Most exploited combo

Lol. You guys are harsh. Okay how about this:

Fly + Daern's Instant Fortress.

Heward's Handy Haversack + Cleric Shrine

Power Attack + Leap Attack + Great Axe
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Ice wall has to be anchored.
You cant cast it in mid air.

Can't it be ancored to a small stone?

A vertical wall need only be anchored on the floor, while a horizontal or slanting wall must be anchored on two opposite sides.

The stone is now the floor, and so forms Vertical. It doesn't say how much of the wall needs to be ancored to the floor.

1. Divine Metamagic + Twin Spell + Shivering Touch (6d6 Constitution Damage, no save yay!!!)

2. Metamorphosis (Hydra) + Metamorphic Transfer (36d6 fire)

3. Metamorphosis (phasm) + Metamorphic Transfer (Alternate Form --> Pit Fiend).

4. Celerity + anything.

5. Synchronicity + anything.

6. Iron Heart Surge. (Really, as a Warblade you get it back *every* round.)

7. Craven + Staggering Strike.

And so on.


Don't forget shock trooper, which lets you funnel power attack's penalty to your AC instead of your bab. Suddenly, even the tarrasque seems to have too little hp...

Throw in combat brute (for momentum swing) while you are at it...:cool:

"DMM + nightsticks + persistent spell"

Pardon my ignorance, but what are DMM and nightsticks?
Night Sticks give owner (dont have to hold just possess) Extra turning (Extra turning stacks). These are found in Libris Mortis.

Divine Meta Magic (DMM) uses turning to power metamagic (instead of increased spell slots). Must choose a single feat with every taking of DMM, but very useful.

Combined you are limited by number of night sticks to powering your DMM. Since Night Sticks cost around 5k I think; it isn't that hard around level 7 to have enough.

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