WOIN Monster/NPC Creation OLD vs NEW

Justin Nelson

First Post
So I am comparing the information in both of these books on creating monsters etc for my game. Is there going to be a change to the version in NEW where stats are assigned based on role or will 1.2 of OLD keep the size based stats? Is there a reason not to use the system in NEW in OLD?


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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Yep, OLD will have the same system as NEW in its 1.2 update. You can freely use the NEW system now, as it will be the same.

Justin Nelson

First Post
Sweet. I will just print those pages out and stash them in my OLD book for the time being. Thanks for the quick response! Introducing two new groups to OLD and new this week for a total of 9 new players!

Voidrunner's Codex

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