D&D 5E Multiclass Fighter/Rogue build options


It is not really a multiclass, it is more a Rogue dip. The character will start as a level 1 Rogue, then do 8 levels of fighter then probably 3 or 4 more of Rogue before we end.

Rolled stats before bonuses:

S15 D14 C10 I13 W12 Ch10 - these stats can't be moved.

I am going to play Helna a Half-Dwarf, quarter drow, quarter human. She looks like a 4-foot heavily musceled drow. I am using custom lineage. Helna's mother is a Shield Dwarf who was raped by a half-Drow and Helna is her offspring. Long story short her mother left the clan with her, but taught their ways and taught her to be a craftsman (clan crafter), she grew up in a human town in the north. The rest of the backstory I would adapt to her starting abilities, but I want her to lean into this character as someone who is as gruff as your typical Dwarf while not looking at all like one.

As far as the build goes I think I am going to take tavern brawler feat for 18 strength at 1st level, Rogue expertise in athletics and stealth. At fighter 1 I will take the unarmed figting style for the damage bonus to grappled creatures and the unarmed strike bonuses. Since I am not taking more then one level of Rogue for a long time SA is not as important. This character will do 2d6+5 with a maul or 2d6+5 with a short sword on SA (although being able to do 2d6 with a one-handed sword is advantageous when grappling). Third level is I am not sure where to go, I like the idea of going with an EK to pick up the damage boost and then maybe Fey touched half-feat at level 4 to boost intelligence and get a couple more spells and grappler feat at level 6. Other option is Rune Knight with grappler at level 4 and ASI at 6.

I think the EK-build will do more damage with cantrips and damage boost from Hex. The Rune Knight will be a better Grappler (with advantage on strength checks a lot), have better out of combat skills and I think the redirect attack options will be roughly awash defensively when compared with shield, AE and PGE from the EK. The RK is more difficult to work in thematically though I think - Ok how are Giants relevant, especially on someone 4-foot tall.

Thoughts, especially from anyone who has played RK?

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In some D&D cosmologies, the Dwarves where the slaves of the Giants before the Dawn War.

They broke free, and have continued to fight a war against them ever since.

A dwarf RK using giant magic would be someone who studied the magic of their enslavers.


If you want to lean into rogue, a champion 5/rogue X can do decent crit-fishing with elven accuracy.

If TWF, you get 3 attacks each with a 27% crit chance, giving you a 61% crit chance per round. With EA your accuracy is high enough that you can afford to defer your sneak attack to crit-fish.

But that doesn't work as well with grappling, unless your DM lets you grapple with a finesse melee weapon.

I'm trying to work out how much a rogue dip for an eldritch knight fighter gets you that a (Tasha's options) straight ranger wouldn't. You've some magic there, decent weaponry, strong damage, and good skills in a flexible package.


I'm trying to work out how much a rogue dip for an eldritch knight fighter gets you that a (Tasha's options) straight ranger wouldn't. You've some magic there, decent weaponry, strong damage, and good skills in a flexible package.
Rogue gets you expertise in 2 skills instead of one, thieves tools proficiency, thieves cant and an extra skill proficiency over and above what you could get with a Ranger. Late in game after you get to level 2 Rogue I would also get cunning action, which is awesome with a grappling character because of the extra movement bonus-action dash gives. Ranger gives you 2 more hps and martial weapons at 1st level instead of 2nd. As far as starting gear, Rangers get better weapons at first level but Rogues get better adventuring gear (burglers pack and thieves tools). Also I think Rangers need a 13 wisdom to multiclass so I would need to go the first four levels as a Ranger and pick up an ASI before I went to fighter. At that point I would want to go to level 5 for extra attack and that means I would miss an ASI at 7th level (total) and not get the fighter subclass abilities until late in the game.

RAW you can grapple as long as you have 1 hand free so all finnesse weapons should be available to use while grappling, but TWF isn't available.

Also I think Rangers need a 13 wisdom to multiclass so I would need to go the first four levels as a Ranger and pick up an ASI before I went to fighter.
I'm talking about not multiclassing into fighter at all, but instead playing a straight ranger. Not putting your getting second level spells about three levels behind, and getting stronger subclass features for two.


I'm talking about not multiclassing into fighter at all, but instead playing a straight ranger. Not putting your getting second level spells about three levels behind, and getting stronger subclass features for two.
Ah got it! Ranger's can't get unarmed fighting fighting style I don't think and without that you are giving up a lot of damage on a grappler build (both on the initial strike and on the grapple damage every turn).

Ah got it! Ranger's can't get unarmed fighting fighting style I don't think and without that you are giving up a lot of damage on a grappler build (both on the initial strike and on the grapple damage every turn).
Ah, makes sense and I don't think I've ever actually seen a grappler played in 5e other than as a battlemaster backup plan. Good luck

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