As another side note a lot of players assume that in the 1920s the firearms laws in the US were near none existent, or at least more lax than they are today. When in fact they were noticeably stricter in many states, and often in ones you wouldn't expect. For example in 1871 Texas made concealed carry illegal and banned all handguns within towns, in 1895 you had to be over 21 to own a gun and in 1917 Texas passed a law that required guns to be registered with the state.
In 1837, Georgia made it illegal “to sell. . .or to keep or have about their persons” pistols or other listed weapons. The restriction applied both to merchants and private citizens, and its stated purpose was “to guard and protect the citizens of this State against the unwarrantable and too prevalent use of deadly weapons.” Arkansas barred all handgun transfers, and pistol cartridges, in 1881; Kansas barred all firearms carrying in 1901; Tennessee criminalized any transfer of handguns as well as their importation into the state in 1879; and Wyoming banned all firearms from “any city, town or village” in 1876.
Consider this state law...
“every person within the state . . . who owns or has in his possession any fire arms or weapons shall make a full, true and complete verified report . . . to the sheriff of the county in which such person lives, of all fire arms and weapons which are owned or possessed by him or her or are in his or her control, and on sale or transfer into the possession of any other person such person shall immediately forward to the sheriff of the County in which such person lives the name and address of that purchaser and person into whose possession or control such fire arm or weapon was delivered. . . .For the purpose of this Act a fire arm or weapon shall be deemed to be any revolver, pistol, shot gun, rifle.”
That was enacted in Montana in 1918. (