D&D 5E My New Players Have Quit 5th Edition


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I'm not the only one complaining about 1st level being too lethal. The Challenge rating on many of the monsters is too low. The hit points and the damage is too high.

I was a play tester for 4th edition too. Advice given at that time was ignored. Always listen to the customer and consider any negative advice as valuable in improving the product.

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Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
I'm not the only one complaining about 1st level being too lethal. The Challenge rating on many of the monsters is too low. The hit points and the damage is too high.

I was a play tester for 4th edition too. Advice given at that time was ignored. Always listen to the customer and consider any negative advice as valuable in improving the product.

How do you know they didn't listen to the customer? What makes you think your views aren't minority views? I'm going to presume they did listen to the customers, just did not agree with all views customers expressed and, therefore, did not follow them.

Voidrunner's Codex

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