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Monster Revisions

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Ibixian repaired.

I like the idea of goatmen that wander around the under dark building mazes and statuary, all while cleaving enemies whom get to close and filling their other enemies full of arrows.

Ida posted this revision on the previous page, but as were on a new page, it would likely go unnoticed.

My only real problem...

Is the challenge rating too high? Or maybe too low?

Ibixian (Goatmen)
Medium Monstrous Humanoid
Hit Dice: 3d8+6 (21 hp)
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dexterity)
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 13 (+2 Dexterity, +1 natural), touch 12, flat-footed — (see text)
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+5
Attack: Butt +5 melee (1d6+2) or Greataxe +5 melee (1d10+2/x3) or Longbow +6 ranged (1d8/x2)
Full Attack: Butt +5 melee (1d6+2) or Greataxe +5 melee (1d10+2/x3) or Longbow +6 ranged (1d8/x2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Powerful charge 2d6+3
Special Qualities: Darkvision, low-light vision, natural cunning, poison resistance, scent, stability, stonecunning
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +4
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 12
Skills: Balance +12, Climb +7, Craft (bowmaking) +3, Craft (weaponsmithing) +3, Intimidate +7, Jump +7, Listen +7, Search +7, Spot +7, Survival +3
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (longbow)
Environment: Any land or underground
Organization: Solitary, pair, or herd (3–10 plus 30% young)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement Range: 4-7 HD (Large); 8-16 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: +2

Ibixian are 7 ft. tall and weigh 250 pounds.

Ibixian speak Ibixian, their own language.


Natural Cunning (Ex): Ibixian have an innate cunning and logical ability. This gives them immunity to maze spells, prevents them from ever becoming lost, and enables them to track enemies. Further, they are never caught flat-footed.

Poison Resistance (Ex): Ibixian have a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison (not reflected in the statistics given here).

Powerful Charge (Ex): Ibixian deal 2d6+3 points of damage when they make a charge.

Stability (Ex): Ibixian are exceptionally stable on their feet. An ibixian has a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground).

Stonecunning (Ex): Ibixian have a +2 racial bonus on Search checks to notice unusual stonework, such as sliding walls, stonework traps, new construction (even when built to match the old), unsafe stone surfaces, shaky stone ceilings, and the like. Something that isn’t stone but that is disguised as stone also counts as unusual stonework. An ibixian who merely comes within 10 feet of unusual stonework can make a Search check as if he were actively searching, and an ibixian can use the Search skill to find stonework traps as a rogue can. An ibixian can also intuit depth, sensing his approximate depth underground as naturally as a human can sense which way is up. Ibixian have a sixth sense about stonework, an innate ability that they get plenty of opportunity to practice and hone in their underground homes.

Skills: Ibixian have a +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks that are related to stone or metal items (not reflected in the statistics given here), a +2 racial bonus on Craft checks that are related to stone or metal (not reflected in the statistics given here), a +4 racial bonus on Climb, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Search, and Spot checks, and a +8 racial bonus on Balance checks.

Ibixian As Characters

Most ibixian with class levels are fighters.

Ibixian Traits (Ex): Ibixian possess the following racial traits.
—+4 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma.
—Medium; an Ibixian has no special adjustments due to it's size.
—An Ibixian's base land speed is 30 feet. However, ibixian can move at this speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.
—Darkvision (Ex): Ibixian have Darkvision out to to 60 feet.
—Low-light Vision (Ex): Ibixian can see twice as far as a human in low-light conditions.
—Racial Hit Dice: An ibixian begins with three levels of monstrous humanoid, which provide 3d8 Hit Dice, a base attack bonus of +3, and base saving throw bonuses of Fort +1, Ref +3, and Will +3.
—Racial Skills: An ibixian's monstrous humanoid levels give it skill points equal to 6 x (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1). Its class skills are Balance, Climb, Craft (bowmaking), Craft (weaponsmithing), Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Search, Spot, Survival. Ibixian have a +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks that are related to stone or metal items, a +2 racial bonus on Craft checks that are related to stone or metal, a +4 racial bonus on Climb, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Search, and Spot checks, and a +8 racial bonus on Balance checks.
—Racial Feats: An ibixian's monstrous humanoid levels give it two feats. They traditionally select Point Blank Shot and Weapon Focus (longbow).
—Weapon Proficiency: An ibixian is proficient with the greataxe, the longbow, and all simple weapons.
— +1 natural armor bonus. (An ibixian has a natural armor bonus equal to 1/4 it's Hit Dice/Levels (rounded down, with a minimum of 1).)
— +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison.
—Natural Weapons (Ex): Ibixian can Butt for 1d6, Bite for 1d6, Claw for 1d4, and Hoof for 1d4.
—Special Attacks (see above): Powerful Charge.
—Special Qualities (see above): Natural cunning, scent, stability, stonecunning.
—Automatic Languages: Ibixian.
—Favored Class: Fighter.
—Level adjustment: +2.
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Krustian Ha-naga

This is a ha-naga (insert disclaimer here) revised according to Krustian rules. It is Size Gargantuan based on the 1/3 principal applied to snakes and their kin (i.e. 1/3 of 100 ft. = 33 ft. (1/2 of 33 = 16 HD)). It's sorcery is lessened accordingly and their snake body has been taken into account (i.e. Strength is based on Constrictor then enlarged; + climb & swim speed, scent, and racial skill modifiers).

I didn't like their being a distinction between a Faerunian Ha-naga and a Ha-naga so I combined their skill lists. Two kinds of (virtually identical) Ha-naga is a bit redundant. Faerunian being the updated version I used it as a base.

I just need to be sure my math is correct regarding the skills (266 skill points) and challenge rating. Also...level adjustment?

I included their flavor text for reference.

Other notes...

I figured it's head, being human isn't too suited to biting. Afterall we have relatively small mouths. So I underscored it's bite damage by 1 size category.

Also...it's sting...is not quite a gore attack, so I underscored it's damage by 1 size category to reflect that it's stinger...like most stingers is actually rather slender. I reduced it's poison damage from 2d8 to 2d6 since 2d8 seems kind of inflated at 16 HD when it's sting only does 2d6 damage.

It's coil whip was really confusing...so I compared it to a gargantuan whip. A gargantuan whip would deal 2d6 points of damage if it inflicted lethal damage (being comparable to a fist).

Are the damages correct? How close am I to the mark?

Gargantuan Aberration
Hit Dice: 16d8+144 (224 hp)
Initiative: +19 (+15 Dexterity, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 60 ft. (15 squares), climb 60 ft., fly 180 ft. (perfect), swim 60 ft.
Armor Class: 38 (-4 size, +15 Dex, +17 natural), touch 21, flat-footed 23
Base Attack/Grapple: +12/+41
Attack: Coil whip +25 melee (2d6+18)
Full Attack: Coil whip +25 melee (2d6+18), sting +20 melee (2d6+9 plus poison), and bite +20 melee (2d6+9)
Space/Reach: 30 ft. (coiled) /20 ft.
Special Attacks: Charming gaze, constrict 2d8+27, improved grab, poison, spells
Special Qualities: Chameleon scales, damage reduction 5/magic, darkvision 60 ft., flight, scent, spell resistance 26
Saves: Fort +14, Ref +20, Will +20
Abilities: Str 47, Dex 40, Con 28, Int 35, Wis 31, Cha 36
Skills: Appraise +24, Balance +34, Bluff +24, Climb +37, Concentration +20, Diplomacy +24, Disguise +24 (+26 acting), Escape Artist +26, Hide +40, Intimidate +24, Jump +29, Knowledge (arcana, history, religion) +23, Listen +25, Move Silently +26 (+32 flying), Search +23, Sense Motive +21, Spellcraft +23, Spot +25, Survival +21 (+23 following tracks), Swim +37, Use Rope +26 (+28 bindings)
Feats: Combat Casting, Eschew Materials (B), Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Quicken Spell, Silent Spell
Environment: Warm forests
Organization: Solitary, pair, or nest (3-4)
Challenge Rating: 16
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
Advancement: 17-31 HD (Gargantuan), 32-48 HD (Colossal)
Level Adjustment: -

A human-headed snake of immense size and power slithers forth, its scales nearly identical in color to the stones that surround it. Hatred gleams from its dark, penetrating eyes.

The ha-naga is a massive and powerful naga lord, often worshiped by spirit nagas as a god. It prefers to make it's lair in the ruins of an ancient civilizations-preferably one that it has personally brought low. It usually establishes it's nest in a former center of society, such as a temple, a throne room, or a coliseum. In this place, the ha-naga gathers together the treasures of the lost society, piling up art, fine jewelry, and the recorded history of the civilization as tributes to it's own devastating prowess.

A ha-naga is a gigantic snake with the head of a classically beautiful human and a body that measures 100 feet or more in length. It has no set color; rather, it's scales adopt the hues and shades of it's surroundings, much like a chameleon's do.

Ha-nagas speak Abyssal and Common.


Though it has no wings, a ha-naga can fly, winding and coiling through the air in a manner similar to a water snake's motion. It uses this ability to it's advantage in combat, swirling above and around foes while using it's gaze attack or casting spells. Like it's smaller serpentine cousins, a ha-naga prefers to use spells in combat, resorting to melee only when absolutely necessary. When it does engage foes directly, it uses it's coiled body like a whip, stings with it's tail, and constricts with it's body.

A ha-naga's natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are considered magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Chameleon Scales (Ex): Because of it's ever-changing scales, a ha-naga blends in with it's surroundings, gaining a +10 circumstance bonus on Hide checks.

Charming Gaze (Su): A ha-naga's gaze functions like the mass charm spell against creatures within 80 feet (Will DC 31 negates). The save DC is Charisma-based.

Flight (Su): A ha-naga can fly as though with the fly spell at 180 feet with perfect maneuverability. This ability grants it a +6 circumstance bonus on Move Silently checks when flying.

Constrict (Ex): A ha-naga deals 2d8+27 points of damage with a successful grapple attack against a Large or smaller opponent.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a ha-naga must hit with it's coil whip attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can constrict.

Poison (Ex): Sting, Fortitude DC 27, initial and secondary damage 2d6 Con. The save is Constitution-based.

Sorcerer Abilities (Ex): Ha-nagas are powerful sorcerers and possess sorcerer abilities of a level equivalent to half their Hit Dice (rounded down).

- Metamagic Specialist (Ex): Ha-nagas do not summon familiars, instead they are metamagic specialists. A ha-naga can apply metamagic feats that it knows to sorcerer spells without increasing the casting time. This benefit even lets them quicken their sorcerer spells with the Quicken Spell feat. A ha-naga can use this class feature 15 times per day (3 + their Intelligence modifier (minimum 1)).

- Spells: As 8th level Sorcerers (Caster Level 16th). The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Skills: Ha-nagas have a +4 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, and Spot checks and a +8 racial bonus on Balance and Climb checks. A ha-naga can always choose to take 10 on a Climb check, even if rushed or threatened. Ha-nagas use either their Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier for Climb checks, whichever is higher. A ha-naga has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.
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Here is the Hoary Hunter revised. It was a bit easier than the Ha-naga.

Hoary Hunter
Medium Fey (Cold, Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 46d6+690 (874 hp)
Initiative: +18 (+10 Dexterity, +8 Superior Initiative)
Speed: 30 ft.
Armor Class: 39 (+10 Dex, +6 insight, +13 natural), touch 26, flat-footed 23
Base Attack/Grapple: +23/+37
Attack: +8 disarming icy burst longsword of binding +49 melee (1d8+22 plus 1d6 cold/17-20 plus 1d10 cold plus 1d6 plus binding)
Full Attack: +8 disarming icy burst longsword of binding +49/+44/+39/+34 melee (1d8+22 plus 1d6 cold/17-20 plus 1d10 cold plus 1d6 plus binding)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 20/cold iron and epic, spell resistance 56, virtual size categories 1
Saves: Fort +30, Ref +35, Will +31
Abilities: Str 38, Dex 31, Con 40, Int 21, Wis 23, Cha 26
Skills: Diplomacy +53, Hide +53, Intimidate +53, Knowledge (geography, nature) +53, Listen +53, Move Silently +53, Ride +53, Search +53, Sense Motive +53, Spot +53, Survival +53
Feats: Blind-Fight, Cleave, Great Cleave, Greater Weapon Focus (longsword), Improved Critical (longsword), Improved Initiative, Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Ride-by Attack, Spirited Charge, Track, Trample, Weapon Focus (longsword)
Epic Feats: Dire Charge, Epic Weapon Focus (longsword), Superior Initiative
Climate/Terrain: Any cold
Organization: Solitary or company (2-5)
Challenge Rating: 46
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: 47+ HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: +23

Hoary hunters are malevolent fey that appear on frosty, moonlit nights to hunt travelers for sport, selecting their prey, chasing them down, and dragging them into the night realm of the Unseelie Court to be imprisoned forever. Though difficult to see because of its mount's magical breath, a hoary hunter appears as a gaunt man or elf, but with sharp, exaggerated features that are always unsettling to behold. Everything about the hunter is white, from the wild mane of hair atop its head to the pearly, luminescent buttons on its coat. At midnight, when the temperature is below freezing, and any sort of moon shines upon the frozen ground, the hunter appears initially as a roiling fog accompanied by echoing hoof beats. Dismounted and out in the open, a hoary hunter seems to be some ghostly apparition in the moonlight, but it is not undead.

A hoary hunter rides a magnificent flying horse, a snowy steed whose breath billows in great clouds of frosty vapors and whose blue eyes glow coldly in the darkness. It is often said that one who is selected as prey by a hoary hunter first knows his doom from the sound of hoofbeats and the starry glow of those eyes coming toward him through the mists.


The hoary hunter prefers to charge its prey while upon horseback, slashing with its +8 disarming icy burst longsword of binding as it rides by. A critical hit (or the blow that would kill or render a foe unconscious) from this blade does not wound the hunter’s prey. Instead, the victim is bodily transported as per a soul binding spell heightened to 16th level (DC 34) into a brilliant white diamond at the end of the sword’s hilt. The hunter then returns to its realm, taking its prisoner with it to be enslaved.

Rarely does a hoary hunter encounter those formidable enough to challenge it, but on those occasions, it uses its spell-like abilities to overwhelm such foes, making it easier to capture them. If a chosen victim does manage to escape the hunter for 1 hour, or succeeds in defeating the fey creature, the hunt is not over. A hoary hunter cannot be killed while on the hunt (see below). It returns on the very next night that is both cold and moonlit, with a second hunter to aid it, and attempts again to capture this victim. If it fails again, this pattern is repeated each suitable night until either the prisoner is taken or five such nights pass. If a victim escapes all five nights, a hoary hunter never again troubles him.

Moving to a warmer locale only delays the inevitable. The hoary hunter bides its time, waiting years if it must, only to appear again when the night conditions are right. Shifting to a different plane of existence does not stop the hunt; a hunter follows its prey to any realm in the multiverse during the hour, and it and its companions can appear on any plane to begin the hunt anew so long as there is moonlight and freezing temperatures.

A hoary hunter’s natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-discern location, fog cloud, hold monster, plane shift, true strike; 3/day-dimensional anchor, dominate monster, greater dispel magic; 1/day-contingent recall and resurrection (Contingent recall and resurrection is a variation on an epic spell (contingent resurrection). When slain, the hoary hunter is actually transported, with its mount, back to the fey realm, where it is resurrected. The only way to truly slay the hoary hunter is to defeat it in its home realm after this epic spell has been exhausted for the day.), Mordenkainen's disjunction. Caster level 46th; save DC 18 + spell level. The save DCs are Charisma-based.


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Hoary Steed
Large Magical Beast (Cold, Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 7d10+21 (63 hp)
Initiative: +8 (+4 Dexterity, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 60 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
Armor Class: 14 (-1 size, +4 Dexterity, +1 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 10
Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+18
Attack: Hoof +14 melee (1d8+7)
Full Attack: 2 hooves +14 melee (1d8+7), bite +9 melee (2d6+4)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: Air walk, astral projection and etherealness, damage reduction 5/cold iron and magic, immunities, low-light vision, magic circle against good, misty breath, scent, spell resistance 17
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +3
Abilities: Str 24, Dex 18, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 14
Skills: Jump +4, Listen +3, Spot +3
Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Run
Climate/Terrain: Any cold
Organization: Solitary (with rider)
Challenge Rating: 7
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: 8-15 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: +3

A hoary hunter’s mount is a supernatural beast of extraordinary elegance and prowess. It is completely loyal to its hunter and will allow no other individual to approach or ride it.


A hoary steed can attack with its two hooves and deliver a vicious bite each round.

A hoary steed’s natural weapons are treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Air Walk (Su): A hoary steed can ride through the air as well as on the ground, as though affected by a permanent air walk spell.

Astral Projection and Etherealness (Su): These abilities function just like the spells of the same names as cast by a 7th-level caster.

Magic Circle Against Good (Su): This ability continuously duplicates the effects of the spell. A hoary steed cannot suppress this ability.

Misty Breath (Su): The breath of a hoary steed functions like a constant obscuring mist spell.

Immunities (Ex): A hoary steed is immune to all charm and hold spells or abilities.


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This is the revised Star-Spawn.

I'm bringing it up to date before adding the integrated quasi-deity template.

Anyone have any pointers? Almost everything was directly converted over from The Call of Cthulhu web enhancement.

There were some obvious changes needed. All outsiders have spell resistance in the Krustian Universe, the 3.0 to 3.5 changes were implemented, I added Sorcerer instead of the free form spellcasting that was used in CoC (Sorcerer just fit the best), and I reworked it's feats to fit the critter's spellcasting a bit better.

I won't be adding the integrated quasi-deity template until I'm sure I have the base creature done correctly. I don't want to ruin such a wonderful horror.

Star-Spawn of Cthulhu
Huge Outsider (Aquatic, Chaotic, Evil, Native)
Hit Dice: 20d8+100 (200 hp)
Initiative: +4 (+4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 60 ft., swim 60 ft.
Armor Class: 23 (+15 natural, -2 size), touch 8, flat-footed 23
Attack/Grapple: +20/+39
Attack: Tentacle rake +29 melee (2d6+9/19-20) or claw +29 melee (2d4+9)
Full Attack: 4 tentacle rakes +29 melee (2d6+9/19-20) and 2 claws +24 melee (2d6+9)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./20 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab, rotting constriction, spells
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/adamantine and magic, fast healing 10, sorcerer abilities, spell resistance 30
Saves: Fort +17, Ref +12, Will +16
Abilities: Str 32, Dex 10, Con 20, Int 21, Wis 19, Cha 10
Skills: Concentration +19, Knowledge (Religion) +15, Listen +15, Search +14, Speak Language (any twenty), Spot +15
Feats: Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Eschew Materials, Improved Critical (tentacle), Improved Initiative, Quicken Spell, Silent Spell
Environment: Any aquatic
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 14
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: 21-32 HD (Huge); 33-60 HD (Gargantuan)
Level Adjustment: +1
Sanity Loss: 1d6/1d20

They all lay in stone houses in their great city of R'lyeh, preserved by the spells of mighty Cthulhu for a glorious resurrection when the stars and the earth might once more be ready. . . .

-- H.P. Lovecraft, "The Call of Cthulhu"

A star-spawn is a 20-foot-tall anthropoid creature whose head is a mass of feelers and tentacles, above which two eyes as old and cold as an ice age glare at its foes. Its body is rubbery, yet scaled, and its hands and feet end in tremendous claws. Narrow wings hang like a shroud over a star-spawn's shoulders. Wings aren't used for flight, but are deployed for swimming, much as a manta swims.

Star-spawn are lesser, younger examples of the same race from which great Cthulhu himself sprang, though even the youngest is older than humanity. Many were trapped in R'lyeh when it sank, sealed up with their high priest Cthulhu, but some avoided imprisonment. Some still live in deep trenches beneath the ocean and other drowned locales (including a few human city sewers). Others dwell among the stars, such as the entities infesting the Lake of Hali near Aldebaran.

Star-spawn might be encountered by deep-sea explorers intent on raising (or at least searching) a sunken ship or submarine. Sometimes enclaves of deep ones are found near the lairs of star-spawn -- deep ones may even worship lone star-spawn.

Star-spawn are steeped in lore, and can speak the languages of most creatures who once walked the earth in the past, as well as many of the present Earth languages spoken by humans.

Star-spawn meet most challenges they face with tentacles and claws.

Improved Grab (Ex): If a star-spawn hits an opponent smaller than it with a tentacle, it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without allowing its opponent a free attack. The star spawn uses its tentacle to hold the opponent. Assuming the victim doesn't break free on its action, the star-spawn deals 2d8+11 points of damage or use rotting constriction (see below) each round.

Rotting Constriction (Ex): Once a star-spawn has held an opponent with improved grab, it can drain a living victim of 2d4 points of Strength per round.

Sorcerer Abilities (Ex): Star-spawn are powerful sorcerers and possess sorcerer abilities of a level equivalent to half their Hit Dice (rounded down).

- Metamagic Specialist (Ex): Star-spawn do not summon familiars, instead they are metamagic specialists. A star-spawn can apply metamagic feats that it knows to sorcerer spells without increasing the casting time. This benefit even lets them quicken their sorcerer spells with the Quicken Spell feat. A star-spawn can use this class feature 8 times per day (3 + their Intelligence modifier (minimum 1)).

- Spells: As 10th level Sorcerers (Caster Level 20th). The save DCs are Charisma-based.


Yes I do. It was a real pain buying two of them from e-bay.

Did you want me to convert the material in the book?

Star-Spawn are from their website, not the book. It's in the archives of the wayback machine. I used their Star-Spawn as a basis for the conversion.

I avoided adding the integrated template however, since it wouldn't be right to do so until the Star-Spawn was up to par.

Here is the original for your enjoyment.

Star-Spawn of Cthulhu
Huge Aquatic Outsider (Greater Servitor Race)
Hit Dice: 20d10+100 (210 hp)
Initiative: +4 (Improved Initiative)
Speed: 40 ft., swim 40 ft.
Armor Class: 22 (-2 size, +14 natural)
Attacks: 4 tentacle rakes +27 melee, 2 claws +22 melee
Damage: Tentacle rake 2d6+9 (improved critical), claw 2d4+4
Face/Reach: 10 ft. by 10 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Damage reduction 20/+2, fast healing 5, improved grab, rotting constriction
Special Qualities: Spells
Saves: Fort +17, Ref +14, Will +16
Abilities: Str 28, Dex 10, Con 20, Int 21, Wis 19, Cha 10
Skills: Concentration +19, Cthulhu Mythos +15, Listen +15, Search +14, Speak Other Language (any twenty) +15, Spot +15
Feats: Blind-Fight, Expertise, Improved Critical (tentacle), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes
Climate/Terrain: Any aquatic
Advancement: 21-32 HD (Huge); 33-60 HD (Gargantuan)
CR: 14
Sanity Loss: 1d6/1d20

They all lay in stone houses in their great city of R'lyeh, preserved by the spells of mighty Cthulhu for a glorious resurrection when the stars and the earth might once more be ready. . . .

-- H.P. Lovecraft, "The Call of Cthulhu"

A star-spawn is a 20-foot-tall anthropoid creature whose head is a mass of feelers and tentacles, above which two eyes as old and cold as an ice age glare at its foes. Its body is rubbery, yet scaled, and its hands and feet end in tremendous claws. Narrow wings hang like a shroud over a star-spawn's shoulders. Wings aren't used for flight, but are deployed for swimming, much as a manta swims.

Star-spawn are lesser, younger examples of the same race from which great Cthulhu himself sprang, though even the youngest is older than humanity. Many were trapped in R'lyeh when it sank, sealed up with their high priest Cthulhu, but some avoided imprisonment. Some still live in deep trenches beneath the ocean and other drowned locales (including a few human city sewers). Others dwell among the stars, such as the entities infesting the Lake of Hali near Aldebaran.

Star-spawn might be encountered by deep-sea explorers intent on raising (or at least searching) a sunken ship or submarine. Sometimes enclaves of deep ones are found near the lairs of star-spawn -- deep ones may even worship lone star-spawn.

Star-spawn are steeped in lore, and can speak the languages of most creatures who once walked the earth in the past, as well as many of the present Earth languages spoken by humans.

Star-spawn meet most challenges they face with tentacles and claws.

Improved Grab (Ex): If a star-spawn hits an opponent smaller than it with a tentacle, it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without allowing its opponent a free attack. The star spawn uses its tentacle to hold the opponent. Assuming the victim doesn't break free on its action, the star-spawn deals 2d8+9 points of damage or use rotting constriction (see below) each round.

Rotting Constriction (Ex): Once a star-spawn has held an opponent with improved grab, it can drain a living victim of 2d4 points of Strength per round.

Spells: All star-spawn know 1d10 spells chosen from the Magic chapter. Star-spawn never lose Sanity when casting spells (since they don't have a Sanity score).

Voidrunner's Codex

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