Most exploited combo

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Dragons are weak by HD limit. Do you mean Shapechange?

No the reason for this is the number of attacks you gain while in dragon form. At the point you can reach when able to cast this many spells of to gain the effect you want. You will probably have 5 attacks at least, with the effect of being an iron golem, and have all the bonus of Tenser's Transformation. If you like I can post all the stat effects under this effect.

Also I would like to add that a single dispel magic will not remove all of these effects. In fact it would take 3 to do so. Dispel magic will only remove 1 effect per casting.

But Trip uses Str... making you weaker at tripping if focus on Dex...

I agree I had not thought about that.

Aren't Sap already nonleethal??

Yes I agree. But hey a 1st level rogue with that weapon can easily do 10d6 Non-leathal damage. And in a city based game that is pretty butch.

Crit is 15-20, but Death on a Nat 20. Vorpal cares not what you want: it wants a 20 (reread the DMG, please).

My bad I was going on the 3.0. You are right on that.

I don't know, you waste a standard action so next turn you get a +20?

What most miss on this is that Use Activated means it works so long as you are using the item. Meaning as long as it is in use the effect takes place and does not require a command to produce said effect. That would be a command word activated effect.

Thus the use of a Sword is in the action of it being swung. A fighter with say 3 attacks per round would then be activated its use 3 times per round and gaining a +20 per attack.

The same applies to a crossbow. Pulling the trigger fires the arrow. No command is needed to produce said effect.

Now some will argue a wand is the same, however if you read correctly a Wand is a Command Word Activated item. A crossbow does not require a command to function.

Also you would not charge for the body slot effect that being because it is not something you would wear anyway. Otherwise you would apply the same charge anytime you were to make a wand or a scroll since you do not wear it.

True Strike (Use Activated) added to a Longsword (By RAW only 2000gp)
Thus the use of a Sword is in the action of it being swung. A fighter with say 3 attacks per round would then be activated its use 3 times per round and gaining a +20 per attack.
This is not 1 of the "Most exploited combo"s because I don't know a reasonable DM who would allow such a thing. And if such a thing is not allowed, it cannot be exploited. Look around the various forums, this topic (true strike, use activated) comes up on a regular basis all over the net.

+1 Vorpal Keen Rapier (15 - 20 Crit range, and Death on a Crit)

Aside from that being only in 3rd edition (not also in 3.5), there's one more problem with this. It's an epic weapon, which means it's price is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay through the roof. Non-epic items can have at most a +5 enhancement, and +5 worth of magical abilities. Since vorpal is +5, it can't be paired with any other magical abilities without being epic. Once an item is epic it sky rockets in price, making it only affordable to... those that a DM allows it to.

I thought it was a combined of +10 worth of enhancments + abilities. With only up to +5 of those being enhancment bounses.
No I think you are right that it is combined total.
It says [enhancement + special abilitys] higher than 10. No limit on special abilies.

In 3.5: a +1 weapon +9 special abilities is legal.

Was 3.0 different?

This is not 1 of the "Most exploited combo"s because I don't know a reasonable DM who would allow such a thing. And if such a thing is not allowed, it cannot be exploited. Look around the various forums, this topic (true strike, use activated) comes up on a regular basis all over the net.

Suprisingly enough I met a DM who would allow it. And another different DM who almost allowed it until we talked him out of it. The first DM was running a game where he wanted us to make the game as "broken" as possible.

So in reference to the OP I provided a Broken Combination.

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