Multiclass feat question


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Simple question...

I know that you can only take one multiclass feat, PHB states clearly that you can only dabble in one class, but I would like to know if you can take several times power-swap feats to get more encounter, utility or daily powers form your "second" class.

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As far as I'm aware, the answer here is no. Remember, you only ever have 3 encounter and daily powers, even at 30th, and one of each is from your Paragon Path. So switching one of them out for your multiclass is a large percentage of their total. :)


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I must be misunderstanding the question. It sounds like you're asking if you can take several power-swap feats. As far as I'm aware, yes.

Edit: Unless you mean to take each one of the 3 multiple times. Then I don't know.


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Feats will state if you can take them multiple times. In the case of the power-swap multiclass feats, the answer is no, you cannot take them more than once.


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Caliber said:
As far as I'm aware, the answer here is no. Remember, you only ever have 3 encounter and daily powers, even at 30th, and one of each is from your Paragon Path. So switching one of them out for your multiclass is a large percentage of their total. :)

I think you're wrong, take a look at page 29 of the PHB or page 143 of the DMG. PCs have far more than 3 encounter and daily powers even before hitting epic tier.


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silentounce said:
I think you're wrong, take a look at page 29 of the PHB or page 143 of the DMG. PCs have far more than 3 encounter and daily powers even before hitting epic tier.

The highest number of daily and encounter powers a character gets (not counting racial powers) is 4. They receive their fourth Daily at level 20 and their fourth Encounter at level 11. I wouldn't call that "far more than 3."


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Kordeth said:
The highest number of daily and encounter powers a character gets (not counting racial powers) is 4. They receive their fourth Daily at level 20 and their fourth Encounter at level 11. I wouldn't call that "far more than 3."

Seven and eight are far more than three. He said, "you only ever have 3 encounter and daily powers". "And" means addition, doesn't it? I see what he was trying to say now, but that's not what he said. I didn't realize he was trying to say 3 encounter and 3 daily.
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I must be misunderstanding the question. It sounds like you're asking if you can take several power-swap feats. As far as I'm aware, yes.

Edit: Unless you mean to take each one of the 3 multiple times. Then I don't know.

Thats exactly what I was asking...

I was trying to convert one of my 3.x charcaters to 4e ( a dwarf fighter 12/cleric 9) and as he always has used Battleaxe with spec, weapon master and greater spec ... so the paragon path Kensai made a lot of sense to him, but then my "healing" abilities are now very limited so I though taking 2 times the swap-feat (acolyte power if I remember well) to get cure serious and mass cure light to enahnce a little his healing abilities. I have taken Strenghten the faithful (encounter cleric 7) and Divine power ( daily cleric 9) as my other class powers too.

I got lucky, as several of my high level characters are easy to convert to 4e. Others are on wait... my lvl 18 bard will be a charisma warlord if my DM wants to continue the saga before the bard comes back ( I hope he is in the PHB2)


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Have you tried making the character a Strength based Cleric who takes Kensai?

No, but i will give it a thought.

I assumed that as my higher class in 3.x was fighter i should try to do him as a fighter...

Giving a though I dont think he can be a cleric as I will have to take several feats to get plate and heavy shield (4 feats in total) he was the typical dwarf tank with dwarven plate and heavy shield and another one to pick battleaxe proficiency.

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