Monster Power Recharge


First Post
How does the recharge on a die roll function for monsters in 4E. The devils in the WotC article had a power that recharged but no exlpanation about how it works. Like when do you roll the die to find out?


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What most people think so far:

Beginning of your turn, before you do anything else, roll your recharge die. All rechargeable powers that list that number are now recharged.

Example: Power X recharges on 4, 5, 6 and Power Y recharges on 4. You have used both. At the beginning of your turn, you roll a 6, recharging Power X, which is now available. You expend it immediately. Next turn, you roll a 4. X and Y are now recharged.


Amy Kou'ai said:
What most people think so far:

Beginning of your turn, before you do anything else, roll your recharge die. All rechargeable powers that list that number are now recharged.

Example: Power X recharges on 4, 5, 6 and Power Y recharges on 4. You have used both. At the beginning of your turn, you roll a 6, recharging Power X, which is now available. You expend it immediately. Next turn, you roll a 4. X and Y are now recharged.

I don't think that's the majority opinion. Most people seem to think recharge 4 means recharge on a 4 or better, ie 4, 5, or 6.


First Post
I thought you rolled for each power seperately each turn.

AFAIK all powers recharge on a 6 with some also recharging on a 5 and a few more on 4/5/6 etc.


First Post
The idea is to make it easy on the DM. As I understand it, Amy is correct. You roll once. Anything that matches the die roll is recharged. Fast and simple.


Stalker0 said:
I don't think that's the majority opinion. Most people seem to think recharge 4 means recharge on a 4 or better, ie 4, 5, or 6.
That would make sense.

That being said, I think the only argument against this would be if you only roll once for all recharge powers per monster (maybe the monster designer doesn't want all powers to recharge on a 6).


Timlagor said:
I thought you rolled for each power seperately each turn.
This is how I do it, less swingy if you assume that the reroll numbers are that die and above.

Although that was for fights with 1 or 2 mobs with recharges, higher level I suppose everything will have em.


Until we get more info I'm rolling once and choosing one between all powers that come up for recharge. Fast, easy and less swingy everything on a 6.


WotC's bitch
There's a limit to how swingy things can be. At most, you get back to the situation at the start of the fight, because you're still limited to how many actions you can take in a round.


First Post
Both arguments are quite valid, but perhaps it would be easier to use the "roll once" method and just make the conscious decision to not immediately re-use the Uber Attack (tm).

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