Most exploited combo

In case of Sorcerer and Wizard, with only 1,000xp, you can apply Permanency on See Invisibility. Someone with UMD skill can do the same with appropriate scrolls, too.

Also, Warlock has least invocation which gives see invisibility 24 hours/day.

If a 20th-level party can't counter invisible things (including ethereal ones), something is wrong.
See invisiblity has no effect on etheral detection.

Read Blink dude: even if see invisibile still have 20% miss chance.
For casting spells even if see invisilble; you have to see etheral as well or fail 50% with spells.
So dude, that won't work.

I will grant you True seeing I guess, but that isn't 24 hrs.

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See invisibility do let you see something in ethereal plane. Read See Invisibility spell entry.

You still have miss-chance against blinking opponent, because unless using force effects, you may hit or target the opponent when they are in ethereal plane and thus miss.

But with See Invisibility spell, you can see blinking opponent even when the opponent is in ethereal plane.

1. Divine Metamagic + Twin Spell + Shivering Touch (6d6 Constitution Damage, no save yay!!!)

2. Metamorphosis (Hydra) + Metamorphic Transfer (36d6 fire)

3. Metamorphosis (phasm) + Metamorphic Transfer (Alternate Form --> Pit Fiend).

4. Celerity + anything.

5. Synchronicity + anything.

6. Iron Heart Surge. (Really, as a Warblade you get it back *every* round.)

7. Craven + Staggering Strike.

And so on.


I have almost all the books I need to rescource these yet I am not familiar with most of them. Can someone please explain why these combo's are broken and what these feats or SA's do in combination.

See invisibility do let you see something in ethereal plane. Read See Invisibility spell entry.

You still have miss-chance against blinking opponent, because unless using force effects, you may hit or target the opponent when they are in ethereal plane and thus miss.

But with See Invisibility spell, you can see blinking opponent even when the opponent is in ethereal plane.
Wait, then why does Blink say see invisible + see etheral if See invisible does both?

Are there creatures that see invisible without the spell or its effect?

I have almost all the books I need to rescource these yet I am not familiar with most of them. Can someone please explain why these combo's are broken and what these feats or SA's do in combination.

1. Firstly, it is dex damage, and you could do just as well with maximize spell as with twin, oh well. Divine metamagic is used to effectively add the metamagic feat for free, all in all not as useful as doing DMM Persistent Spell or DMM (anything) on an already long-lasting buff. The spell itself is regularly 3d6 dex damage with a touch, as I call it, "the dragon slayer." Really, the spell itself is the broken part of this "combo."

2. The power is used to turn into a Hydra and the feat lets you use its Su ability. You need the 12 headed Hydra for that much damage, though, and arguably each set of breath attacks applies resistances to the energy damage separately, so it's of questionable use.

3. Not sure if this actually works, but if it does... you're using a level 4 power and an easy to get feat to become a pit fiend. Not much more needs to be said.

4. Celerity lets you cast another spell as an immediate action. I think you lose your next standard, though, so whatever you're doing it'd better finish the job...

5. I don't know.

6. Iron Heart Surge is not broken, nor a combo. It does a LOT potentially, but mostly it just gives non-casters a prayer of surviving a fight with a caster. It's a level 3 ToB maneuver that lets you end one non instant effect or condition afflicting you. You could stop poison from doing secondary damage, end a fear affect, yell at an evard's tentacle field and make it go away... even punch through a force cage or more amazingly, an antimagic field (!!!). The "broken" part is usually because it doesn't just end the effect for you it out-right ends the entire effect. Like a dispel magic that always wins. Still, it costs a standard action and requires two feats, one feat + 3000 gp item, or Warblade levels in order to use (and in all but the last case, only once/battle) and mostly just screws over the more powerful classes anyway, so I don't mind it. And it on its own is not a combo.

7. Pretty simple. Craven (Champions of Ruin) adds +character level to SA damage. Staggering Strike (CAdv) causes every SA that deals damage to force a fort save vs. damage dealt or be staggered for one round. The synergy is blatant. And each feat on its own is extremely powerful, arguably broken.

How about a 2H weapon plus PA plus charging Leap Attack with wraithstrike... triple PA damage that hits touch AC. Add a followup full attack with Momentum Swing the following round from the Combat Brute [Tactical] feat in CW. All triple PA damage.

4. Celerity lets you cast another spell as an immediate action. I think you lose your next standard, though, so whatever you're doing it'd better finish the job...

An experiment was once conducted to see how many actions you could take in a single round. The answer was - more actions than you had spells/resources.;)

5th level human paladin
Charging Smite from PHB2
Power Attack, Leap Attack and Divine Might feats
Rhino's Rush Spell from Spell Compendium

1d12 + STR modifier x 1.5 + 15 (Charging Smite/Smite Evil) + CHA modifier (Divine Might) + 15 (Power Attack/Leap Attack) x 2 (Rhino's Rush)

If you score a Critical Hit, instead of multiplying it by 2, multiply it by 4.

Wait, then why does Blink say see invisible + see etheral if See invisible does both?

Are there creatures that see invisible without the spell or its effect?

Actually, if you read Blink spell description carefully, it does not say anything about difference between see invisible and see ethereal. It mentions that Blind-Fight does not help opponents since the caster is ethereal and not merely invisible, though.

I don't know if there are any creatures who can see only non-ethereal invisible beings. If there are, they cannot see the blinking caster when he is in ethereal plane.

Actually, if you read Blink spell description carefully, it does not say anything about difference between see invisible and see ethereal. It mentions that Blind-Fight does not help opponents since the caster is ethereal and not merely invisible, though.

I don't know if there are any creatures who can see only non-ethereal invisible beings. If there are, they cannot see the blinking caster when he is in ethereal plane.
It does though, it says, "Any individually targets spell has a 50% chancde to fail against you while you're Blinking unless your attacker can target invisible, etheral creatures".

There is no reason to type both words serperated by a comma if See invisible does both... is there?

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