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Monster Mash #1!


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Over my dead, bloated, and waterlogged corpse we will.

Also, differences are good, differences keeps the world interresting and helps us evolve as human beings. Not to mention it helps us come up with new stuff...

(Me and a friend have started to build a new campaign setting, that will be free! It will be released on the net, and we will build a site to it. More info later. Btw, anyone know where I can find an online source of Celtic, Aztek, Mayan, Incan, and/or Far Eastern deities?)


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First Post
Gez said:
Although a salkleb is weak and clumsy, its innumerable legs allow it to stride quickly, most notably out of inertia once it has reached momentum. Throughout its wasted body, thousands of sore wounds exude pus and noxious chemical fumes that are similar in effects to a Yellow Musk Creeper's musk puff.

When a creature is helpless or unresisting and in the salkleb's threatened space, it may hold the creature's head with its limp, wiry arms and attack the victim's intelligence, eventually turning it into a faithful zombie. Zombies created this way are like yellow musk zombies, but are of the aberration type and don't have plant traits.

Just wanted to re-issue my opinion, since the discussion is about that now.


Monster Junkie
I'd vote to lose the rock catching ability, since it isn't a giant, and isn't very strong.

As far as summoning, I'm up for summoning canine creatures. The chaotic evil canomorph from the Fiend Folio might work out well.

I like the suggestion that it be the spawn of Cerberus, but also offer an alternative: henchman of Yeenoghu sent to lead gnolls on important missions in his name.


Creature Cataloguer
Knight Otu said:
And I think we should call this creature Scylla. :p

*ignore mode on*


so, any dissenting opinions? i'm listening... if not, i'll merge krish's ideas with gez's into a nice little whole...


First Post
Well, I agree with shade on loosing the rock catching ability due to it's low strength. But I disagree with the rest of what shade said/posted/whatever.


Creature Cataloguer
ok, typed up the ability descriptions today. from what you are suggesting, the monster will have all of this:

Special Attacks: Howl, breath weapon, petrifying gaze, consume intelligence, musk puff (to be renamed)
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/+1, darkvision 60 ft, scent, SR X?, spell-like abilities, aura of menace (rename?), magic circle against good, electricity and petrification immunity, teleport, tongues, +4 save against poison, alternate form, summon whatever

whew! you sure that's not too much?

so, here are the descriptions - please discuss ways we can "fix" them to make them more in line and compatible with each other and the monster's stats:

Howl (Su): All living creatures within a X [HD*20 ?] feet spread must succeed at a Will save (DC X) or become panicked for X rounds. This is a sonic, mind-affecting effect. Whether or not the save is successful, an affected creature is immune to the particular (monster’s) howl for one day.
Breath Weapon (Su): Center head; line of corrosive poison 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 30 feet long, once per 1d4 rounds; damage X temporary Constitution, Reflex save (DC X) halves.
Petrifying Gaze (Su): Collective gaze of all three heads; turn to stone permanently, X feet, Fortitude save (DC X) to avoid.
* Consume Intelligence (Ex): As a free action, a (monster) can extend dozens of probing, sharp-edged tendrils into the head of any helpless or unresisting creature that also occupies its space. These tendrils begin to devour the victim’s brain, dealing 1d4 points of Intelligence damage each round. If the damage reduces a victim’s Intelligence to 0, the victim must make a Fortitude save (DC X). Those who fail die, but those who succeed are implanted with (what?) and fall under control of the (monster).
“Musk Puff” (Ex): (Monsters) attack by puffing a spray of potent-smelling dust upon a nearby target. The musk has a range of X feet and can target one creature per round.
Creatures struck by (this) must make a Fortitude save (DC X) or fall under a mind-affecting compulsion to get closer to the entrancing source of the musk. The duration of the effect is X rounds, although creatures within the (monster’s area) remain under the compulsion until removed from the area.
Creatures under the (monster’s) compulsion can take no actions other than moving to enter the (monster’s) space. Affected creatures do anything they can to comply with the compulsion and even attack companions who seek to restrain them. Once within the (monster’s) space, the affected creature drops anything in hand and stands motionless. The creature is dazed and does not resist the (monster’s) attacks as long as it remains within its area.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will – aid, continual flame, detect good, and message. These abilities are as the spells cast by a Xth-level sorcerer.
Aura of Menace (Su): A corrupt aura surrounds (monsters) that fight or get angry. Any hostile creature within a X-foot radius of a (monster) must succeed at a Will save (DC X) to resist its effects. Those who fail suffer a –2 morale penalty to attacks, AC, and saves for one day or until they successfully hit the (monster) that generated the aura. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect cannot be affected by that (monster’s) aura for one day.
Magic Circle Against Good (Su): A magic circle against good effect always surrounds (monsters), identical with the spell cast by a sorcerer whose level equals the (monster’s) Hit Dice. The effect can be dispelled, but the (monster) can create it again during its next turn as a free action. (The defensive benefits from the circle are not included in the statistics block.)
Teleport (Su): (Monsters) can teleport without error at will, as the spell cast by a Xth-level sorcerer, except that the creature can teleport only itself and up to 50 pounds of objects.
Tongues (Su): (Monsters) can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell cast by a Xth-level sorcerer. This ability is always active.
** Alternate Form (Su): (Monsters) can assume any canine form (except that of a werewolf or other lycanthrope) as a standard action. This ability is similar to the polymorph self spell but allows only canines.
*While in canine form, a (monster) gains the higher of the two listed speeds and a +4 circumstance bonus to Hide and Wilderness Lore checks.
*** Summon (Sp): Once per day, a (monster) can attempt to summon (1d8+1 ogres, 1d6+1 trolls, or 1d4+1 hill giants) with a 25% chance of success.

Do we need both the howl and the aura of menace?

* for consume intelligence, we need to make the “zombies” into something non-plant. Undead would work well, and aberration has also been suggested.

** for alternate form, Krishnath suggested substituting “any humanoid form” for “any canine form”.

*** for the summoning power, some have said to keep giant summoning, while others have suggested switching to devils, vermin, or even canine creatures (summoning archons, IMO, is not very appropriate).

so… discuss. :D


First Post
IMHO we should keep both the Aura of Menace and the Howl abilities. As someone not affected by one, still might possibly be affected by the other.
The zombies should be undead in my opinion.
Make it able to shift to humanoid form rather than canine form, I know I've allready said this, but I think it is important.
As for the summoning ability, I suggest (and I've done this before) that the creature can summon vermin swarms.



Creature Cataloguer
ok, took some time and gave some thought to this creature...

i do like krish's suggestions on humanoid for Alternate Form, and vermin for Summoning. what sort of humanoids should it appear as? just any humanoid? or maybe just orcs and goblinoids and maybe gnolls too? or monstrous humanoids? and for the vermin, what type of vermin should it summon? "vermin swarms" yes, but what type exactly? centipedes seem like a good place to start. should it summon different types or vermin, or just one type all the time?

i'm thinking we'll definitely need to rethink how the Consume Intelligence and Musk Puff powers work. remember, those powers were written for a stationary monster that eats victims it doesn't turn into zombies. our monster is very fast-moving, and probably won't be eating its victims (well, not until after combat). i don't think it needs to consume the brains of the living like the musk creeper would, but i do think it will emplant imbryoes in creature's heads. i do like the idea of a musk that causes a charm-like compulsion on a living creature, but i'm not so sure these need to be any sort of zombie. i'm thinking more along the lines that whatever the monster implants in it's victims does not change them funadamentally, but that the charm will be long lasting instead. this would mean that the victim will be under the effects of a charm and under control of the monster, but if the charm is negated before the victim dies, the implant can (theoretically) be removed and the victim rescued. of course, we'll also need to rename the abilities. what do you all think about this idea?

i'm not so sure i'm satisfied with the list of spell-like abilities as they are. have some suggestions on improving that list?


what should be the range for the Howl, Gaze, Aura (should we also rename Aura of Menace?), and "Musk"?
and sorcerer level for Spell-Likes, Teleport, and Tongues?


First Post
As for what alternate form it should have, I suggest: Any humanoid form of small to medium-size.

As for the summoned vermin, as I said, swarms (as in the Fiend Folio). Don't worry about it not being OGL (yet), as the swarm subtype will be OGL as soon as the reviesed MM hit's the stands. At that time we could just create our own swarm types. I suggest 20HD of Vermin Swarms...


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