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Mutant High Issue 1: The house that Xavier Built


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Alchemist looked like the walking dead when all was said and done. Saved from that last barrage of attacks, he shook off kitty long enough to shamble back the way he came, slumped agains the wall of the danger room, his arm hanging at a rather disturbing angle, obviously broken.

The danger room and its occupants weren't much better, floor torn up, spikes sticking out of the walls, nearly every student coming out of things with a bruise or worse. He heard his name from Miranda's direction, the reminder of why they were here causing him to wince.

He sought out Professor Summers, tears in his eyes as he explained things as best he could. When they knew what he did, and only then did Nicolas finally relent, crumbling onto the streacher, exaustion and seditives having him asleep in moments.

[sblock=ooc]I wasn't sure whether I should be posting this, so I'll freely edit it if I'm wrong. That said, Alchemist was staggered at the end of round six, and took no attacks in round 7, so he should still be concious, just hurting.

Then again, I've been wrong before. =.=;[/sblock]

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I missed. :( I supposed that isn't too surprising, considering the nature of our opponents. But still disappointing. Temper listens carefully to the reports about the start of the fight.

"So Quicksilver was fighting here for a bit before his ally joined him? What was that Nightcrawler doing in the period when he was by himself? And to whom was he refering by 'we?'" she launches a barrage of questions.


Professor Summers turns to Temper as Nicolas is taken away on a stretcher "I had the same worries. Maybe they thought Quicksilver could handle it by himself.. maybe nightcrawler didn't show up until just then.. maybe he was doing something else..." He sighed. "I'll get in touch with any sources I can and try to find out everything, in the meantime..." Professor summers waves Quarterback over as well, and moves them away from the rest

"You're the only two who were in the danger room during the first attack that have recovered, which means you're the closest thing we have to a backup team.. I'm calling in some old friends, but I'd like you two to keep an eye on the others, specifically Mr Asher. I don't know what Nightcrawler, Quicksilver, and that cyborg kid have planned, but this is part of something much larger. I hate puting pressure on you kids, but you both seem able to handle it, and I could use the help."


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So that's his name. Kids?

"The cyborg is probably connected to a military research facility; the government has been working on cybernetics technology to create more powerful and perfectly obedient drones. I wouldn't have expected them to use a child as a base, but it makes sense to exploit the taboo in many cultures against violence to children," she states calmly.

Temper replies to his 'kids' comment: "The duration of childhood has varied significantly with culture. We both seem to be reproductive age which is sufficient for adulthood in places and other times. And before you reply based on the standards of current American culture, I'd like to point out that extending the time a person is considered immature leaves them more amenable to influence and increases the economic costs associated with raising children - therefore transfering power to wealthy groups who can most easily bear those costs."


Fangor the Fierce

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Spike turns to Logan, noting that he is still on alert, trying to sense the intruders. "Thanks for showing up, Wolverine. I got lucky with Mr. Speedy there. Don't worry, I'll try to pay more attention next time."

When the others are examined for injuries, Spike is a little embarrassed to realize that he actually did not get hurt once from the attack. Luck is a funny lady, and she toying with him...

"So what's the next move, Wolverine? I know you aren't going to stand by and wait for the next attack..."


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Victim said:
Temper replies to his 'kids' comment: "The duration of childhood has varied significantly with culture. We both seem to be reproductive age which is sufficient for adulthood in places and other times. And before you reply based on the standards of current American culture, I'd like to point out that extending the time a person is considered immature leaves them more amenable to influence and increases the economic costs associated with raising children - therefore transfering power to wealthy groups who can most easily bear those costs."


"That doesn't change the fact that less than a year ago my primary concerns were girls and football." Eric said. "Having said that, I'll do what I can."


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Xi'an, unconscious, sleeps restlessly in the infirmiry. The recent onset of violence has brought back his dreams of his old life, and he never sleeps well when that happens.

He's been in the infirmiry just over an hour when he wakes up.

"Wha..di..did we win?"

Xi'an looks over and sees Alchemist and Calypso there in the infirmiry with him.

"Didn't we just leave this party? Let's get out of here."
Xi'an sits up and says to whoever is attending.

"I'm feeling a good bit better now...I'm not even too sore. Do you need my help getting the others back together here? I'm good at taking care of that stuff."
If allowed, Xi'an gets out of bed and walks over to the two students, one at a time, and lays his good hand on their shoulders, trying to encourage their bodies back together.

[sblock=OOC]I have enough ranks in Regeneration that my recovery checks come at a +9, so I automatically get over unconsciousness in the first minute, my bruises the next two minutes, and my fatigue over the next hour. I figure I'll stay out until the fatigue is relieved.

The others MIGHT be better when I wake up, but only if they succeed on their staggered recovery check in the first hour-in which case I don't need to heal them.

If needed though, I will use healing on the others, granting them a +9 on their recovery checks they may not have made yet. I have total healing, so if they beat the recovery DC (10) by enough, I will heal multiple conditions. Calypso's total recovery check comes at +12, and Alchemist's at +9. By the time I wake up, they've had enough time to attempt their first staggered recovery, but if they failed it, not their second. I will get rid of all of Calypso's problems if she rolls a 3 or higher on her recovery check, and only get rid of her staggered condition if she rolls lower than a 3. For Alchemist, he will be completely cured on a 5, and cured of staggered no matter what.[/sblock]

Relique du Madde

In her restless state, the events of the battle keep playing through her mind as she tried to figure out why she failed so miserably during the battle. In hindsight, she realized that luckily, Quicksilver and Nightcrawler did not press any attacks on her because they knew that she wasn't a threat. They could have easily discovered that fact by simply reading what ever files the professor kept in the Danger Room's computers. Her lack of fighting skill was only confirmed by her ability to do real damage during the battle.

As is, Miranda knew that at as a front line fighter, she was totally and utterly ineffective. Even though she could have excelled at being a stealthy fighter, she also proved to be ineffective since Quicksilver was able to notice her approach, but why? She thought long and hard about the reason why only to come to an obvious realization: Quicksilver was able to either hear Miranda's approach or feel a breeze her movements might have caused.

Miranda knew that she had to adopt a fighting style less befitting a super-hero or an X-Man. She would have to learn to fight in a manner more akin to how an assassin, ninja or special forces operative would. To do that would require her to become less Dependant on her flying speed and more reliant on her stealth abilities, at least until she learns how to become less noticeable in flight.


First Post
drothgery said:
"That doesn't change the fact that less than a year ago my primary concerns were girls and football." Eric said. "Having said that, I'll do what I can."

"But not now?" she asks. "Your statement doesn't seem contrary to my own opinion."


Summers shook his head and grinned at Tempers reply "In my experience, the ability to reproduce seldom makes people mature, in fact just the opposite becomes true in most cases, with people thinking only of that... certain thing. However, as much as I'd love to get into a debate over this, I've got work to do, so I'll concede the point for now, though you didn't actually answer my question, miss Smith. Will you help?"

Logan turns to Spike, relaxing somewhat "They're long gone, but I'm gonna do a sweep around the building, see if i can find where they been snoopin. If you wanna tag along, feel free." As the two of them leave, Logan responds to Spike's comment "Lucky's better'n dead, and what makes you think it wasn't skill? Far as I can tell, you did better in there than I did." (Spike may or may not note that Logan has specifically avoided answering his last question)

In the infirmary, The nurse insists on the three students injured staying overnight where she can keep an eye on you. It's getting late anyways, she says, so you may as well get some rest here instead of going out and getting into more trouble.

Voidrunner's Codex

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