Most exploited combo

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Suprisingly enough I met a DM who would allow it. And another different DM who almost allowed it until we talked him out of it. The first DM was running a game where he wanted us to make the game as "broken" as possible.

So in reference to the OP I provided a Broken Combination.

Notice I said "reasonable DM", and someone who wants to "make the game as "broken" as possible" is not running a normal game. Thus, the occurrence of said broken combo is possible (see spoiler), but due to it's rarity, not a "Most exploited combo"s. Pun pun is broken, but since it is very rarely (if ever) played, it hasn't been listed. Now
Simm said:
DMM + nightsticks + persistent spell
this is a good example of a "Most exploited combo"s.

[sblock]As I recall, there is even debate over the price of said weapon being so low because of a clause in the magic item creatio rules that says something like "first look at similar items before using these formulas". I think thats how it went, but don't quote me on that, just google it. I'm sure you can find many topics about this, so let's not derail this thread further.[/sblock]

And my "broken combo" is a clever player + Immovable Rods or Decanters of Endless Water or any number of seemingly innocuous item. Clever players are dangerous. ;)

Finally, I also vote for the "cute girl in a bikini", with or without chocolate.

I thought it was a combined of +10 worth of enhancments + abilities. With only up to +5 of those being enhancment bounses.

Oops guess I read the rules incorrectly. Thanks for the correction.

While not truly an artifact, the epic magic item is a creation of such power that it surpasses other magic items. Epic magic items are objects of great power and value. The following are typical characteristics of an epic magic item. In general, an item with even one of these characteristics is an epic magic item.
• Grants a bonus on attacks or damage greater than +5.
• Grants an enhancement bonus to armor higher than +5.
Has a special ability with a market price modifier greater than +5.
• Grants an armor bonus of greater than +10 (not including magic armor’s enhancement bonus).
• Grants a natural armor, deflection, or resistance bonus greater than +5.
• Grants an enhancement bonus to an ability score greater than +6.
• Grants an enhancement bonus on a skill check greater than +30.
• Mimics a spell of an effective level higher than 9th.
• Has a caster level above 20th.
• Has a market price above 200,000 gp, not including material costs for armor or weapons, material component- or experience point-based costs, or additional value for intelligent items.
An epic magic item that grants a bonus beyond those allowed for normal magic items has a higher market price than indicated by the formulas for non-epic items.
Epic magic items are not artifacts. They are not unique, though they are certainly very rare, and anyone with the proper item creation feats can build them. Even an epic magic item can never grant a dodge bonus, and the maximum inherent bonus that can be applied to an ability score is +5. An epic magic item cannot be created that uses or mimics an epic spell. A major artifact might be able to mimic such a spell, however.[/sblock]

I read the red portion as "total abilities up to +5 worth of abilities," not "All abilities are of a +5 market modifier or less." I failed my decipher script check. Thanks for the successful diplomacy check to correct me. :P

Using Dust of Dryness as a weapon is pretty sick. Albeit kinda pricey for a one time effect, but none-theless, absolutely awesome, though poorly defined in terms of numbers.

put a dust of dryness pellet into someone's food. they bits into it, and their moth is instantaneously filled with 10 tons of water. thats sounds like an instakill to me.
throw it in the angry demon's mouth.
rig it to a door for when the enemy opens it.
put it between the cracks of your party's fighter's armor for when they move want to kill your friends right?
throw it into a crowded hallway filled with enemies.
attach it to the tip of an arrow, and then shoot someone with it.
stick it to the bottom of someone's shoe.
fire it out of a sling, or a spring loaded gun

not all of those will kill people, but the item is much more useful than people give it credit for.

hell, pretty sure if you feed it to a person as the dust, it absorbs all the moisture in their body. > dont wanna double check it atm

also, monk/duelist. int+dex+wis to ac. lol
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Aside from that being only in 3rd edition (not also in 3.5), there's one more problem with this. It's an epic weapon, which means it's price is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay through the roof. Non-epic items can have at most a +5 enhancement, and +5 worth of magical abilities. Since vorpal is +5, it can't be paired with any other magical abilities without being epic. Once an item is epic it sky rockets in price, making it only affordable to... those that a DM allows it to.

Also, a problem with a vorpal rapier is that I'm pretty sure vorpal can only be added to a slashing weapon, and rapiers are piercing.

Notice I said "reasonable DM", and someone who wants to "make the game as "broken" as possible" is not running a normal game.

Finally, I also vote for the "cute girl in a bikini", with or without chocolate.

I would like to add to this that in all cases anything posted in this forum about "Broken Combos" short of the "cute girl in a bikini" (which I highly vote for and will never consider broken) would not be allowed by any reasonable DM. So just in my own defense I would say you cannot use that as a retort as no "reasonable DM" would allow any of these combos.

Improved Trip + Combat Reflexes + Spiked Chain

Well, effectiveness of this combo relies largely on what kind of opponents you are fighting against.

If most of the enemies in the campaign are two-legged, medium-size or smaller corporeal critters who rely on melee attacks, this combo is very effective. If not, Improved Trip is a waste of feat. You would better invest a feat slot for something more versatile.

And the user of this tactics tend to lose his main weapon or be tripped back fairly often.

I say this is one of the most overestimated combo.

Someone something with hands (like Dretch or elemental). Hand it Dust of Sneezing and coughing. Command as free action to let it loose on enemy.

Minion might fail saves (like you care; he'll be fine when he reforms after summoning), but enemy will loose con or be stunned (those only choices).

Pretty awesome combo.

Note cursed items are creatable.

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