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D&D 5E Mordenkainens starting to show up in the wild?

I see from the Fantasy Grounds screen shots that there will be more on Trolls. I am sure that makes some posters in this thread happy that their brethren are getting more attention. ;)

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I accept your challenge!

I don't like Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes because it breaks the naming conventions.

Volo's Guide to Monsters.

Xanathar's Guide to Everything.

I am Lowkey13, the enforcer of foolish consistencies, and I DEMAND that it be called Mordenkainen's Guide to Foes!

Also? Give him a mullet on the cover.

I'm actually okay with this one. Breaking naming conventions like that triggers some mild OCD. Not as bad as if they changed the layout, colors or font on the spine, but still.

It’s terrible, and I’ve encountered several new players who are reluctant to play halflings because the art looks so stupid. It’s like a silly cartoon character in a book of characters you’re supposed to be able to take seriously.
The art isn’t great, but the proportions are far from cartoonish. They’re exactly the same proportions as a 4-year-old child.


Good news, everyone! D&D came out with a new product this year, which can be purchased multiple times in multiple formats! And as always, it's not really D&D unless it skews common perceptions of classic races, displaces iconic characters into a catch-all setting that has become a distant echo of it's former glory, and has been preceeded by more sneak peeks and tantalizing previews than a traveling showgirl troupe performing an outside show in the park. Let's move on already to the next item hinted at for release and begin the 6+ month journey of hype and speculation for another collection of uninspiring and recycled ideas! 5e 4evar!! ;)
Talk about passive-aggressive...



I guess the closest I can come is this: WotC seems to be trying to focus attention on THEIR characters and not YOURS/OURS.

I don't want to be constantly reminded of how great Mordenkainen is, or how awesome Elminster is, or how super-secretive-but-everyone-knows-him-and-is-afraid-but-not-really that Xanathar floating orb monster is, etc. I don't want to hear "Oh, Mordenkainens Foes book has those guys" because it ever so slightly denigrates the monsters in it to be somehow related to Mordenkainen. If I write a series of adventures centered around some creature to be found therein, no matter how unique and memorable my adventure is...both the players and I will ALWAYS "know" that "Mordenkainen knew all about those guys first". Supplemental books for AD&D were generic. They were tools for us to use to tell our own stories and have our own tales of heroics. Now? Well...

I don't want to be reminded of how cool and wonderful WotC's IP is. I want WotC to produce products that focus on US...the DM's and the Players of D&D. I don't much care for this constant "Tooting of their own horn" with every supplement they put out. To me it seems like WotC has taken on the role of those annoying parents who attribute all the success of their wonderkind's success at [insert sport or ability] to themselves more than their kid. Yeah, you know the type. That's WotC now. "Look how great my kid is! Aren't I an amazing Parent!? See what I have done? I am the one who really deserves the credit because without me my kid would just be so-so...sorry honey, but it's true. You should thank me for making you great! And everyone watching my kid should thank me too!".

WotC: Please stop trying to be *that* parent.


Paul L. Ming

First, thank you for your response. I guess that is just not my experience. Other than the product name (which means nothing to me since I don't use any of their IP) I don't feel like they are pushing their IP on me. The books have had almost nothing that ties the content to the IP IMO. Now I was looking through some my 2e TSR stuff last night actually and that was REALLY pushing IP. Also, that is one thing that is a turn-off for me with PF, it is all Glorion this and Glorion that it drives me crazy. Frankly for the size of WotC/Hasbro I think it is rather shocking how little they push their IP and brand.


Don't be sad... that movie is awesome, as is everything JCVD.


I actually have quasi-JCVD story. Many moon's ago, in my home town, a man claiming to be JCVD's brother was trying to get private tours of local estates (3million+ homes) for sale by using his "celebrity" status. Very odd choice I thought.

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