Monsters of Feyland 2: An Interview with Cawood Publishing

Andrew Cawood has Monsters of Feyland 2 for 5th Edition kickstarting for D&D. He was kind enough to talk a bit about his kickstarter, his numerous amazing monster books, and other details about Cawood Publishing. EN World talked to Andrew in a previous interview.

Before we get into the interview I want to point out the free preview of monsters from the latest kickstarter: Monsters of Feyland 2 pamphlet sample. These creatures and NPCs have a twisted Candy Land/Faerie tale vibe to them and the art is amazing. While they seem whimsical and maybe even comical their actions are harmful and violent. These adversaries are well worth checking out.

Monsters of Feyland 2 for 5th Edition.jpg

Charlie Dunwoody (CD): Thanks for talking with us, Andrew. Your latest kickstarter is for Monsters of Feyland 2: The Well of Dreams, a fey themed monster book that also features seven regions where the monsters dwell along with statted out NPCs. This unique combination provides a detailed mini-setting for DMs and follows a similar theme of location based monsters from previous Cawood monster books like Monsters of the City: Sins and Virtues. Please tell us a bit about the included monsters, NPCs, and setting.
Andrew Cawood (AC):
Feyland just got a lot stranger! The Well of Dreams has been corrupted and war between the Seelie and Unseelie Courts has begun. You can have your players experience a fairy tale or an epic war. We return to Feyland and even bring back a few of the monsters from the first book. The fifth book in our 5E Monsters series will be 140-160 pages long with 100-120 new monsters. We'll also have new magical items, fey flora, adventure hooks, GM advice, encounter tables, region information pages, events tables, and more. The creatures will include many fey and a few other types. Some of the monsters include the Hatter, flying centaurs, the Frog Witch, floating island elementals, new unicorns, unique dragons, and many arch fey.

CD: What items are you offering through this kickstarter?
We have hardcover/softcover and PDF versions of the book. Backers can also add-on the other books in the 5E Monsters series as well as other Game Master handbooks and our World of Myrr setting.

CD: Please tell us about the previous monster books from Cawood Publishing.
We've also publishing Monsters of Feyland, Monsters of the Underworld, Monsters of the City – Sins and Virtues, and Monsters of the Wilderness: Oswald's Curse. Each book has at least 100 new monsters and can act as a campaign book as well.

CD: Which monster book that you’ve created is your favorite and why?
Monsters of the Wilderness is my new favorite. I think because we've learned so much over the last few years and taken those lessons to make a better book each time. We're always trying make unique designs and be bolder with the mechanics. That book is definitely our most creative, another reason we wanted to return to it's a setting where there aren't any rules.

CD: The D&D market is crowded including a handful of million dollar kickstarters. What is Cawood Publishing doing to get their work in front of gamers and continue producing quality books?
We have spent a few years getting to know the community and we try to create inspiring and practical products for the market. That's the foundation, building relationships. We also feel our products are quite unique and the bigger our catalog, the easier it will be for gamers to find us.

CD: In a crowded field of D&D products, why should gamers choose your monster books?
We're a small independent company that has the ability to be creative and try new things. We feel our monsters are distinctive, the art is amazing, and the books help GMs add to their campaigns.


CD: Please tell us about other books you offer.
In addition to the Monsters series, we publish the World of Myrr setting and many handbooks and adventures. A number of our handbooks are extensive NPC collections that can save GMs a lot of time.

CD: While you still have Monsters of Feyland 2 for 5th Edition in the works, are there future RPG works you’d like to talk about?
Yes, we're planning on completing our World of Myrr with a book that contains all nine continents. We're also planning on making big adventure books and adding Sci-Fi products in the future.

CD: Thanks for talking to EN World today. Where can fans go to find your work?
Our main website is World of Myrr, we also have products at DriveThruRPG: – Cawood Publishing and the DMs Guild: Dungeon Masters Guild – Cawood Publishing.

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Charles Dunwoody

Charles Dunwoody

All books in the series are great. Wilderness is most definitely my favourite.
The books are richly illustrated in a style very different to usual fantasy style, and certainly give me a lot of inspiration for my two homebrew games. Great to use on unsuspecting players (school students, especially) as they are unfamiliar with the monsters ;-)
Wilderness is def awesome! And the art is top notch!

All the books by Cawood Publishing have been awesome. The art by Travis is such a fresh change, it takes me back to the earlier days of playing the game. I loved the comic books ads and this light approach reminds me of that. These books have been more enjoyable than some of the recent material from the larger companies. The book quality has been far superior as well. 👍🏻👍🏻

All the Cawoods Monster books are top notch! I constantly use monsters from these books in my home games. The art style is so unique and a breath of fresh air. I love the usability of tons of the monsters! Especially low-mid CR creatures that you can breezily add into your games for new flavor.

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