uhm... if I´d play 4 enemies at 6d6 (players are grade 7) they would heavily struggle...
I nearly killed one of them with a single sentry tower some weeks ago (they have been grade 6 that time but sentry is still a d5 enemy so...)
Ok, he split off the party and run into ambush turn, sentry gets three attacks, then it´s player first turn
He jumped into full cover and stayed back until the party joins the fight.
Ogron martial arts swordfighter throws initiative, runs into the corridor with the sentry tower, flying kick, sentry looks like a cheap toy
There are some problems;
first - in battle my dices catch fire. literally. sometimes I crit several times with 6d6. I don´t use aim and I don´t boost enemy damage.
second - pc´s aren´t fighters. ok, two of them are but... hm. they even got high HP and I use heroic rules.
Third - Equipment. Only one of the players (ogron melee) really cares about his equip. The android player still says he got built-in armor (SOAK 5) so he doesn´t need armor / clothing.