• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

{Mutants & Masterminds} United Heroes Limited Series


Issue #8 - "Blazing" (Continued)

Scene 4: "Paradigm in Flux" - Combat Round 2

"You guys are nuts," Acrobat Ace points out. "You leader told you to spread out. Oh well..." He moved into position, and then spun at great speed, razor-sharp metal rings flying from the spinning Acrobat Ace in all directions.

"Neat trick," Electrostatic noted. "But I'm too quick for that." He easily evaded three or four flying objects.

The Scoundrel's overcoat caught a few shards, but was pretty much OK as well.

As Acrobat Ace stopped spinning, he took at look at his foes. "You two are almost as quick as I am. Imagine that."

{Acrobat Ace sets his All-Out Attack back to 0. As a Half Action, he uses his Blade Storm (Super Speed Power Stunt) on Electrostatic and the Scoundrel. Both get Reflex saves (DC 19). Electrostatic gets 30 and the Scoundrel gets 25, both succeed, so the damage mod is halved. Electrostatic ignores the attack, since the new damage bonus (+5) is less than his Protection (+8). The Scoundrel uses Evasion, so he gets a Reflex save (DC 20) against the damage, and succeeds with 21 -- no effect.}

I'm getting a little tired of this character's banter, the Scoundrel thought. He fired off two more shots at the leaping Acrobat Ace, but both blasts missed their target. Wouldn't be so bad if he weren't so damn smug.

{The Scoundrel takes a 5' step as a Free Action, and then, as a Full Round Action, fires both Hellfire Pistols at Acrobat Ace (DEF 33), missing with 16 and 17.}

Out of the corner of his eye, Electrostatic saw Sam Wylde approaching from behind. "Look out," he said to the Scoundrel. "I think the lady has her eye on you, tough guy." Electrostatic took off like a shot, aiming directly for a spot near the edge of the floating platform, but not too close for comfort. He raised his arm, and fired another lightning bolt toward Acrobat Ace, but the agile foe, seeing the attack, hand-planted himself out of the way.

{Electrostatic gets a Spot check (DC 18 for Hide) to see Sam Wylde coming, and succeeds with 19. As a Half Action, Electrostatic moves 40' away from Sam Wylde, and then as another Half Action, fires his Energy Blast at Acrobat Ace (DEF 33), missing with 18.}

A look of insanity crossed Sam Wylde's face. "You're mine!" she screamed as she charged toward the Scoundrel, who barely had time to evade her grabbing hands.

"Keep your hands to yourself, lady," he said in response, rolling out of the way, but ending up on his feet.

{Sam Wylde charges 40' at the Scoundrel (DEF 29), but misses with 26.}

Puncture Proof was confused, and did not understand why this villain would think he and his companions were with Trickster, his hated enemy. Unless...

"You're trying to play mind games with me, huh?" he demanded of Seraphim. "I'm on to those tricks. They don't work on me anymore. You three are the ones with Trickster. You're here to steal the Paradigm Flux Generator."

With both fists pointing the way, Puncture Proof flew straight at Seraphim, trying to knock his foe into the glowing cylinder just feet behind the winged hero. Puncture Proof's lunge failed, and he almost flew into the sphere himself.

{Puncture Proof adds +3 to his Damage while subtracting -3 from his Attack Roll (Power Attack) and tries to ram Seraphim (DEF 22) into the glowing sphere, but misses with 16. Puncture Proof now must make a Reflex save (DC 15) to avoid running into the sphere, and succeeds with 22. Using Move-By Attack, Puncture Proof flies another 35' after the attack.}

"You speak in riddles, bald one," Seraphim replied. "It is you who are here on a mission of thievery, and I am here to disprove your lies. The Sword of Truth shall remove all doubt!"

Seraphim's glowing weapon held high, the angelic hero flew straight at Puncture Proof and laid into the opponent, slashing Puncture Proof's costume, and slightly injuring the nigh-invulnerable metahuman.

"That almost hurt," Puncture Proof replied.

Seraphim was surprised that his foe was not paralyzed, as what should have happened had Puncture Proof been lying. Perhaps there was some truth to his combatant's story. But how could that be?

{Seraphim uses a Free Action for Leadership, and the charges 25' at Puncture Proof (DEF 12 due to charge this round), and hits with 30. Puncture Proof gets a Damage save (DC 19), and fails with 15. Puncture Proof takes a Stun Hit. Using Move-By Attack, Seraphim flies another 20' after the attack.}

This ends Combat Round 2.

Watch for Round 3, Coming Soon!

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Issue #8 - "Blazing" (Continued)

Scene 4: "Paradigm in Flux" - Combat Round 3

"Sam," Acrobat Ace yelled across the field of battle. "Stay there. I've got an idea."

He ran behind the Scoundrel, who was too busy fending off the fearsome Sam Wylde to notice Acrobat Ace behind him until it was too late. Ace grabbed for one of the Scoundrel's Hellfire Pistols, and swiped it before the Scoundrel noticed it was gone. After taking the weapon, Acrobat Ace flipped over the Scoundrel and bounced away behind Sam Wylde.

"Nice toy," Acrobat Ace remarked.

{Acrobat Ace uses a Free Action for leadership, and also assigns +3 to his Attack Roll, with a -3 penalty to his Defense (All-Out Attack). Using a Half Action, Acrobat Ace gets behind the Scoundrel to flank, then with another Half Action, attempts to Disarm the Scoundrel. This is an opposed check, using attack rolls. Acrobat Ace gets a total of 33 vs. the Scoundrel's 20. Acrobat Ace ends up with one of the Scoundrel's Hellfire Pistols. Using Move-By Attack, Acrobat Ace moves another 25' to complete his "attack".}

"What the --" the Scoundrel stammered as he noticed the Hellfire Pistol missing from his left hand. "You little..." He thought to fire at the thief who had just stolen one of his precious pistols, but the Scoundrel was still more concerned about this Sam Wylde character, who had not yet shown her powers.

"I've still got one," the Scoundrel pointed out. "And that's good enough."

He fired his Hellfire Pistol, plinking Sam Wylde sqaure in the chest. The raging Wylde staggered, but did not fall.

{The Scoundrel, as a Half Action, moves 20' away from Sam Wylde. As another Half Action, he fires his remaining Hellfire Pistol at Sam Wylde (DEF 16 due to charge), and hits with 18. Sam Wylde gets a Damage save (DC 17), but fails with 12 and takes a Lethal Hit.}

"Right behind ya, Scoundrel," Electrostatic announced as he slid right next to his ally. "Let's keep the lady off-balance. We can take her out, and then work on the others."

Pointing his index finger, Electrostatic emitted a yellow lightning bolt that buried itself in Sam Wylde's chest, almost exactly where the Scoundrel's fiery round had struck her. She screamed out in agony.

{Electrostatic moves 40' toward Sam Wylde as a Half Action and then as another Half Action, fires his Energy Blast at her (DEF 16), hitting with 18. Sam Wylde gets a Damage save (DC 20), but fails with 7. She spends a Hero Point to re-roll, and this time gets 15, so she takes a Stun Hit.}

"Gang up on me, will ya?" Wylde demanded. "Lightning boy, I've got something for ya!"

Rage now commanding her every move, Sam Wylde wanted nothing more than vengeance on her most recent attacker, Electrostatic. She became a creature of pure emotion, gained speed and fury, and bore down on the electric hero like a runaway freight train.

"Hey, watch it," he replied, trying to dodge Sam Wylde's lunge, but she caught him right on the neck, and drained nearly all the power and energy from him. Electrostatic fell helpless in a heap, and Sam Wylde's body now coursed with electrical energy.

"Now you see the foolishness of resisting us," Wylde announced, her eyes wide with rage and malice.

{Sam Wylde now has to resist her Beserker weakness. She attempts a Will save (DC 20), and fails with a natural 1. She charges Electrostatic (DEF 30), and hits with a natural 20 to Transfer his powers and ability scores. Sam Wylde must first attempt a Damage save (DC 20) against Electrostatic's Energy Field, and succeeds with 21. Electrostatic gets a Will save (DC 18) to resist, but fails with 13. He spends a Hero Point to re-roll, but still fails with 15. Sam Wylde Transfers all of Electrostatic's Ability Scores and Powers, up to +8 modifier, except for Super-Speed, which is more powerful than she can Transfer. Because she has Transfer Weakness as a Flaw, Sam Wylde also transfers ability score mods lower than her own, and gains Electrostatic's Susceptibility to Water.}

"Go Sam," Puncture Proof added, taking a swing at Seraphim, as both fliers hovered a bit in place to enable melee contact. The attempt missed, leaving Puncture Proof to wonder at the agility demonstrated by the angelic hero.

{Puncture Proof adds +3 to Damage, and -3 to Attack (Power Attack). He punches Seraphim (DEF 22), but misses with 14.}

"She is injured," Seraphim called out to the Scoundrel and Electrostatic. "Perhaps if you combine your efforts on her, she can be brought down."

"As for you, minion of evil," Seraphim said, turning his attention to Puncture Proof. "Trickster will not get his Paradigm Flux Generator this day, and I take grave personal offense that you would question my honesty and personal honor. It is indeed you who are seeking to steal the generator, and it is you who will pay for your acts of evil!"

Seraphim swung his Sword of Truth, which glanced off Puncture Proof's ducking head, leaving a trail of divine power in its wake.

{Seraphim uses a Free Action for Leadership. He attempts to Intimidate Puncture Proof (DC 15) and succeeds with 26. At the same time, Seraphim attacks Puncture Proof (DEF 14) with the Sword of Truth, and hits with 23. Puncture Proof gets a Damage save (DC 19), and succeeds with 21.}

This ends Combat Round 3.

Watch for Round 4, Coming Soon!


Issue #8 - "Blazing" (Continued)

Scene 4: "Paradigm in Flux" - Combat Round 4

"See how you like it, villain," Acrobat Ace said, firing the Scoundrel's swiped Hellfire Pistol back at its owner. Seeing it coming, the Scoundrel dodged out of the way, but was none too pleased to have his own weapon used against him.

{Acrobat Ace uses a Free Action on Leadership, and uses All-Out Attack to add +3 to Attack, and taking a -3 penalty to Defense. He fires the Hellfire Pistol at the Scoundrel (DEF 29), but misses with 25.}

How humiliating, the Scoundrel realized. I'd love to wipe that smirk off his face, but 'Lectro needs my help. He raised the one pistol still in his position and fired it at the newly-energized Sam Wylde, who did nothing to evade the shot. The fiery blast hit Wylde in the back, but did nothing other than get her attention.

"You're kidding, right?" she asked sarcastically.

{The Scoundrel fires his Hellfire Pistol at Sam Wylde (DEF 21 due to charge last round and new mods) and hits with 30. She doesn't need to make a Damage save because the damage bonus of the Hellfire Pistol (+7) is less than her combined Force Field and Protection (+10).}

"Ugh," Electrostatic grunted as he got to his feet. He looked up to see the gloating Sam Wylde, now enjoying hew new powers. She didn't even seem to notice Electrostatic run off, albeit a little slower than he would normally have moved. I've got to get away, he realized. I'm in no shape to fight any of these guys right now. I could barely power a lightbulb right now!

{Electrostatic double moves for a total of 60' away from Sam Wylde as his action this round.}

When she saw that her quarry was trying to escape, Sam gave chase. "Oh no," she said. "I'm not done with you yet!" She fired a blast of electrical energy that nailed Electrostatic square in the back, dropping him to the ground. She laughed maniacally and turned to face the rest of her foes.

{Sam Wylde, as a Half Action, moves 30' toward Electrostatic. She fires her Energy Blast at Electrostatic (DEF now 21) and hits with a natural 20. A roll of 27 confirms the critical hit. Electrostatic gets a Reflex save (Evasion) DC 28 against the attack, and fails with 17. Electrostatic takes a Stun Hit and is Unconscious. 1 point of Transfer goes back to Electrostatic, and Sam Wylde's transferred attributes lose a point/rank.}

"You know what," Puncture Proof said after mulling it over, "I believe you. I don't know why, but there's something about you, wings. Maybe we are on the same side."

"What do you mean?" Seraphim demanded. "That cannot be. You must have been sent here by Trickster to stop us."

"We were sent here by Trickster alright," Puncture Proof replied. "But not of our own volition. We were his enemies, before he tricked us into coming to Pandemonium and getting trapped here."

"If that's true," Seraphim said, "We need to stop this immediately."

"Agreed," Puncture Proof replied. "Ace," he called out. "End hostilities!"

Acrobat Ace looked up at his ally, trying to gauge whether or not Puncture Proof was being mentally controlled, or if this was the real deal. "What?"

"I said end hostilities," Puncture Proof replied. "They're good guys."

Seraphim flew toward the Scoundrel. "He is correct," he called out. "We are all against Trickster. This was a simple mistunderstanding."

"Tell that to S.W.," Acrobat Ace replied. "She's all lathered up now."

{Puncture Proof attempts a Diplomacy check on Seraphim, getting at total of 28. Seraphim opposes with Sense Motive, but only gets 18, so he goes along with things.}

Seraphim flew down to the enraged Sam Wylde, hovering above her just slightly. "Stand down, madam," he said calmly.

She looked into the eyes that spoke a true wisdom, and felt her will to fight drain from her. "What -- What's going on?" she asked.

"All will be revealed shortly," he replied. "I promise you that."

{Seraphim takes a Half Action to fly down to Sam Wylde and then attempts a Diplomacy check (DC 20) to calm her Berserk state. He succeeds with 26, so she stands down.}

"You right about that, Seraphim," a female voice called out. Everyone looked upwards, where the voice had come from, and saw the Duchess, standing atop a maze wall, along with Mana, Lodestone, and Fang.

"All will be revealed soon," the Duchess said. "Only you fools will be stuck in here, powerless to stop us!"

Mana opened up a portal to the plane of mortals, and she, the Duchess, and Fang stepped through, leaving only Lodestone.

"Oh, and in case you were wondering," Lodestone said. "Yes, we found what we were looking for." He held up a small glowing metal object, the Paradigm Flux Generator. "See ya," he said, stepping through the gateway as it closed.

This Ends Issue #8, "Blazing".
Watch for Issue #9, "Inferno", Coming Soon!


First Post
Arrrrgh, they must have removed my subscribed threads... or I would have chimed in sooner... Loving it, and now getting caught up on my fave storyhour :)


Tokiwong said:
Arrrrgh, they must have removed my subscribed threads... or I would have chimed in sooner... Loving it, and now getting caught up on my fave storyhour :)

I was wondering about that... I hoped you hadn't given up considering I took nearly a week to post the fight.


Issue #9 - "Inferno"

Scene 1: "Back at the Homestead"

Note: I'm making some changes to the posted versions of the characters in the story. I'm switching from a 3:1 ratio of skills:pP to a ratio of 2:1. That will force changes on nearly every character. I am also making a few changes to coincide with Green Ronin's errata. I will post the new versions soon.
- editor

Harpy stood in the study, along with Torpedo, Iron Dragon, Pathfinder, and MorningStar, all with plaintive faces.

"So what exactly are we supposed to do now?" MorningStar asked after a long pause.

"They must be close to constructing that terrible device," Pathfinder added. "We must do whatever we can to prevent a full-scale war between the nations of the world and the Atlanteans."

"Such a war benefits no one," Torpedo stated. "Only the villains of the world stand to gain from the Chaos Engine."

Harpy turned to face her fellow teammates. "That is precisely what Trickster and his fiends are counting on," she said.

"Can you see what's going on over at the island?" MorningStar asked of Pathfinder.

"I can see only what has already transpired," Pathfinder replied. "And even then, I must be at the location in question. Unfortunately, my vision is somewhat limited in this capacity."

"Our only recourse may be to wait for our allies' arrival," Iron Dragon said. "If indeed they ever come back..."

"They'll come back," MorningStar said. "I just know it."

"I echo your sentiment, MorningStar," Pathfinder commented. "The spirits are with us. Our allies were able to make it through that gate before it closed, and thus afforded the opportunity to make a difference. I can only believe that this opportunity will bear fruit."

Torpedo stood, and joined Harpy near the large bay window that gave some light to the somewhat stuffy chamber. "If the villains return with whatever they needed -- and I have to assume it's the Paradigm Flux Generator -- it will be a short time before the Chaos Engine is completed. Trickster and his allies will then be able to cause all sorts of 'natural' disasters all over the globe."

"Do we have any idea how long it will take to finish constructing the Chaos Engine once they return?" Harpy asked.

"It's difficult to say," the Atlantean replied. "I would have a better idea if I were sure how close the engine was to completion."

"Wait," MorningStar said. "Why do you think those bad guys went after the Paradigm thingy?"

Torpedo smiled. "It is the only piece that has never been seen since the Chaos Engine was dismantled. Logic dictates that Trickster somehow learned the Paradigm Flux Generator's location and sent his operatives to get it."

"What if there are more pieces yet to be obtained?" Iron Dragon asked. "We may yet have more time."

"Hmm," Torpedo mused. "Perhaps I should go to the island again. They have most likely constructed the Chaos Engine there."

"I don't know," Harpy replied. "There are still five or six villains still on the island. It's very dangerous."

"Danger or not," Torpedo said, "I must go. We need to know how close Trickster is to completing the Chaos Engine."

"What if we took the hydrofoil out to maybe a mile away from the island?" MorningStar asked. "That way, we'll be within range for Torp's radio, and we'll know quickly when Seraphim and the fellas return."

"An excellent idea," Pathfinder said. "What do you say, Harpy?"

"Let's get the hydrofoil ready," she replied. "I want to be on the water in half an hour."


"How long is this supposed to take, fearless leader?" Bombardier asked.

Trickster turned from the window overlooking the open sea. "You are far too impatient, my grenade-tossing friend," he replied. "Pandemonium is quite unnatural, as I'm sure you understand. Its rules are... quite unreliable. Mana and the others will be back soon. I can feel it."

"If only we hadst slain the intruders," Cyber-Knight said. "Their deaths would have surely sealed our ultimate victory."

"Yeah, sure," Bombardier replied. "You've got a lot more confidence in this plan than I do, CK."

Cyber-Knight drew his sword. "If thou hath any doubt, mayhap thou art a spy or worse -- a traitor!"

Bombardier backed up, giving Cyber-Knight a wide berth. "Hey, hold on. Wait a minute."

Cyber-Knight threw a glance at Trickster, whose body language gave away nothing. The villainous leader smirked a bit.

The armored villain pointed his vibrating blade at Bombardier. "Submit to me, craven fool."

{Cyber-Knight attempts an Intimidate check, getting a total of 21, but needs a total of 24 to affect Bombardier, so nothing happens.}

Bombarder, on the other hand, slyly palmed a Neural Bomb and held it behind his back. Seeing this, Trickster backed out of the chamber, leaving the squabbling villains to their own devices.

{Bombardier attempts Sleight of Hand to conceal his drawing the grenade. His check is 18, opposed by the Spot checks of Trickster and Cyber-Knight. Trickster gets gets 25, while Cyber-Knight gets 11. Trickster sees the grenade, while Cyber-Knight does not.}

"I'm not afraid of you," Bombardier said. "But I am no traitor. I dare you to prove otherwise."

"I shouldst draw every drop of blood from you," Cyber-Knight said, sheathing his Vibrosword. "But I can see that thou art not a traitor, lest thine cowardice be now shown."

Cyber-Knight turned away from Bombardier and faced the window, looking for Trickster. "Whither Trickster, prithee?"

{Bombardier tosses the Neural Bomb at Cyber-Knight, who isn't aware, so he doesn't get a Reflex save to resist. Cyber-Knight must make a Will save (DC 16) to resist the effect, but fails with 12. Bombardier steps just out of the area of effect, so he doesn't need to make a save or anything. Cyber-Knight is frozen in place.}

"Fool," Bombardier said as he left the room. "Now where did Surge and Barracuda go?"

Watch for Scene 2, Coming Soon!

Voidrunner's Codex

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