now? What type of creature are you looking to downgrade? If it's a specific ability you want to use, why not just give that ability to a less powerful creature?

Or even better, creature a "new" creature from scratch by just advancing the Hit Dice of the monster type (again, its Spine) to the level you want, slapping on the abilities you want it to have, and describing it in-game the same way you would the normal version. Your player's will never know the difference.

Sadly, I don't know the details of what he was attempting; he was a bit closed about it (didn't want to spoil anything; I'm not playing in his game, but I know a bunch of people who are). And yeah, I would think that it might be fairly easy... dunno *shrug*.

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No news for a long time...
How is the book going?

Wasn't sure if Wulf was going to post but he's been crazy-busy lately.

Anyway, my portion of the book is "done", which essentially means all the stat blocks, rules, crunch, etc, etc.

Wulf is now working on final layout. We'll also have a little more collaboration with assembling the monster/NPC customization section.

It's been a long road, I know. A lot of "life" has happened since we started this project, and needless to say, the scope of the task was much greater than either of us originally anticipated. We are in the home stretch now though!


Is there any sort of an estimate for an actual publication date yet? Those of that funded the Kickstarter have been left pretty much in teh dark since you took our money. I'd like to know when I might see a finished book.


As above - any update. Is there any chance of a progress update, or an estimated release date, on a book we paid for well over two years ago.

Wulf Ratbane

At the risk of jinxing myself, I am hoping for Christmas.

I'm working on the cover now, including some "fiddly bits" regarding spine width. If there is a disaster waiting, I expect it to come from the actual print process, particularly the binding of a book that is over 1.25" thick. Hopefully there will not be too much back-and-forth getting the binding right.

I will release the PDF as soon as it is complete, and give updates on the print process as we go along.


At the risk of jinxing myself, I am hoping for Christmas.

I'm working on the cover now, including some "fiddly bits" regarding spine width. If there is a disaster waiting, I expect it to come from the actual print process, particularly the binding of a book that is over 1.25" thick. Hopefully there will not be too much back-and-forth getting the binding right.

I will release the PDF as soon as it is complete, and give updates on the print process as we go along.
Any news?

Wulf Ratbane

I have to defer to Brad's judgment on this: with some work left to do on the cover, Christmas is unlikely; but it won't be long after that.

The contents are complete, including hyperlinking the table of contents, and all of the monster entries in the index. It's not as automatic as Adobe would have us believe. :)

549 pages!

There is a bit more I'd like to do with the PDF version, but that will not delay the print version (work will proceed concurrently).


First Post
I have to defer to Brad's judgment on this: with some work left to do on the cover, Christmas is unlikely; but it won't be long after that.

The contents are complete, including hyperlinking the table of contents, and all of the monster entries in the index. It's not as automatic as Adobe would have us believe. :)

549 pages!

There is a bit more I'd like to do with the PDF version, but that will not delay the print version (work will proceed concurrently).

W00t! :D

Voidrunner's Codex

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