D&D 5E My Possible Multi-Classing Rules/Guidelines


So after reading all the threads on multi-classing, I decided to try my hand at actually putting down some possible rules for it to try. First off I am really intrigued by the idea of divorcing character level from class level. In other words leveling a class would be more like old style AD&D than 3.x multi-classing.

In 3.x Character level was based on your total XP. This level set the XP cost for new levels. At level 8 a PC needed 8,000 XP to gain a level no matter if that was taking level 9 in a single class, or level 2 in a class he was mutli-classing in. Under this system the new lass level only cost what it would take to increase that class to it's next level regardless of the PC's total XP. So that PC would only need to spend 1,000 XP to increase that other class from level 1 to level 2.

Note: All XP numbers are based 3.x XP system.

  • Character level is based on total XP earned, not on actual class levels.
For example a PC with 22,000 XP would be a level 7 character but his class levels could be a single level 7, or 5/5, or 4/4/4 or 6/4, or 5/4/3 or 4/3/3/3.

  • Level 1 of a multi-class cost 1,000 XP.
So you start as a level 1 PC, after 1,000 XP you can either grab level 2 in your class or take a level of something else.

  • You gain full class abilities, expect Hit Points and Hit Dice for every level.
Some things, like the Rogue's sneak attack damage may need toned down or else they become too easy for a quick grab of some extra damage. But for right now I'm leaving them as is.

  • You gain full Hit Points and Hit Dice on any level that is your single highest level.
For example if you are a level 3/3 and level to 4/3, you would gain full Hit Points and Hit Dice for that level.

  • You gain Hit Points only when your multi-class level equals your highest class level. The hit points you gain (including any CON bonus) for that class are divided by the total number of classes you have.
For example if you went from 4/3 to 4/4 you would gain half the normal number for the level. If you had a 4/3/3 and went to a 4/4/3 you would only get a third of the total number of hit points you normally would. If you had a 5/3 and went to a 5/4 you would get no hit points at all.

  • Hit Dice are gained only only when your multi-class level equals your highest class level and only on even numbered levels.
For example if you went from 4/3 to 4/4 you would gain a Hit Dice of the new class. If you were 3/2 and went to 3/3 you would not gain a new Hit Dice. If you had a 5/3 and went to a 5/4 you would not get a new Hit Dice.

Other thoughts/issues:
If classes are front loaded, this style of multi-classing would make very easy to make some powerful PCs.
Even if it takes 3 levels to gain the full benefits of a class, it is still not that big of investment for a high level PC to dip into and take those 3 levels without delaying their own advancement by much.
Low level multi-classed PC appear more versatile and nearly as powerful as a single classed PC. For the same XP total you can have a Level 7 PC, or a Level 5/5 or a 6/4 multi-class PC. At higher levels the level difference does spread out. For the same XP you could have a level 14 PC, or a level 10/10, or 12/7, or 13/4 multi-class PC.
Some issues still need to be worked out, like is spell power based on Character level, or Caster level? Right now I'm tempted to leave it as Caster level since those first few levels of casting don't cost you as much under this system as they did under 3.x.

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First Post
Even if it takes 3 levels to gain the full benefits of a class, it is still not that big of investment for a high level PC to dip into and take those 3 levels without delaying their own advancement by much.

. .. depending on how XP requirements scale, it might be possible for a high-level character to qualify for a quick dip into 1-2 levels of a new class following a single battle.

I think that just means some other constraints would need to be in place.


In terms of gaining hit points / hit dice using your system... it might be easier / less confusing if rather than gaining them when your multi-class level equals your highest level, etc... you instead just gain them when you character level up. And the hit points / hit die you gain are then based on whatever is your primary (ie highest level) class at the time.

That way everybody gains hit points and hit dice at the same XP amount, regardless of whether they are single or multi-class.


Victoria Rules
"Character level" as defined here is an unneccessary complication.

If XP can be divided into the different classes as you go along, with each class on its own advancement scale, then ignoring "character level" you're fairly close to what I've been proposing. You just need to divorce the idea from 3e-think.

As for hit dice, you take the average - a 50% Fighter/50% Thief would roll a d8 when it bumped; d8 being the average of d10 and d6. If the levels are disparate you gain the hit die when your highest class bumps but it's still a weighted average, thus a 75% Fighter/25% Thief would roll a d9 when the Fighter side bumped.

In either case you never roll more hit point dice than your highest level.

The intent is that a 4-4 character is about equal to a single-class 5th, not an 8th.

Lan-"the drum is getting a workout today"-efan

Voidrunner's Codex

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