Most exploited combo


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What combo's (feats PrC's spells and class features)
Do you think are the most nerfed by power players and what is a fair house ruling to tone down some of the more broken varieties?

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Polymorph (Into Dragon) + Iron Body + Tenser's Transformation

Weapon Finesse + Improved Trip + Spiked Chain

Sneak Attack with a +1 Merciful Vengeful Flaming Acidic Shocking Cold Screaming Sap

+1 Vorpal Keen Rapier (15 - 20 Crit range, and Death on a Crit)

Warshaper Prestige Class: Level 1. Immune to Crits and Stunning.

True Strike (Use Activated) added to a Longsword (By RAW only 2000gp)

Magic Missle (Use Activated) added to a Crossbow (By Raw only 2000gp)

Polymorph (Into Dragon) + Iron Body + Tenser's Transformation
Dragons are weak by HD limit. Do you mean Shapechange?
Trents not bad though.
Weapon Finesse + Improved Trip + Spiked Chain
But Trip uses Str... making you weaker at tripping if focus on Dex...
Sneak Attack with a +1 Merciful Vengeful Flaming Acidic Shocking Cold Screaming Sap
Aren't Sap already nonleethal?
+1 Vorpal Keen Rapier (15 - 20 Crit range, and Death on a Crit)
Crit is 15-20, but Death on a Nat 20. Vorpal cares not what you want: it wants a 20 (reread the DMG, please).

True Strike (Use Activated) added to a Longsword (By RAW only 2000gp)

Magic Missle (Use Activated) added to a Crossbow (By Raw only 2000gp)
I don't know, you waste a standard action so next turn you get a +20?

Polymorph (Into Dragon) + Iron Body + Tenser's Transformation
And then I'll answer with Greater Dispel Magic + Arcane Mastery feat + any item or feat at all that boosts my abjuration CL. All your buffs are automatically gone now. Feel free to cry.

Weapon Finesse + Improved Trip + Spiked Chain
As noted, you need str to trip, this is a pointless combo

Sneak Attack with a +1 Merciful Vengeful Flaming Acidic Shocking Cold Screaming Sap
Why?! The SA damage will still be regular weapon damage, you can't just call it one of the various energy types as it suits your needs, if that was the plan. You COULD use UMD check + cheap wand of acid splash to do a ranged touch for d3 +xd6 acid damage with no SR allowed. Or wand of ray of frost if against something of the fire subtype for +50% damage.

+1 Vorpal Keen Rapier (15 - 20 Crit range, and Death on a Crit)
Only in 3.0, and if it is 3.0, don't forget to add Imp. Crit feat.

Warshaper Prestige Class: Level 1. Immune to Crits and Stunning.
Agreed. The ONLY reason to not go into Warshaper if you qualify for it is because you don't want to lose a CL. Or if you care more about classes that fit the character's personality than powergaming.

True Strike (Use Activated) added to a Longsword (By RAW only 2000gp)

Magic Missle (Use Activated) added to a Crossbow (By Raw only 2000gp)

They aren't RAW just cause the DMG guidelines have formulas for them. And in the first case, I'm not sure there ARE use activated items for personal spells. In the latter, you'd have a crossbow that can fire off a magic missile as a standard action. Double price possibly for no body slot. Not to mention costs if you want it unlimited times per day. All for d4 +1 damage. And I don't see how you're activating it and firing the xbow, if that was the intended use. Of course, the DM has to approve any new items like these in the first place.

As for my vote, I'd say the most commonplace combo is the humble 2H weapon + PA. It's not the most powerful combo by a long shot, just the most simple and frequently seen one. I don't even want to pretend to know the most brokenly powerful combo, so instead I'll just say my favorite. Playing a battlefield control mage and laying down so many effects that hamper movement and lessen actions (grease, web, evard's, rock to mud, caltrops, various mists, spike growth, entangle, etc...) that even if the foes make all the saves/grapple checks/etc... they still are so slowed down they can hardly crawl 5 ft in a single round, as my party merely peppers them from range and lays down some "bleeding" spells to slowly kill them like acid fog. Any day the enemy is in a life or death struggle just to reach me is a good day, IMO. :)

What combo's (feats PrC's spells and class features)
Do you think are the most nerfed by power players and what is a fair house ruling to tone down some of the more broken varieties?

Polymorph any object used more than once= permanent duration.

One way to get better Int, Str, etc.
Logically, HD aren't a issue due to pebbles can become creatures with HD far higher than a pebble (how did a pebble gain multiple HD to become a manticore?).

Example, turn something to a Lammasu and they gain these stats: Str 23, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 14.
A Monk/any warrior type class wouldn't mind those base stats. Add magic item gear and they rock.

Heck, Gish-caster would love Gold Dragon stats. 31 Str? Yes, please. And Int doesn't even drop much at all (18 Int is decent base stat for a Gish).

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