D&D 5E Multiverse Theory and you


Moderator Emeritus
My old homebrew existed within a spelljammer context (though most campaigns played there had no spelljammer elements at all as this was not common knowledge) and when running the Slavers line of modules, I had some of the freed slaves be from Toril and Oerth (the slavelords had a couple of spelljamming ships at their disposal), which meant re-patriating them was difficult. I also had their "common tongue" be different - so when the guy from Toril spoke it I used Spanish and for Oerth I used (my terrible) French.

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I have had some Wilderlands to Golarion crossover stuff in the past few years. And I use Stonehell Dungeon's 10th level dimensional nexus as a link between settings, Faerun & Wilderlands in particular.

The mutiverse is to explain the reason because we may see potential crossovers with other Hasbro's franchises or by other companies, for example Spelljammer creatures in Fortnite.

The AD&D sourcebook about the chronomancers had got some interesting ideas.


New Publisher
Sure, my players have travelled from one world to another. I don't get how that is distasteful or whatnot......And, I've been a player where we've done that. It allows you to have "normal" worlds and weird fantasy worlds.


Think it started with Moorcock, and made more famous is with the Amber stuff.

I would love to do a multiverse type game whether 5e or Savage Worlds.

It would be fun.

I don't think I've ever seen it (hopping to a different material plane) in play, but I have seen it as a backstory for allowing an otherwise out-of-context character into a game that was already kitchen sink-y.


I've done it as a player and as a DM.

As a player it was Spelljammer going from a homebrew world to Krynn to Forgotten Realms and into another three DM's homebrew settings with the same character. Great fun being the world travelling Skysailor.

As a DM running a 1e game in the World of Greyhawk the party after being captured and sentenced to death for betraying a city to the Slave Lords went through a gate to what I called Celtic World to go through the adventures in C4 To Find a King to discharge their debt before making it back to Greyhawk. Later they got sucked into Ravenloft for their escalating evil crimes. A separate group I took over DMing for started in their homebrew world but got sucked into Ravenloft. A replacement character I DM'd solo for a little bit on Dark Sun before he joined up with the group in Ravenloft when they were doing the desert Touch of Death module. At one point they made it out onto Krynn during part of a conjunction.


Not recently. Back in the 2E days, I did a homebrew/Greyhawk/Brittania (from the Ultima video games) crossover that I thought was interesting.

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