MoTW out yet??


First Post
Just wondering if MoTW is actually out yet?
I read over on another thread that someone had it. Just wondering if anyone else can confirm that.

And if so, whats the likely hood of it getting to Australia anytime soon?

And Is it worth picking up?

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Vengeance Bunny
Still haven't seen it in my neck of the woods. Probably next week, or the week thereafter. Looks like Sudbury gets stuff a week after Toronto gets it. :p

Did finally get Dungeon, though! Shadow Chasers looks neat!


First time doing this, but I wanted to know if anyone else other than Ysgarran has it/has seen it. (nothing personal, just want second source confirmation).


First Post
Masters of the Wild's official street date is Friday, February 15.

Wizards of the Coast seems to actually be taking the street date seriously for a change -- they've been rather lax about this in the past, resulting in a great deal of hobby retailer anger being directed at them -- so in many cases the books won't be arriving at retailers until the 15th. Your favorite stores should all have it on the shelves by Friday afternoon, though.

Barring a disaster with UPS, we'll be shipping MotW to our mail order customers first thing Friday morning, and the books will be on our shelves and ready to sell when we open. We're getting plenty of copies and are always happy to put things aside for people, so give us a holler if you want one.


Chris Aylott
The Space-Crime Continuum
selling science fiction, mysteries and games

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